
Werewolf in love with Hybrid

We arrived at the embassy a little earlier, I didn't want to have any kind of communication with those humans and their ambassador so i have sent my beta to talk to them. I decided to have a walk outside. This world has changed a lot. Time was passing and they have been becoming more and cleverer, humans are keen on technology, money and power. They would do anything for power. My wolf has smelled Some kind of horrible smell and it brought me bac from my thoughts “Calm down Nigel, it’s called cigarettes. “ “ it is disgusting “ “ I agree” But with this horrible smell, I sensed some kind of different scent. I got curious. As I knew there shouldn’t be anyone outside of the building for the next hour. The closer I got to this person, the more I smelled this horrible cigarette and with it the amazing scent that I have never smelled like, the smell of the human body. In a small space designed for smoker employees I saw her. Rings of her curly red hair cascaded down on her shoulders. Her shirt perfectly accented her curvaceous body. Her buttocks at the breasts were close to the opening because of the huge size of her breasts. Her face was not visible, she was staring at empty space. But i could feel her breath, suddenly i could feel my throat parched and i started feeling warm inside of my body. She was not as skinny as my previous mistresses. My wolf snarled with pleasure and my eyes could not move away from her body. Seeing the shape of her big ass made my dick harden. What the hell, I have never felt such a thirst, I was not able to see her face yet. I came out of hiding and forgot all forms of caution. Hearing the footsteps, her eyes widened and she looked at me in surprise. The sight of honey-colored deep eyes made my heart beat faster, i have never felt my heartbeat like this, her eyes opened my long-forgotten memories, the old painful memories faded, the depth of her eyes reminded me of my own forgotten childhood. In a split second at looking at her eyes I felt much more than I had ever felt in all my infinity. The sight of a small crooked nose made me even more eager to own her here and now. “Mine” claimed my wolf “Calm down, it can’t be” “Mate” words of my wolf ``Mate'' shocked me. How could the Moon Goddess give me a human as a Mate? I'm the alpha king, I'm eternal, it can’t be that I have a human mate. “Are you sure? “ “Yes she is our Mate and you will take her with us” my wolf barked. I must admit i have never felt such a straight from my wolf. “She is ours” Suddenly she looked at her hand, i guess she had a clock there. “Oh shit” was the first of her words i have heard, it was not what i was expecting. “You shouldn't be here, it’s already 12, today is some occasion that doesn’t allow us to go out after 12. “ and she smiled at me. I want to touch her so hard now. “I am that “occasion” human” My voice and words shocked and amazed the girl. Apparently they do not speak like that here. Surprised by my words, she looked at me with more interest, her eyes were checking my body. I am a pretty good looking man I cannot deny, I am pampered by the attention of women.

ek_tchel · Fantasy
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11 Chs

New life

Moment I shifted back to human form I was truly alive. I was full of life and I have never felt any kind of feelings before. Even Oisin was different for me. I was feeling some sort of bond, some sort of connection with him. I knew he was my soul mate. He was so kind and masculine. I felt so many things together, I felt life around me. It was amazing. He took me back to my daughter. She was amazingly beautiful, her hug has always been my cure of illness or sadness but now it was whole new emotions. I was kissing her like crazy. She is just a kid but she is everything for me. I know Oisin wants to know my story and I will tell him, he deserves to know. 'If I were here earlier I would have protected you' it was my Lissa. 'It's okay Lisaa, I have gift from the gods in a form of my child. I don't regret anything'

"Let's go food is ready" even he's voice was magical for me now.

"Okay" I took my girl in hands. She wasn't that heavy now. Or maybe I'm way stronger than I think.

We went in a big room, it was magical, all the walls where painted with different pictures and I was amazed how luxury and at the same times simple it was. In the middle of the room there was big round table. Some other people were standing in the middle and where waiting for us.

"Welcome Luna" greeted us Oisins brother.

"hello." I smiled to him. He was looking with kind eyes. Oisin showed us the place for me and my girl and we set in the table. Ooh god. He has no idea how it's hard to feed Liliya without any animation and I have no phone, but all my worries disappeared when i saw how they all helped me out. Especially I loved how Oisin was doing his best to help me.

"Tell me more about wolfs Oisin" I wanted to know more about everything, about life and I wanted to see everything. 'And I want to run' it was my wolf.

"We are awesome" it was Nicolai. He's as gorgeous as his brother.

"tell me what do you want to know" Oisin's voice makes me feel so good. 'This is because he is our mate' Lissa, stop listening to my thoughts.

"what does Mate mean? Or Luna?" he was expecting this question as I can guess.

"We are Mate's, it means soul mate. This is more than wife or husband. Mate is everything for werewolf. We are stronger together. And you my darling are my Luna, Luna of our kingdom" he smiled. We continued to eat as I was patience with my questions.

"Tell me more about dimensions? Does all those creatures has its own world? And we all live on earth?!" this was the weirdest part for me.

"Long ago we use to live together, but it was huge mass for everyone. Non stopping wars and deaths. When hybrids appeared it begun to get worst. My mother was sorceress and father was a king but we are not hybrids. As you have already listened, it was fairies and witches hybrid, your ancestor, who tried to take all the creatures and rule alone. So all the kings gathered and they created demotions. This was best decision to make for everyone."

"So why they will come after me? Or my family? We have not harmed anybody. " Oisins face become so serious. I didn't have why. But I was sure he mind linked something to someone and Nicolai stood up immediately. "What's wrong? " I was confused.

"We have to check on your family."

How I forgotten about my family. I felt ashamed. My father. My entire relatives

"Calm down love. We will protect them. Now if you are done we shell go. Liliya can play with other children, don't worry she will have royal nanny." As soon as he was done with talking beautiful and about 35 years old she wolf come near to me, she was familiar with liliya as she smiled to her and took her away. Oisin stood up and took my hands to help me, he was so gentle. And this glowing came immediately he touched me. I was glowing again. He was shocked and let my hands go.

"We shall have a little trip in our world love" without touching I guess.

'And run' lissa calm down.

We went down with huge stairs. Gosh this place is like my dream from childhood, big amazing rooms and stairs, it's like Disney but modern one. We want outside and I was shocked. This place was so amazing. Woods and beautiful trees. Nature was amazing. Even sky was different. Everyone outside was gasping and looking at me.

"They are curious to see their Luna love"

They were looking at me with smile and greeting me like a real queen.

"This is amazing" I was captured with everything.

Oisin was even more proud with his nation then I have seen him earlier. I wanted to get closer to him. But after my glowing thing he was trying to not to touch me often in front of others I hope.

"I will transform and can you do something?"

"What execly do you want me to do?"

"You can sit on my wolf and we will have a run" no in hell. I'm afraid even horses. 'Shift, shift, I want to run'

"Lissa wants to run too"

"Okay than shift, but not here, I don't want others to see you naked." We entered in woods and we shifted. His wolf was so big and so beautiful.

'Hello Catalea' Oisin mind linked me. Our wolfs liked each other and they run like crazy. It was amazing. They were so happy.

But as soon as they reached amazingly beautiful lake, they begun to do something awkward.

'Let's don't disturb them honey'

'After my dead body, we will not have sex in this form, this is crazy.' Lisaa don't you dear. Lisaa don't you even dear.

'Close your eyes if you don't like' she is so arrogant.

'Love, just let them be' Oisin was making fun of this I guess.

Omg I'm totally going crazy.

As soon as they finished I shifted. I was so mad and Lissa was not even responding to my requests.

Oh fuck, now I'm naked. Great. He shifted back too and was looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Stop staring at me you freak. Better get some clothes."

"You will never change you attitude will you?!" he was not angry. Great. But he begun to close the distance between us. I was so aroused to see him naked. Why do I have to hold myself back?! I'm not the virgin. So I encouraged myself stepping forward not back and he was confused but happy with this I can be sure.

"You are so beautiful love" he touched my face gently, I was glowing like a star.

He was touching my gently. His body was making me crazy. I have never felt anything like this, this bond, this thirst was extremely new feelings. He starts to kiss me, softly, sweetly, tugging at my lips with his. He cups my breast, brushes the nipple with his thumb. He gently bites my top lip, sucks it. Tugs at my nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger.

"I feel it harden.

"I feel him harden."

Two fingers worked into me, and my eyes rolled back into my head. He started a steady rhythm as his tongue flickered over me, and i couldn't prevent my hips from rising to meet his thrusts. Oh God, i was riding his hand, smothering his face with my sex. That had to be bad. i told myself to stop. but couldn't. Somehow, I found my hands tangled in his short hair. our body was coiled tighter, grasping at his fingers, so wet now i could hear the slippery sounds every time he drove back into me. his fingers still moving rhythmically inside me, his thumb circling and pressing. His other hand scoops my hair off my head and holds my head in place. His tongue mirrors the actions of his fingers, claiming me. My legs begin to stiffen as I push against his hand. He gentles his hand, so I'm brought back from the brink… I come instantly again and again, falling apart beneath him… then I'm building again…

"You're mine, you're not," he said softly, pressing himself into my depths. "Mine alone, now and forever. Mine, whether you will it or no. " I pulled against his grip, and sucked in my breath with a faint "ah" as he pressed even deeper."I mean to use you hard, my love," he whispered. "I want to own you, to possess you, body and soul." And hi was in me. Deeply, roughly, his dick was huge and it was painful but It was different kind of pleasure. He started to move inside me harder and faster. I was gasping and scramming after a second. This was it. Sex that I had never had normally and always wanted to. Bond I have never had. He was the one and I was his. he was so aroused, I was orgasm god knows How many times. His trusts where stronger and deeper. And he cumed. He cumed inside me. I didn't care about that either. It was the perfect day. Perfect moment. I may fell in love soon if I am not in love now.

We couldn't move or talk for a while.

I didn't knew what to say. He is different. Everything is different. Even I am different.