
what awaits the horror in darkness

do you think you'll still want to talk to him after the revelation of his true Identity? the witch queen asked, well to tell you the shock of your life, I knew from the very start, dummy, she said while her lips curved into a devilish smirk

Kimhwaaisha · Horror
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21 Chs

chapter 12: Bravery and strange

After the slow music had ended, I took the move and led her to where I had set the table, I pulled her a chair and sat her down, and also took my seat, after what seems like eternity we finished up our sets and we're almost getting to bed when suddenly the window flew open, I looked surprised not because of what had opened the window but how Tessa stood there without moving an inch from the position we were in, she calmingly turn around to confront the silver queen and yes sure it was her, interrupting the almost perfect night (as if I care) I sat at the edge of the bed and smiled at lincius, he was as shocked as the witch/queen, I spoke up Mrs. Whatever your name could be, can you please have some respect and give us privacy, seriously?! Mhmm do you really think what you've said earlier will affect me well in your dreams stupid dummy! Oh sorry I think I should give you some respect ( standing up and vowing) since  you're a queen right? Or should I say a witch? (Giggling) I love the look on your face witchyqueen, lincius chuckled silently, I glanced at him and we giggled even more, by this time the witchyqueen was already losing her fake mind and began to scream in agony, her face began to change, woah! (Surprised, nope I'm not) I spoke up again do you  really think you can scare m.. before I could complete my disrespectful sentence, lincius used his index finger to keep me shut, while saying sheeshh you don't have to provoke her more, unless you want her to regain her powers, the silver witch/queen flew out of the room in pain with the words, Tessa you've crossed your line, and I won't let it slide don't forget this isn't over, with that she disappeared completely, well that kind of left me stunned, I turned to lincius and what he did shocked me, he burst out laughing so hard, it's being long since he laughed that hard, he came closer and leaned in I never knew I got such a brave lioness with me, I smiled and said well I've to, because I live with the king lion, we both chuckled and he pulled me in for a kiss..

*Mrs.El's mansion*

It was already morning, she pulled out her phone and dialed in Tessa's number, Lincius woke up from the sound of the disturbing and annoying rings, he reached out  and grabbed the phone  and picked it up without  saying  a single word, Mrs. El spoke first, so someone had totally forgotten about me right? (I didn't reply because I knew there's something up with this woman), she spoke again did you forget that I'm you mother and yet you still choose to follow that coward, well I don't blame you, but can you please come over for dinner and please come alone I want us to talk about something very important, (I refused to reply) and she spoke again you don't need to speak if you don't want to, but just know that momma loves you a lot.......... (I twitched my lips and shook my head hmph) what a drama queen. I switched off the phone and clinge to Tessa even more and kissed her forehead, mhmm she moaned, how did it go with mom, he kissed me again and said so my brave queen lioness was already up and heard everything, so what do you think should we attend it?, I gave him a pinch and said excuse me I thought she said only Tessa could attend, he chuckled and replied well I think I'm part of Tessa, she pinched me even hard and said I love you, you genius.....

*Mrs. Linos mansion*

Mrs. Lino was coming down from the stairs when she suddenly tripped and went rolling down the stairs, she screamed but no one was home, she turned around to see a glowing review in front of her, and what shocked her even more was that it headed towards lincius room and went inside, she stood up even though she had hurt her ankle she still managed to limp and went to the direction of the room, the more she went closer the more the strange sounds she hears, she tired to push the door open but the handle fell to the floor and the nail injured her 'ouch' she cried as she bent down to pick it up but suddenly the door went open on its own, there was a heavy wind blowing out from the room, but as soon as she stood up to see what's inside she was shocked to see that the room wasn't as the same as it was before, but she couldn't care less she headed downstairs almost forgetting about her injured ankle and started to dial lincius number so that he can explain why he has changed everything in the room without letting her know, a loud bang was heard but Mrs. Lino just turned and stared at the door for a while and turned to leave, after making sure that nothing was wrong, but as soon as she reached downstairs she noticed that something was kind of out of place, something is definitely wrong with this house, just then she met some strangers sitting at the living room they all greeted her at once well she couldn't care less because they all said they were lincius friends, I was so surprised so lincius had so many friends I don't know about oh god lincius has a lot to explain , and just as she was about to entertain with them with some snacks the door bell rang she excused herself and went to go check who it was, as she flew the door open she was surprised to see lincius and Tessa she was more than happy, she hugged them both and welcomed them in warmly, she began, good timing boy, your friends are h... Before she could complete  her sentence her  jaw dropped the house was back to normal and the strangers who had addressed themselves as lincius friends  are no where to be found,  WTH! What's going on!...