
What an American does, when the world terns into a game.

There was a huge buzz in the sky, everyone in the world heard it, along with a burning sensation on their left hand ware a mark aperid. An American citizen named John was walking home when it happened, but right after the buzzing, the ground cracked under him and with it, a black light shot up and pulled him in and brought him into a different world.

hake12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


"Ow! Damn that hurts! So it wasn't a dream, after all, huh," he said as he sat up and rubbed his leg. He pulled up his jeans and looked at his bandaged wound, the blood had seeped through the white t-shirt. He got up and looked at the clock, it was 4:30.

"Man, I need to get to work soon, it's almost 5." He grabbed the remote and turned on a small television in front of the couch, and switched to the news channel. He then began to pour himself a bowl of cereal and sat back down on the couch. The news showed a black portal that was graded by the police, while news reporter talked about what was happening in the US and the world.

{"As you can see, police are clearing the area around these dark fractures. As of now, we still don't know what they are, but what we do know is that there have been videos and reports of people touching them and disappearing. We do not know if these people are dead, but there hasn't been a report of anyone coming back, so the government is asking for anyone who sees a fracture to not touch it or go near it and report it immediately."} all of a sudden, John's mark started to glow, And then the reporters did too. John and the reporter looked at their hand, John already knew what it meant so he tapped the mark, and then he tapped the mailbox button.


{Mailbox - 1!} |X|

{World Notification! As of now on the first day, over 10000 people have died in the dungeons of this world. and only under 300 made it out alive. So the system will give the basic information about the dungeons. Dungeons are the core resources to get EXP to level up, weapons, skills, in-game gold, and materials for crafting. As of now, all the dungeons are at level F which can only have 5 people in at a time, but higher-level ones will appear in the future and will have an increased limit to the number of people who can enter. When dungeons are not cleared in 30 days, 2 things can happen, for level F and D dungeons, everything will disappear within 50-100 meters. For the rest of the dungeons, they will release all the monsters inside and start to terraform the area around it, similar to what the inside looks like. You will have to figure out the rest yourself.} [clear message]

[clear all]


"What? All of those fractures are going to blow up? And how will people take it if they are living next to bombs? Event Map." as he was checking the map to see if there are any fractures near his house, the reporter finally fingered out how to open the message and read it.

{"Um... ladies and gentleman, if you remember what we talked about last night and tap on your mark, you can see the screen that pops up in front of you, now if you look at the bottom you can see the mailbox button that has a 1 next to it and tap it… now I ask you to remain calm, and wait till the government responds to this new development.} John didn't care what the reporter said and checked to see if there were any other fractures near his house, there weren't any. After he checked, he finished his cereal and put some new clothes on and went to work.

He arrived at his workplace, it was a small grocery store at the end of the street. he went to the employees only room to grab his work clothes. While he started to do his work as usual, like stocking shelves and sitting at the counter waiting for people to check out. Well, there wasn't anyone in the store shopping because of what's happening right now, so he just sat there on his phone waiting for his shift to be over.

"Hey! don't you know what's going on? How can you sit there like nothing has happened!?" a short, pretty girl with orange-red hair and green eyes came up to him.

"What do you mean?" he said, still looking at his phone.

"Huh!? You know, the fact that everyone has a mark on their left hand, and these fractures have appeared all over the world, which are apparently like ticking time bombs that will destroy everything within 50 to 100 meters!" she seemed very angry and worried about what was going on, well, anyone would be.

"Well, I guess I'm just good at ignoring things, and besides look around, there is no one hear to bother us, so that means less work for me to do," he said with a slight smile, but she looked at him bewildered like he was some freak.

"You know, my dad got sucked into one of those things, it was when that buzzing happened, and after it stopped, we heard a loud noise outside and went to check it out to see what it was, but dad got to close and.." she said sadly with some anger in her words, stopping midway through. Suddenly, John shot out of his char.

"Did he have a gun on him or a weapon?" he asked suddenly.

"What!? No, he doesn't carry a gun with him, that's crazy!… but, he has always carried a switchblade his father gave to him when he was younger." she screamed angrily at first but then was confused as to why he was asking this.

"Kate, I think I can help your father, but only if he is still alive." he grabbed her hand and started to run towards his house.

"Hey, where are you taking me! And what about work and the thing you just said!" she said frantically as she was getting pulled along.

"We are going to my house so I can get prepared, and don't wary about work, I can make some bullshit excuse later." as he was running, he felt faster and noticed that his leg wasn't hurting as much as before.

["Was it due to my level increasing, or my stats? I'll have to look at this later."] he thought to himself. Luckily he reached his house in no time.

"ah, damn you are fast, How can you run like that? And what is this dump, and what did you say earlier about my dad?" she asked.

"Just stay here and wait, I'll be right back." he went inside his house and looked around. He found his gun and some extra rounds to bring this time. He started to load up his gun and went back outside.

"What were you doing in there?" she asked curiously.

"I just needed to grab some things. Can you bring me to where your dad disappeared?" he asked impatiently.

"Fine, but what are you going to do? Wait, you are not going to…" she asked but was interrupted.

"Yes, I'm going in there to save your dad, what did you think I was going to do?"