
What? A Group Chat?

Blake a guy who has been betrayed by the person who he thought, his future yet she was nothing more than a selfish bitch. After being betrayed he caught a second stage cancer, and when he thought all hope was gone all of sudden he was invited to be the administrator of a multiversal Group Chat! Where he could interact with fictional characters! Group Chat Members (Currently) : Counter Guardian EMIYA (FGO) Jaune Arc (RWBY) Satan/Lucifer (Helltaker) Echidna (Re:Zero) Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from my OC's

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Gae Bolg R-18+


He was having a lucid dream again, it was eerily similar to his dream yesterday, with the same barren land, a huge clock above the sky, and no swords that are pinned to the ground.

Archer started walking around, he had a feeling that something would surprise him again, like Kanshou and Bakuya, a sentient lifeform rather than just a cold lifeless steel weapon.

As he walked, he finally saw someone and started feeling a sense of deja vu. Instead of him, the person inside his dream reality marble approached him, looking at 'her' he thought, 'She looks familiar…'

It was a woman that wore a tight blue suit, her tits were at least D cup, due to the tightness of her suit, it looks like her tits were about to burst out, to him her suit is like begging him to end it's life.

He almost pitied the suit,

Keyword: Almost

"Now, who the hell are you?" Archer demanded the woman in blue to introduce herself, for no reason the way she looks kinda irked him.

The woman in blue, winked at him seductively, "Now, now master~ don't be such a hardass, relax~! I'll even help you!"

Just by that actions alone, he knew that he won't like this woman at all, she was the type of person that he finds annoying,

Now, why the hell is this chick calling him master now?

"Cut the crap, who are you?" Archer didn't have the time to entertain this woman.

"Psssh~ how boring! Fine! The name is Gae Bolg! At your service master~!" She bowed a little and didn't forget to wink in his direction,

Now he finally understood why this woman irked him, no wonder, not only does she reminds him of that 'dog', she even has the same attitude as him!

Gae Bolg is basically a female version of Cu Chulainn!

Blue hair? Check!

A tight blue suit that they call 'battle armor'? Check!

A flirt? Check!

Yep, he won't like this woman, like ever.

"Although you're not my original master, you used me satisfyingly enough, so I acknowledge you as my current master!" Gae Bolg acted like it was such a grace for him to use her,

And it made him irritated, and couldn't help but make a mental note not to use Gae Bolg anymore.

"Hey! Are you listening maste-"

Archer slowly opened his eyes, and started blinking, "I dreamed of it again.."

As much as I didn't want to, he hesitantly went to his reality marble, ready to meet that female version of that dog.

He hoped that it remained a dream, heck he prayed to whoever gods it is from above that what he dream remains a dream!

Inside his unlimited blade works, he looks around only to see Kanshou and Bakuya waving in happiness, "Master! You're back again!"

He sighs at the sight, but at least they are tolerable tha-

Archer saw 'her' she was winking at him a few meters away from his spot, she was touching her boobs and started to jiggle them,

Seeing this hideous scene, he took a deep breath and began, "Trace On!"

His trusty bow appeared and a nameless blade was used as the arrow of his now, he pulled the string hard and before releasing it, he chanted. "I am the bone of my sword,"

And he released the bowstring.

"Master?! What are yo-"

After that Gae Bolg died but was revived later because he can't kill a weapon that was inside his reality marble.


'What is happiness?' What I thought before, then, later on, changed into 'Is this happiness?'

Presently, Echidna was giving me ahead, like literally, she was sucking my cock! I can hardly believe that this was happening, I could feel her warm mouth, her tongue moving around my dick.

The pleasure was something I can't describe, but if I had an example it's heaven, this was the greatest pleasure that I felt in my entire life.

Her mouth was moving back and forth, she was getting good, the more she suck on it, the better she become,

If you wonder why this happened? Simple, it's because she's curious, she wasn't called the Witch Of Greed for nothing, she wanted knowledge, even sexual ones, now that she had a chance of experiencing it herself, she didn't even hesitate to say that she wanted to try and give me a blowjob.

It didn't help the fact that we're doing this in the dining room where at any moment, anyone could have come here and seen us doing this!

It was so damn exciting and it only fueled my lust, so kinky I can't believe that I'm actually doing this,

Looking at Echidna's face only made me hornier, she was sucking and licking my cock like a popsicle, trying hard to please me,

"Echidna..! Echidna…!" I was calling out her name as she sucks my cock, I couldn't help moan at the sheer pleasure that I'm currently feeling,

I could hold it anymore, I grabbed her head and made her swallow my entire cock and loaded my cum Inside her mouth,

Echidna couldn't predict my action, she never expected me to act like that, her eyes widened as she felt my cock along with my semen inside her mouth.

After cumming, I pulled my dick out of her and she started coughing, just like that I felt guilty I shouldn't have done that, "Echidna! Sorry, I shouldn't have done that…!"

Echidna raised her palm, telling him to stop talking for a moment, after a minute of silence finally she regained her bearings.

Before saying anything, she opened her mouth, showing my healthy white cum, then she let my cum fall into her hands after the rest of the cum fell at her hands, she began, "Your semen tasted better than I expected, although you should really be careful of doing that again, I don't want to die by getting choked by your dick anytime soon, It would be a humiliating death,"

I couldn't help but look away from her, as I blushed, she was right I don't really want my new girlfriend to die anytime soon, especially by my dick!

"Sorry, I was just excited," I replied,

"I can certainly see that," Echidna said as she stared at my hard cock.

I couldn't help but cough, it wasn't my fault that I'm still hard despite cumming just now, my girlfriend is just too hot for me not to get an erection again.

"So, what are you going to do about that?" I pointed at my cum in her hands.

"Oh, this? I'll use this for my research," Echidna started,

"Eh? Why?" I was confused.

"Because I have to see if your cum could give me a healthy child, it could happen anytime soon." She replied without hesitation

Before I could say anything, Echidna left the dining room. I could only stare at her leaving figure.

"What did she just say?" I know I heard her words loud and clear, but my brain refused to acknowledge her words. It was shocking to me.

Suddenly I heard footsteps, beside me, my eyes widened as I saw who it was. Lucifer was eating her daily chocolate pancakes while staring at my erect penis.

Suddenly I started sweating, and began, "Since when are you here?"

Lucifer calmly took a bite of her pancake, and replied, "Enough,"

"How much exactly?"

"Since the beginning," Lucifer finished the last piece of her pancake.

"Don't worry about it, I won't tell anyone about it, I had my fun too, it was amusing to see, night." After she left the dining room, I couldn't help but sigh at her leaving. I'm glad that Lucifer is open-minded. If anyone saw us other than her, I couldn't help but feel dread.

It would have been really awkward.


Lucifer couldn't help but think of what she saw before, she never knew her leader had a dick as big as that.

It was one of the biggest mortal dicks that she has ever seen in her life, not to mention the shape, it was perfect, his dick was suddenly ranked at the top of her list.

She touched her lower region, and it was wet, she liked what she see, it's been a very long time since she did anything sexual, it's probably a hundred thousand years or so, she was just too damn busy with all the crap in hell.

She hardly had any break from her work, you think it's easy to run hell? Nope, it's not that she was under constant pressure every day, she really hates politics sometimes, she's lucky to have a break right now.

She touched her chin, and began, "I needed to release all of my stress…"

Lucifer then smiled as she thought of a solution, never in a million years she'd ask that jackass Archer, nor Jaune was too plain for her taste, but Blake their mysterious leader…

Especially when she saw his junk, she wanted to feel it, she desired to ride it, to get ravaged by it.

As a devil, she was kinky as fuck, she had no problem with any kind of kinky sex, as long as she can release her stress.

First thing first, she had to ask personally from his lover, it's the easiest way to get a fuck from him, she couldn't help but lick her lips in anticipation.


A Female Cu Chulainn Version, imagine that?!

About Archer dreamscape, it's going to be a thing for the next couple chapters.

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