
What? A Group Chat?

Blake a guy who has been betrayed by the person who he thought, his future yet she was nothing more than a selfish bitch. After being betrayed he caught a second stage cancer, and when he thought all hope was gone all of sudden he was invited to be the administrator of a multiversal Group Chat! Where he could interact with fictional characters! Group Chat Members (Currently) : Counter Guardian EMIYA (FGO) Jaune Arc (RWBY) Satan/Lucifer (Helltaker) Echidna (Re:Zero) Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from my OC's

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Conflict Emotions


I was about to attack the strongest demon in the group, which is Rui. I was forced to stop my actions because Jaune patted my shoulder, I shifted my gaze toward him and started, "What? You know it's not a good time to talk especially when we are about to battle,"

I couldn't understand why he did this, but at least I'm willing to listen, still, I have a feeling that he was about to say something dumb,

"Blake, could we not kill them? I mean look at them! They are living peacefully in this forest as a family! You can't be this cruel to destroy their family,"

I looked at him deadpan, I knew this was coming, sometimes I really hate this kindness of his, it makes things harder for me, "Jaune, which part of them is living peacefully? Look at their appearance! Do you see anything peaceful about them? I mean look, that demon literally looks like a spider! Except for his head!"

"I know, but still…their family reminds me of mine…" Jaune complained weakly, he started remembering the family that he left for his dreams, to be honest, he missed them.

I sigh deeply, and become serious as I look him in the eyes, "Look, they aren't like your family, and they never will because their family is fake, to begin with! Their so-called bonds are made out of oppression and fear and that's NOT a family Jaune, and don't get me started, the smell of blood is lingering at their house, which means they killed a human recently. Do not pity them Jaune as you did with Makugo, that is the last time I'm allowing you to save a demon like her!"

Jaune was shaken by my words, it was obvious by the way his body tremble, he was naive like I was but I'm trying not to be because the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows,

"Did you get it?" I said while looking away from his face, I couldn't bear to look at his face. I'm doing this for his own good because…I know that in the future, our story will be much darker. This is only the beginning.

He clenched his fist and bit his lips and sighed, "Yes, I got it."

I looked at his bitter face, honestly, I don't like forcing him to give up his naivety, but I know he needed it, he can't always be naive nothing good will happen if he were too naive,

I know his future, and it would be dark that's why as his leader and a friend I'm doing this for his own good,

"You two, I've had enough of your mumbling words, my patience is running thin. Die!" Rui unleashes a three-pronged thread attack from afar.

Without hesitation, I dashed toward the thread instead of waiting for the attack to arrive, I slashed it and the thread broke like it was a normal string, seeing how I easily cut off his thread Rui and most of his family's eyes widened because they knew how durable his thread was it was by no means fragile!

Rui became serious as he realized that I wasn't a normal Demon Slayer that was sent just to get killed, he didn't hold back anymore and released his blood demon art,

A web of thread came out of his fingers, and instead of the usual white, they were blood red they were more durable and sharper than his usual ones,

The web of threads started rotating, and he began, "Cutting Thread Rotation,"

And he pushed the rotating web of thread toward my direction, like before I moved forward rather than dodge it because I can't feel any lingering danger at all, my instinct is telling me that this thread is easy to cut through,

While the other demons were frozen in shock, they didn't notice that Jaune was already an inch closer toward them, and was about to behead them, "I'm sorry.."

I heard him mumble those words, I didn't have time to feel sorry, as my focus was solely on this lower moon in front of me.



A weird whistling sound was made in my mouth, and I began, "Breath Of The Mad Second Form: Insane,"

My blade moved at a speed that was not visible at the eyes of a normal human, as my blade stopped vibrating, a second later the thread was cut countless times, enough that you needed a microscope just to see the size of each cut.

Rui's expression raged and opened his mouth, "Impossible…!"

"Not," I appeared in front of him in a blink of him and didn't hesitate to cut his head off, I moved fast enough so that he could avoid cutting his head himself,

I made sure that he was dead for good, Rui's brain couldn't process what just happened, his head flew and landed on the ground, speechless.

His head started to disintegrate, the last word that came out of his mouth was, "Mother…"

I flinched a bit, I knew his story, his past before he became a demon, that's why I could sympathize with him, I muttered, "Mother….huh...I wonder what is she doing right now…I missed her."

Then I shifted my gaze toward my partner, he was already done slaying most of the demons, currently, he was fighting the father spider, but the look on his face wasn't anything positive it was sadness,

Damn it, Jaune you killed plenty of demons yourself in the Final Selection, why were these demons any different?

I do not enjoy doing this too, but they must be killed, shifting my gaze once more, I noticed the spider sister demon was running away from the place. I couldn't let her leave, I positioned myself and threw my blade like a spear toward the spider sister demon and my blade hit her so accurately, that the tip of my blade hit her neck and came out of her throat.

Just like that she fell into the muddy soil and started to disintegrate. She started mumbling some words that I couldn't understand due to her broken cord. Not that I'm interested in hearing them, it would only make me feel guilty.

Closing my eyes for a full minute, before opening them again and everything was done, no demons only the two of us are left.

I approached him, and asked, "Are you alright?"

"I.." Jaune hesitated,

"Jaune, honestly."

"No, I'm not," Jaune stared at the soil with a conflict expression,

I sighed at his overreaction, and started, "You don't have to feel guilty about it Jaune, they would have killed you if they were given a chance, if you hadn't killed them they would have killed more humans, more innocent would have been devoured by them."

Jaune's expression became frustrated and gritted his teeth, "I know, but…I can't help it okay? Maybe it was different when I killed demons back in the final selection, but it changed when Echidna turned Makugo back into a human you know? That moment made me realize that they are human too like us, I can't...I can't just stop thinking about it..! Knowing that they could have been saved made me feel damn guilty Blake!"

"...Then why kill them then? Why listen to me?"

Hearing my unexpected response, he froze, "I…"

I pat his shoulder, and began, "Jaune listen, this is how the world works, no matter what world it is, nothing is fair so stop brooding about it, the face doesn't suit you,"

I heard him snort at my words, before replying with closed eyes, "You know what, you're right.."

Good, he's learning, after that talk with him, we went down to the forest as we finished our task, though they were only supposed to investigate not slay.

Their achievement was reported to Oyakata-sama, and he was pleased by the result of our 'investigation'; he knew that he was right, making us a Hashira. In our mission, we encountered a lower moon demon and managed to slay it.

Presently, we went back to our home, because the crow didn't give us any mission yet,

As I got home, I was greeted by my girlfriend, lover as if she knew that I'd arrived. Seriously, it's a nice feeling to know that someone is waiting for you at home, different from friends or family, but a lover.

I hugged her and returned it, everyone was looking at us, but I don't care this is how I show my affection,

Honestly, I never knew Echidna to be affectionate despite her looks, you can't really judge the book by its cover.

"Welcome home, Blake." She smiles at me, it was a bit unnatural for her to smile, even in the anime, they were fake smiles unlike this one, I'm not used to this.

"I'm back, missed me?" I teased,

Echidna closed one of her eyes, and replied, "So what if I did?"

Fuck, shit that's unfair, too much of that is unhealthy to my Kokoro! (Heart), who knew the Witch Of Greed is capable of being sweet.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw Archer's conflict expression. I wonder what happened? Either way, I'll ask later, my first priority is spending time with my girlfriend!


Echidna is calm, she never blushes, or does she?

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