
What! My disciples can use anime powers?!

A man from earth Isekai'd as an old man that can travel from different worlds.

Vordred · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

In the lush garden, under the intense radiant sunlight amidst a plethora of blooming flowers, diverse plants, and ripe fruits, the old man wearing a strawhat and a youthful lad are visible.

The two were topless, holding a farm tools in the middle of the empty field.

"So, disciple Chen, before I teach you how to cultivate wisely, what do you think it needs the most to get a good harvest or successful result when cultivating?" said the old man with a serious look while holding a hoe on his shoulder.

Looking at his master's serious expression, Chen carefully thought. 'Finally, master is teaching me! Is the master asking about the foundation of a cultivator? Although I have a little knowledge of cultivation, I know and have heard from the sect elders and passing cultivators that to get a good cultivation result, you need a good background, talent, and good spiritual roots to reach a higher realm.'

Chen solemnly answered his master, full of confidence, believing that his answer was the right answer. "Master, to get a good cultivation result, you need a good family background, talent, and good spiritual roots!"

Hearing his students answer, the old man was shocked almost popping his eyes out. 'What the hell? Where did this kid learn some bullshit like background and talent when farming? And what the heck was the spiritual root? Is it some kind of fertilizer?'

The old man didn't change his serious expression, but his tone changed when he asked. "Disciple Chen, your answer is very wrong. Where did you learn that from?"

'W-What? My answer was wrong? But the sect elders and some righteous cultivators passing by said this to us villager's. Are they just fooling us all around?'

Chen quickly responded to his master seriously, saying, "Master, while my understanding of cultivation may be limited, the elders and sects passing by have graciously imparted their wisdom to guide us on the path to greatness."

'Sects? Is it that some kind of cult back on Earth? Don't tell me they're scheming or fooling around teaching these villagers the wrong way to farm to manipulate them? What a corrupt and scamming bunch' thought the old man knowingly.

The old man doesn't have any idea about Dao cultivation at all; after all, back on earth, he just focused on his job and watched movies, played games, and watched anime when he had free time.

"Disciple Chen, now that I am your teacher or master, discard that knowledge about those sects and elders," said the old man seriously.

Chen was shocked and confused. He couldn't help but ask, "Master, is anything wrong with their teachings?" 

"I instructed you to reject their teachings because their method of cultivation was vastly different from mine. I trust that once you grasp the true way of cultivating, you will be able to educate the innocent effectively without misleading them like certain cults or sects do. Understand?"

'Is the master telling me that those sects imparting us a false information, teaching us fake cultivation and fooling us all along?!' Chen thought dumbfounded, believing his master's divine words, while clinching his teeth thinking about the smug and aloof faces of those seemingly righteous cultivator.

"Yes master understood!"

Clearing his voice, the old man said sternly, "Ehem, now that you understand and have discarded their fake knowledge in cultivation, I will teach you the true and real cultivation."

'True cultivation! ' Chen was astounded and shocked by his master's words alone, and excited to finally learn the true cultivation.

"Let's get started. To get a good result when cultivating, you don't need stupid things like backgrounds, talents, or roots. You just need a strong will, spirit, determination, and the right knowledge."

"And also, when cultivating, it takes a long period of time to get a successful result or harvest, so it's better to have patience. As a wise cultivator said, patience and determination are the keys to great success."

Chen was enlightened and amazed by his master's teaching, which carried profoundness; he couldn't help but be fully moved.

'This! This is true cultivation! Amazing! So you just need the right knowledge, will, spirit, and determination, and you don't need useless spiritual roots or good backgrounds or talents? This! I understand!' Chen thought in excitement, fully comprehending his master's words.

"Now hold this hoe; I will teach you the right form of cultivation," said the old man, giving his hoe to Chen.

'A hoe? Is the master teaching me a cultivation method using a mortal way of farming? But how? Maybe the master will teach me a profound but simple method of true cultivation?' thought Chen, still amazed, and didn't question his master's profound knowledge in one bit.

"Yes master"

'Finally, I can now cultivate. Not only any normal means of cultivation like those deceiving sects, but a real, true cultivation! '

A few hours later, under the intense radiant sun.

"Yes, that is the correct form! Ensure to clear your mind, concentrate solely on the present moment, and contemplate the technique and necessary knowledge after cultivating, understand?!"

"Breathing! Don't forget the right form of breathing when using your hoe! You'll get exhausted so fast when you don't position yourself and aim your hoe at the right position!"

The old man, sitting on the wooden chair shouted, his saliva splashing to the ground while looking at Chen's topless body sweating profusely under the intense sun, seriously plowing the field.

'Finally, my old bones can rest for awhile because of this, Chen, bhohoho'.

"Yes, master, I fully understand. Thank you, master!"

"Now that you understand, let's go have some lunch."


Outside the old man's manor

A dark sphere can be seen in the mountain.

Inside the dark sphere, the three individuals are visible, their expressions a mix of terror, shock, and confusion.

The three individuals were none other than the sect leader of the Northern Wooden Sect Hu Xing, Xiao Lu, and her father, Elder Yi.

After they talk about the mysterious painting and the strange young man's behavior, they immediately run towards the village and watch over his actions, thinking that the painting was a treasure found by the young man near the mountain.

Upon witnessing the departure of the young man and his sisters in the early hours of the morning, they promptly pursued them, employing various methods to conceal their whereabouts and intending to reveal the young man's secret.

After hiding and pursuing for an hour, the trio abruptly halted. Despite not hearing him because of the distance, they witnessed the young man yelling as if conversing with the air. After a brief moment of silence, to their shock, a massive black gate materialized out of thin air. The gate was ominously dark and emitted a black mist, full of mystery.

Upon seeing the ominous gate, the sect leader immediately yelled at them to flee all at once. However, it was too late as a mysterious voice, seemingly coming from all around the corner, spoke.

"You dare peek at us and run? Insolent fools!"

"Domain manipulation, Oblivion!"

After the mysterious voice coming from all sides spoke the strange words, they're terrified to see that they're now in an endless darkness and didn't feel their bodies or utter a word as if they suddenly died.

'W-What! What's this! Where? Who are you? ' said Hu Xing through her mind. A chilling sensation enveloped her all over her body, terrified.

The trio was scared shitless, felt helpless, and didn't know what to do in this current situation.

"Woof, Stalkers, you don't need to worry; just answer me! I will permit you to talk for 30 seconds. If your answer was satisfying, I will let this slide, but if not, then you can just vanish."

Said the voice in an endless space. His voice contained contempt and arrogance but was full of wisdom.

"F-Father, A-Aunt, what should we do? I don't want to die yet, Wu Wuu," said Xiao Lu, trembling  even though she can't moved her body, crying on the groundless void, and completely terrified.

Her father then calmly reassured her, feeling hopeless. "Xiao'er, don't worry, you're not alone, I and your aunt was here..."

Although the three of them was in the vast darkness surprisingly they can hear and see each other.

'I-I can't movie my body or use Qi at all. What kind of terrible technique was this?! ' thought Hu Xing, horror-stricken that she couldn't use QI in this endless darkness.

Out of nowhere, a gigantic, bright, shadowy figure of a dog emerged, sitting on the throne and gazing at them.

Seeing the shadowy figure, they immediately understood the situation; they just offended the peerless expert that was residing in that realm.

The enigmatic individual was none other than Chrisbrown, a foolishly looking Shiba Inu. Upon noticing the trio spying on his precious gate, he promptly employed a small trick reminiscent of the white-haired man from a painting created by the smelly old man, which he had learned a few years ago.

"Peerless Senior we deeply apologized we didn't mean to offend you." said Elder Yi full of cold sweat all over his body.

"G-Great Senior, we were just curious about the painting; we didn't mean any harm to the young man or his sister's; we deeply apologized." Hu Xing, biting her lips, didn't expect to encounter a peerless, ruthless expert on this seemingly normal mountain. The worst outcome that she previously thought was now in front of her eyes.

"Benevolent S-Senior, I'm an acquaintance  of Daoist Modern Man, Chen. Were sorry, I don't want to die yet, hhik hik," said Xiao Lu, silently crying.

"What did you just call me?"

"Great Senio!r"

"Benevolent Senior!"

"Peerless Senior!"

Hearing the answer of the people Infront of him Chrisbrown was full of joy.

"Woof, that's right! I am Great, Peerless and Benevolent Chrisbrown!"

"Woof, hehe, so you know that smelly brat named Chen? Just stay where you are and wait! Don't ever mention that useless cultivation of yours in front of me or my master, or else I will kick you're ass off, woof!" said the gigantic shadowy figure.

Suddenly the space around them came back to normal; they saw a lush green forest, heard the chirping of the birds, and sensed the warm wind through their bodies. They expressed thanks to the hidden expert and slumped to the ground, out of breath, still terrified by the peerless master's strength.

After an hour's of waiting.

Out of nowhere, the black gate appeared in front of them, as if waiting for them to come inside.

The trio shook themselves, fix up they're attire, looked at each other, and composed themselves, ready to meet the hidden, peerless master.