
What an American does, when the world terns into a game.

There was a huge buzz in the sky, everyone in the world heard it, along with a burning sensation on their left hand ware a mark aperid. An American citizen named John was walking home when it happened, but right after the buzzing, the ground cracked under him and with it, a black light shot up and pulled him in and brought him into a different world.

hake12 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


"Arrr, damn it! This hurts!" he said as he limped his way home. When he reached his old and rundown house, he took off his jeans and looked at his wound.

"Ahh, well, it doesn't look too bad at least." he sat down on a chair and started to clean up the blood from his wound so he could disinfect it. *Buzz* *Buzz* his phone started to ring. He looked at the phone number, it was his mom, and she has been calling since the marks appeared on everyone's hand.

"Hello mom, how have you…"

"HOW HAVE I BEEN DOING!!?? Haven't you seen the news!? Didn't you hear that weird noise when the marks appeared on everyone's hand!? And why haven't you called me back, I've been calling you since this all happened!?" she interrupted him and screamed wildly

"Mom I'm fine! I just left my phone home when I went to the store." all of that was a lie except for the store bit.

"Ah, fine, I'll leave you alone now, but call me if you need anything, the whole world is in a panic, and weird black portals have shone up everywhere, don't forget your phone again just in case something happens!"

"Ok, I got it! Good-bye, mom!"

"Good-bye." *Click* he turned off his phone and went back to tending his wound. He grabbed a clean white shirt and started to cut it into strips, he then began to rap his leg and cover his wounds.

"Well, I guess this will work for now, so what is it this time." he looked at his left hand, it glowed like it did the first time. He touched it and the same screen showed up.


Level 4 |X|

Name: John Smith <male>

MP: 40/40

780/2000 exp

Str 3 < > Def 4 < > int 4 < >

Agl 6 < > Sta 3 < > Wis 3 < >

Stat points available: 9


|- Event Map <MAX> {cost: None} {cooldown: none} only active on Earth -|- 2x multiplier <MAX> {cost: None} {cooldown: none} this skill will disappear in 30 days -|- Black Shard <1 / 5> {cost: 10 MP} {cooldown: 5sec} each level up will decrease cooldown by 1sec -|


Active quests: none

[ Shop - level 5 Required ] [ Auction house - level 20 Required ] [ Mailbox: 1! ] [ inventory 1!]


"So if this works how I think it does, then I'll put 3 points into agility, 2 points in stamina, and the rest in defense. Ah, right, I also got a common weapon and a new skill, and I got a new message too." he tapped on the arrows to set his points, and then he tapped on the mailbox inventory icon.


{Mailbox - 1!} |X|

{Congratulations! You are the first in your world to have cleared a dungeon! To reword your strength, you will be granted the |-Black Shard-| skill you can say the name or think of the action to use it. Although the skill is not powerful, it is a big boost to your strength in the early game and is better than any common sword or bow you can find in the beginning} [clear message]

[clear all]


{inventory - 1!} |X|

|{common short sword} durability: 25/25| [take out] [sell for 50G]


"Is that it? Only a short sword? why would I need that when I have this." he patted his thigh where his gun was and hit the sell button without a second thought. He looked at his skills closely and said.

"Event Map." a map of the world popped up, there were black dots everywhere, hundreds of them all over the world. He touched a red dot that was showing where he was. the screen changed into a 3d map of the city, there were only a few in and around the city that he could see. He looked at his wounded leg and then the clock that read 9:30.

"Damn, I need to get some rest. I will figure this out tomorrow. Huh, why am I taking this so well? I almost died there! And what is happening to the world right now! Ah, this doesn't feel like a dream, but I hope things will go back to normal after I wake up." he turned off the lights and went to sleep on the couch but when he woke up, he still had the mark on his hand and an injured leg.