
what awaits the horror in darkness

do you think you'll still want to talk to him after the revelation of his true Identity? the witch queen asked, well to tell you the shock of your life, I knew from the very start, dummy, she said while her lips curved into a devilish smirk

Kimhwaaisha · Horror
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21 Chs

chapter 11: the queen!

I went and took some quick shower and came out, I went straight to my dresser and took out some clothes and wore it on, even with all that's  happening I couldn't get an answer to the questions in my head that are multiplying by millions each minute, I decided to confront Lincius when he arrives back, and yes with that thought I made up my mind!

        *On lincius side*

A loud voice that sounds  like the roaring thunder was heard, lincius was seen sitting down majestically on the kings chair he looked Less disturbed than the others, well it's because the late queens corpse was no where to be found, what a diaster! All the other fellow creatures were really Disturbed, well because if the late queens corpse can't be found it only meant one thing and that is she's still alive, Lincius just sat there with zero emotions, well the people that were taking long to arrive were Razernvens and the other team and soon enough they all arrived and the meeting began, a lot was discussed in which how the queen will be captured and locked up before everything gets out of hand, because she's being haunting the outside world since before her fake death or could it be that someone had stole the corpse? Oh whatever we need to find her ASAP!


She was sitting at the edge of the bed still waiting for her prince charming to arrive but there's no sign of him arriving any time soon, I waited a little longer and mistakenly drift off soon afterwards I felt as if a nail is been dragged on my skin making me to have goosebumps I didn't really care much until when it began to get harder I opened up my eyes to make contact with the silver Angel? Queen? Whatever, she smiled and whispered long time Mrs. Lincius, I screamed out of agony I was really shocked but I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was, her silver eyes glows so good she's almost perfect just not for her attitude, I sighed hmph! And then spoke seriously? You guys really won't give up? Do you really understand what you're getting yourself into when lincius finds out? Just then she laughed hysterically and shifted a little her silver beautiful hair dancing oh I can't help but admire how pretty she is, (oh snap out of it you idiot) I kept on reminding myself of the situation I was in, I was in deep thought when the silver witch/ queen snapped her finger and spoke are you talking about that lincius? What I saw froze my entire system, WTH! Is that lincius, he was sitting so calm and charming, wearing the most weird royal clothes, with no emotions, I couldn't believe my eyes, was this my lincius, my one and only lincius? Oh no, I kept on convincing myself that he wasn't the one, there must be some sort of misunderstanding, now it was my time to laugh, I laughed out loud and the silver witch/ queen stared at me with utter shock, I shook my head and spoke, excuse me but you know you look just like a lost puppy do you think you can ever fool me, not in your dreams jerk but you just wait you'll regret it when he arrives, he'll show you no mercy, I made sure to prove the witch/ queen and yes I succeeded her smile faded and she spoke so you really don't understand that lincius isn't the one for you, this is your last warning I'm letting you go but make sure you let lincius go no matter what and yes! You're right that isn't your lincius he's my lincius, when I get to control him that's how I'm going to make him! More mightier than he is now, I repeat he is not the one for you! Take note, I smiled and spoke up are you sure you can do that? Because I'm certain you're older than lincius and besides he'll never like you not even in your dreams, the witch/ queen slapped me but that didn't make me shut I spoke up again lincius will never love a woman that looks like you, so damn ugly, I don't understand why you'll stoop so low, well I didn't mean anything I say but I'm just trying to stand up for myself, she smiled and sighed alright, she called up to someone and spoke take her away already!....


After all was discussed lincius headed home hoping all was well with Tessa, he arrived and what he saw made his jaw drop to the floor, Tessa had lit up candles everywhere roses was spread all over the bed and floor, she's set a romantic dinner, dressed in the most sexiest dress, she looked so damn cute and with that I forgot all that was on my mind, she helped me take off my leather jacket and prepared a warm bath for me, Beats of slow  romantic music, so good I smiled satisfied, after taking my warm bath, I also dressed up in my satisfying clothes, Tessa was acting all calmed and loving and that's making me love her damn more! She held my hand and led me to have a dance with her and I really enjoyed it!.....

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