
What A Horrible Reincarnation

A NEET died, met Rob, and got reincarnated into MHA.

GentleGoose · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

As the gears are turning.

'I need to take a shit.. ' I thought mindlessly as I was inside an interrogation room.

I was sitting on the table with Aizawa on the opposite side.

"..." 2x.

After the fight with those kidnappers, Aizawa dragged me to the police station. He said that he have some questions that I would need to answer first.

But... Ain't this too excessive!? Why's the need for an interrogation room? It's as if he's treating me like I'm some kind of criminal!

We've been sitting here for almost 15 minutes now without doing anything. And right now, I really need to go home.

I raised my hand. "Uhh.. Can I go home now?" I asked.

"..." He opened his eyes to look at me, only for him to close them again.

I stood up. "Oh come on! Say something!"

Aizawa opened his eyes. "Sit down, the questioning will be soon."

"What questions? It's not like I have an offence right? I didn't even interfere with you!"

Aizawa turned serious. "Offence? You're a teenager strolling around on the street at midnight, you should have been sleeping at this time. And you say you didn't interfere? we've been eyeing those kidnappers, and are on our way to capture them. Though it's good that things ended up well, can you take responsibility if something bad happens?"

"Ugh... " I grumbled.

I couldn't say something because technically, he's right. I may be strong, but a normal kid would definitely put himself in danger in that situation.

Then suddenly, someone opened the door.

He whispered to Aizawa. "Eraser Head, here's the information about the kid."

Aizawa then took the papers. "Ok kid, I'll start questioning you now. Don't worry, I will just be confirming your identity."

I scratched my cheeks. "Still, this is kinda excessive isn't it..?"

"Ok so, let's start. What's your name?" Aizawa said as he started to read the paper

'Oi, don't ignore me!'

"Uh.. name's Staz." I said blankly.

Aizawa raised his eyebrows as he looked at me. "Ugh, It's Staz! Staz Charlie Blood," I answered.

Then, he proceeded to read again. "What's your age, and address?" he asked.

I smiled. "I am a teenager, and I certainly live around Shizuoka," I answered.


Aizawa binded me with his bondage clothes. "Are you thinking this is a joke huh?"

"No, I don't!!" / 'bitch I do'.

He sighed as he unbound me. "Sigh.. I'm not paid enough for this," he said, sitting down.

Aizawa looked at me. "Ok, I will just go straight down to the final question. Mr. delinquent, what were you doing this time around? Because as young as you may seem to be, you're still loitering dead at night. You could still be labeled as a potential danger," he said seriously.

'Eh..? Seriously? Am I that dangerous looking?'

Well, he's still kinda right I guess. I mean just look at that certain blonde highschool crazy girl who's always craving for blood.

I turned serious. "I was just on my way home after a bit of training with my quirk. That, is the truth. And I swear that I have no malicious intent or whatsoever," I answered.

"And also, I may look pale and have incredible eye bags but, this is just the effect of my quirk. I am perfectly healthy," I added.

Aizawa then sighed as he stood up."Sigh, well I guess this is it. You can go home now," he said.

"Eh? That's it?" I said confusingly.

"What? You want to stay here longer?" he eyed me.

I immediately stood up. "What? No, no, no! Haha! Alright bye bye!" I said as I went to the door.

"Wait, I still have something to say," he called out to me.

I raised my right eyebrow. "Hm?"

"I saw that you could protect yourself but..." he said. "...becareful out there," he said as he turned around.

I smiled. "Yeah, yeah, I know. See ya next time," I said as I went through the door.

'Next.. time?' Aizawa thought as he glanced back at me as I exited.

After that, the night went peacefully. I immediately went straight to my apartment, and slept.

And then, time passed..


I woke up in my apartment early in the morning, trying to get myself ready for the U.A entrance exam.

It's been a full week since I met Aizawa. Yesterday, we finished our final examination which I think I did good. It's just a junior high school level exam so it was kinda easy. Although I had to take a quick review to refresh my memory.

I then prepared all the things that I would bring inside my bag. It was mainly some watermelon, pencil case with mechanical pencil, and an extra outfit.

I then carefully brushed my teeth, but not to the point where I would curse some germs.

My breakfast was just some fried egg with rice that I made. Living alone really makes you learn how to cook.

Then after eating, I prepared my uniform and took a cold shower.

"Dame dameee~ Dame yoo~ Dame na no yo~" I sang as I was currently showering myself. After that, I went outside the shower to wear clothes.

"Anta ga~ Suki de~ Sukisukideee~.. Hm~ Hmm~"

I continued to hum as I looked at myself in the mirror wearing the school uniform. Needless to say, I still looked pale. I read in some stories that vampires are charming creatures, but was that the same case for me too?

I mean it's not that I look ugly, right? Heck, I think that I may actually even look really decent!

"Woah... This is kinda late to say this but, my teeth are really sharp huh.. ," I said as I looked at my shark-like teeth. "Welp, time to go," I added.

I then grabbed my bag as I made sure to turn off the lights. I exited through the door and locked it and then, I finally headed outside the apartment building.

I went to the train station as I headed out to Musutafu. And after a while, I arrived in front of 4 tall buildings. I was in front of U.A High School.

U.A High School, it is the number 1 rank hero academy in Japan. This school is renowned for producing one of the best heroes like All Might and many heroes that belong in the top 10.

And as you know, it was the school where the main characters are going to be enrolled at.

As I was walking towards inside, I heard someone mumbling ahead of me. "Ooh.. oohh.. I-i talked to.. a girl..!" someone said.

I looked at him. He has curly green hair with freckles on his face. It was the protagonist— Izuku Midoriya himself. It seems that he already met Uraraka.

I've also seen some of the characters as well. Although I don't know where everyone else is, I've seen Aoyama, Shoji, and Ojiro.

I then went inside, we were now on standby in some sort of multi purpose hall. I looked at the rest of the students. Some were confidently smiling, some were dead serious, and some were shaking nervously.

"I-i can do this..!"

"Fufu, I am twinkling!"


After a while, I heard an announcement through the speakers. "[Examinees. The entrance exam will now be starting soon. Please go ahead towards the designated examination room.]"

'Alrighty..' I thought as I moved along the hallway.

'I know that it was announced that we should go to examination room but, is this still consider as just a ROOM? This place is big..! It seems that they were just gonna use this single place for all of us,' I thought as I entered the room.

Right now, we were sitting inside of a large auditorium. And it appears that right here and right now, we will be doing the written exam.

I don't know what they're thinking by letting us sit close to each other while doing the test but, a single glance to your side could make you easily see their answers.

Were they thinking if we were gonna be bold and brave enough to cheat? Well no matter what, it seems that it's obvious to the others as well that trying to copy someone's answers would be a great mistake.

Not only the faculty teachers would check our answers personally one by one, there should be many hidden cameras here as well that are monitoring our movements. One wrong move and we could be rejected immediately.

I then received the test paper. 'So they're already checking our qualities of being a hero huh..' I thought as I started answering.

The test was not that hard since the exams were just about high school level Mathematics, Science, English, Social Studies, and Japanese.

Although I still have to refresh what I learned, I am still a college graduate. So with just a bit of reviewing, I managed to answer all of it without a problem.

Our test papers were then collected. And then, the examination room suddenly went dark.

"Wha.?! What's happening!?"

"I see.. that I can't see!"


The students were raising voices. And then suddenly, the stage lit up in front of us.


Someone was standing at the center while holding a mic. "Everybody calm down! OH YEAAH!??" he said loudly.

He has long blonde hair that spikes upwards, while having a speaker on his neck and yellow sunglasses on his eyes. It was one of the faculty teachers— Present Mic.

He lifted his mic up to his mouth. "Now then... WELCOME Y'ALL TO MY LIVEE SHOWW! EVERYBODY SAAYYY HEYYYY!!"

"..." 15,000x

Present Mic smiled. "Haha! I'm excited too!! Alright, examinees!! I will now be giving you an explanation on how this will go!! ARE YOU READY!!?"

Present Mic shouted. "YEEEAAHHH!!!"

"..." 15,000x

"Haha! Yeah! I know right!?" Present Mic added.

"..." 15,000x

I yawned a little bit. 'Haha. Too bad man, people here are either too serious or too nervous. Well, this is still an important examination, people can't be taking this halfheartedly,' I thought as I laughed a little bit.

"Uwaahh..! it's really the voice-type hero— Present Mic!" I heard someone mumbled right behind me.

"Now pay close attention, listeners!!" Present Mic said as a reference image showed behind him.


"We'll be testing your practical skills by running a 10-minutes match against mock villains at our replica-city district!!"


"You can take whatever you want!! Be sure to gather at the designated meeting area after this presentation copy!?"


Irritated by it, I spoke. "Shut it," 2x, I said at the same time someone spoke.

I then looked behind to see who the hell was mumbling. Looking from behind, I saw two familiar characters. It was fucking Midoriya and Bakugo.

Bakugo glanced at me. "Ha? What the hell are you looking at?"

"Huh? I could say the same to you, the hell are you looking at?" I said.

"Uwawawa..! K-kacchan!"

"ALL RIGHT!!" Present Mic shouted.

I then turned back as I heard Present Mic continuing his explanation. "We'll be putting a large number of villains across the battlefield, and they'll appear in three different varieties and different points!!"

The image changed. "Your goal, listeners, is to use your quirks to defeat as many villains as you can to rack up a high score!! But of course! don't think about attacking each other or any other examinees because that's against the rules! That would get you to be effectively disqualified, copy!?"

And then, someone raised their hand. "EXCUSE ME! May I ask a question!?"

He then stood up as light illuminated him. He was wearing an eyeglasses. It was Iida Tenya.

"On the handout, there are clearly 4 types of villains listed!! Such an error would be unbefitting and an embarrassment of a top-tier national level school!! The reason we are seated here today is because we want to seek guidance on the path of becoming a model hero!!" Iida said, pointing at the given handout.

He then pointed at Midoriya. "Moreover, you with the green curly hair!! What are you mumbling for? You're distracting!!" he said, gaining snicker from few examinees.


Then, he pointed at me— wait, what..? At me? "And you with a black hair and lazy eyes!! What are you yawning for!? If you two think that this place is just for pleasure, then you both can leave!!"

'Dafuq..? You could get pleasure here.?' I seriously thought.

Present Mic then suddenly spoke up. "OKAYY, OKAYY!! Thanks for the question, examinee 7111!"

"The fourth villain that you will meet will be worth zero points!! Let's call them arena traps! It's like one of those in super mario that would go drop for you!! There's a thing like that in every arena that would go berserk when crowded!!" Present Mic added.

"So.. it was like those things that you would need to avoid?"

"Hmm I see, it's really become like a video game."

"THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! I apologize for being rude!!" Iida exclaimed as he sat down.

"Well, that's enough from me! Now, Let's move to the main event!" Present Mic said.

Then, he cleared his throat. "PLUS ULTRA!!"

And with that cue, we headed out to prepare for the battle.


A/N: Sorry for the late update, i was kinda not feeling good. Hope a 2k+ words will make up for it.