
Werewolf Lord in a Modern World of Heroes

A werewolf lord gets kicked from his home and ends up on modern earth. He struggles to find a way home while being surrounded by the very things he hates and new wonders. All he possesses is his power and a gem that he knows will be the key to his return home. -I’m a totally new writer so don’t hate it to much.-

Adderm · Fantasy
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4 Chs



"Come now, lord Atrix you must understand that we don't need you anymore," said one of the armored men.

He stood out from the others because of his stylish and golden outlined armor. It was obvious that he was nobility.

"Grrr, I know that you have betrayed your saviors count. The very same beings who saved humanity from the blood suckers. From the goblins and orca who took your women and ate your children. From the monsters of the under dark," Atrix growled to the small group of human knights and the mage.

"Enough talk Count Mirin. We have a monster lord to slay," the mage said.

"Lord Atrix deserves to have some last words for what his kind have done for humans," the count said.

The mage didn't listen to anything more and chanted his spell, "firestorm."

A pillar of fire engulfed Atrix. While the werewolf guard shifted into his were form. With grey fur and armor that changed to fit his new larger frame. He lunged at the mage realizing that he was the greater threat to his lord. He unsheathed his sword and swung down at him. Unfortunately his blade was parried by the count before he could remove the mages head.

The guard looked at the eyes of the count in shock. Shock that a human could catch up to the speed of a werewolf. They who are now mad some of the fastest creatures on this planet. The apex predators of apex predators.

That shock turned nearly fatal as he was stabbed in the back by one of the other knights. And unlike usual he didn't regenerate.

The guard retreated and began to fight the knights who surrounded him. There steel blades clashed and their blood flew in the air. He parried one of the humans blades and struck. Biting through the knights neck with ease.

Meanwhile Atrix ran through the firestorm a transformed 9 foot tall night black werewolf. His blood red eyes glaring at the mage and count who stood in front of him ready to attack. The smoldering fur didn't take from the menacing presence that he projected.

Atrix didn't lunge like a wolf but simply walked to his enemy. Like he had all the time in the world, his simple steps seemed to shake the very room they stood in causing even the knights fighting his guard to have goosebumps mid fight and make mistakes.

"Why would you do this. Have I not been a good ruler!" He growled.

"I apologize Lord Atrix but humanity doesn't need your protection anymore. Your presence takes from our true potential," the count said.

"Wind blade," the mage said.

The blade of air struck toward Atrix but simply dissipated once it hit his fur.

"You must know that magic doesn't work on me mage, that is the only reason I allowed you college to exist."

"Tch. Attack my lord, I'll use indirect magic."

The count ran toward Atrix slicing with his enchanted sword ready to cut his stomach open. While the mage guided his magic toward the stone floors.

The count missed his cut as Atrix simply stepped back and raised his claws. Each finger tipped with sharp nails the size of daggers. But before he could shred through the counts armor a stake of his stone floor attacked his leg.

While it didn't even puncture his thick hide that was stronger then steel it made him stumble and miss the counts chest and instead tear through his arm.

The arm fell to the floor with his sword. The count fell to his knees and wailed in pain.

"Wrahhgh! Why didn't the armor stop him!" The coins screamed.

The count couldn't understand why he was failing no other were wolfs claws could cut his specially enchanted and reinforced steel armor. It was specifically made to fight Atrix.

"Fireball, wind storm, blaze ember!" The mage chanted.

The magic barely registered to Atrix as he stepped toward the count ready to finish the leader of this rebellion.

"You know monster," the mage said as he glanced at the guard finally falling to the last knight while the others bled on the floor.

"I was happy to learn the rumor was true. That this room is magically endowed to not let sounds through from outside. That only from the balcony can you hear what happens. That must be because of you strength that lets you hear a fly from the other end of the city. I'm so happy the rumor is true."

The mage lifted his hands and pointed them at Atrix as the last knight stabbed at him from behind.

As Atrix simply decapitated the knight by waving his hand lightly. The mages longer chant ended.

"Sound rupture."

A loud ding sounded through the room making the count and even the mages ears bleed. But for Atrix it felt like his head exploded.

"Awoooooooo!" Atrix hollered. His ears gushed blood as his brain felt like it was directly bludgeoned.

"Quickly my lord throw the relic we must banish him before he heals! He's far more powerful than we expected!" The mage screamed as he could barely hear his own voice.

The count slowly stood from the floor, let go of his stump and took a gem from his satchel on his waist. While he could barely hear he knew what he must do.

Losing this relic will hurt his plans as it was what allowed them to rise up against the wolves in the first place. But it will finally end this struggle.

He held the gem and whisper the words that were engraved in his mind when he first picked it up.

"Banish!" Then he threw the gem at the floor in front of Atrix who was still on the door clutching his head.

A bright light bathed the hall and once it disappeared so did Atrix.

"He is gone now my lord, it is time to get you healed up. Unfortunately the arm will be lost sir. So to will the ability to enchant our weapons to be poisonous to all life. But now we will rule this world as the Were's have."

The mages ears were healed through his own magic and he began to heal the counts worlds as well.

They were both excited. They might have lost a legendary relic that fell from the skies by banishing Atrix but the wolves were done for. They new that any survivors and remnants in other city's will fall now that their lord is gone along with there other leaders in this city.

They were going to take this world and make it in humanity's image.