
Werewolf in love with Hybrid

We arrived at the embassy a little earlier, I didn't want to have any kind of communication with those humans and their ambassador so i have sent my beta to talk to them. I decided to have a walk outside. This world has changed a lot. Time was passing and they have been becoming more and cleverer, humans are keen on technology, money and power. They would do anything for power. My wolf has smelled Some kind of horrible smell and it brought me bac from my thoughts “Calm down Nigel, it’s called cigarettes. “ “ it is disgusting “ “ I agree” But with this horrible smell, I sensed some kind of different scent. I got curious. As I knew there shouldn’t be anyone outside of the building for the next hour. The closer I got to this person, the more I smelled this horrible cigarette and with it the amazing scent that I have never smelled like, the smell of the human body. In a small space designed for smoker employees I saw her. Rings of her curly red hair cascaded down on her shoulders. Her shirt perfectly accented her curvaceous body. Her buttocks at the breasts were close to the opening because of the huge size of her breasts. Her face was not visible, she was staring at empty space. But i could feel her breath, suddenly i could feel my throat parched and i started feeling warm inside of my body. She was not as skinny as my previous mistresses. My wolf snarled with pleasure and my eyes could not move away from her body. Seeing the shape of her big ass made my dick harden. What the hell, I have never felt such a thirst, I was not able to see her face yet. I came out of hiding and forgot all forms of caution. Hearing the footsteps, her eyes widened and she looked at me in surprise. The sight of honey-colored deep eyes made my heart beat faster, i have never felt my heartbeat like this, her eyes opened my long-forgotten memories, the old painful memories faded, the depth of her eyes reminded me of my own forgotten childhood. In a split second at looking at her eyes I felt much more than I had ever felt in all my infinity. The sight of a small crooked nose made me even more eager to own her here and now. “Mine” claimed my wolf “Calm down, it can’t be” “Mate” words of my wolf ``Mate'' shocked me. How could the Moon Goddess give me a human as a Mate? I'm the alpha king, I'm eternal, it can’t be that I have a human mate. “Are you sure? “ “Yes she is our Mate and you will take her with us” my wolf barked. I must admit i have never felt such a straight from my wolf. “She is ours” Suddenly she looked at her hand, i guess she had a clock there. “Oh shit” was the first of her words i have heard, it was not what i was expecting. “You shouldn't be here, it’s already 12, today is some occasion that doesn’t allow us to go out after 12. “ and she smiled at me. I want to touch her so hard now. “I am that “occasion” human” My voice and words shocked and amazed the girl. Apparently they do not speak like that here. Surprised by my words, she looked at me with more interest, her eyes were checking my body. I am a pretty good looking man I cannot deny, I am pampered by the attention of women.

ek_tchel · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Awakening part 3

Tell me your highness, is what Tomass has told us true? Is your Luna Hybrid? "Asked me the Queen of Fairies. "This is too dangerous to be left without any further investigation or intervention"

"Catalea is MINE, I will take care of her and her Family, mating with Hybrid was never my wish too, but goddess has blessed me with mate and that is enough reason for protecting her. I will investigate the reason of cursing her family and her dynasty." It was all I could tell them for this moment. I am not expecting anyone to understand what does it mean for me to have mate, wolf or hybrid, she is mine.

"We will not interfere for reasonable time, I hope you remember last time when hybrids tried to take the power on their hands. We will KINDLY request for information after investigation. This is all I can offer to you king OISIN" queen of fairies was always kind to our kind and people.

"I agree" was the only words spoken from the dragon's king. He never cared for anything but their dimension.

"If you have no other topics to discuss I shell leave back to my kingdom" I didn't wanted to waste any minute here. As far as everyone was silent, I opened portal back to my reality.

"Nicolai tell me is there any news?" I called for my brother.

"No brother, let's have rest and see what will be tomorrow." He was tired. We haven't had any kind of rush for so long.

"have a rest brother" i wanted to see her, I wanted to be close to her.

Cataleas POV

As soon as I opened my eyes, I realized I was steel in this castle, I have no idea what happened yesterday and I felt so exhausting, tired but something was different. All my life I felt like trapped, like I was never completely alive, today was different, I felt it. Like freedom, I could even breathe differently. He was sitting in front of me, reading something, omg how hot he is, with muscular body, with large shoulders, like a sculpture, with drawn plots. I wonder how it is possible for such a masculine person to have such gentle facial features. It is very sexy. I have probably never dreamed of having such a sexy and masculine partner. And suddenly I remembered everything. Pain, strange dreams, sounds.... is Grandma's stories really true?! This means that I have not even known myself in my whole life.... Lilia ...he promised me ... I should see Lilia....

"Hello, do not rush to get up. You will not have enough strength."

"I have to see my daughter. Where is she?! Can you please explain what is happening? I cannot remember anything, I cannot even sort out my thoughts" There is no point in arguing with him, he is a wolf, if he wanted to kill me, he would have done it. The most sensible from now on I think is communication. Who knows, maybe not as bad as it seems at first glance? Cage… I remember now, he threw me in that damned cage!!

"I'm sorry for throwing you in dungeon, I can feel your anger Catalea, but you must understand, I'm King of wolfs, i will not stand any kind of disrespect." he gave me glass of water to drink, and tried to smile I guess.

"Your daughter is here, you will meet with her soon. Now I need some answers and I really hope you will cooperate. Yesterday magician helped you to free from some kind of spell, I guess you have no idea about your family's past. "he looked at me in the eyes, does he have the power to read my mind?

"I… I don't know what you're talking about, I really don't"

"I believe you, so tell me about yourself, where is father of your child?" why does he even care about that bastard?

"I don't know where is that bastard and I don't want to know, im raising my child alone and he has no father and never will" just stop asking about the thing I will never be able to talk, can't you?!

"I see this is hard topic for you, okay, for now I will stop asking about it, but this is for now. We need to find who are you, Fairy? Witch? Or something else. "WTF is he talking about, gosh just let me go!

'Stop fighting with yourself' I heard in my head

"Who was this" I shouted like a crazy

"Stop it right now! GET OUT OF MY MIND" he was staring at me shocked, if this is not him, than what the fuckkkk…

'I'm your wolf Catalea' I heard it again and jumped from the bed, I was about to collapse in floor but he cached me.

'Mate' this is enough! Who is talking with me?

Soddenly voice disappeared from my head

"Catalea, what is going on, speak to me" he looked concern about my behavior.

"Somebody is messing around my head, oh my god I'm going crazy" tears started to form in my eyes and I had no idea what to think.

"Tell me everything I can help you" he helped me to sit back on the bed.

"Sounds are in my head, like someone is talking with me, she said she is my wolf. What's happening?! Am I crazy?!" his face was even more shocked but I'm damn sure that he was also happily surprised.

"You my darling are hybrid, we don't now which kind of, but you are hybrid and we need to find it out as quickly as we can. Can you call her?! In your mind?"

"I will try to but I need to see my child Oisin, I really do need her now"

"Let's talk to your wolf and after I promise I will take you to your daughter"

Hello? Is there anybody here? Am I crazy like hell?

'You are not crazy Catalea' and I felt it, presence of something in me… how is this possible…

'I have always been here, but was not able to reach to you' her voice is so beautiful and I can feel myself so peaceful now.

"She is here. How is this even possible? She is in ME, She is in ME…" he was smiling, why is he so damn happy?

"Ask her name Catalea, she has a name." my wolf has a different name?

'Well yes I do have a name, lissa is my name'

"Lissa, she is Lisaa." Why am I screaming?!

"You will have to shift but you are too old for that. I need to call the elders. No wolf has ever shifted and survived the transformation at this age. I will take you to your daughter. You will have time to rest with her. Don't try to run or escape! Do you understand?!" I may like die?

'You will not die, we are stronger then you think mate.' Who's mate? 'He is our Mate' okay stop it "stop it both of you now! This is too much! Just take me to my girl I don't need any kind of new information for now!" he seemed confused but he agreed. This is too much.

"I will give you some new clothes and you can take my bathroom, it's here" he showed me where the bathroom door was and handed me some clothes. Bath is the only thing that can help me right now.

*******after a while****

Oisins POV

I was watching how she was playing with her little daughter, so kind, so pure. Moment she saw her daughter I felt it, her happiness, her peace, joy, she was truly happy. For a while she even forget where she was. She had no clue about surroundings or me. She was so involved with her little one.

"We need to go Catalea" I hated myself for distracting her and I'm pretty sure she hated me for that too. But she didn't resisted. She stood up and told her little girl o wait for her, she promised candy's for her For patience.

When we left the room she touched my hand and forced me to looke at her in her eyes. My hand was burning, I wanted her from the first moment I saw her and the desire was just growing.

„promise me, no matter what she will be safe. Even if you threw me in dungeon, even if I die. She must be safe. She must be protected and if something happens to me you will bring her back to my parents." Her eyes where so deep. She has no idea how much I love her, even not knowing enough about her, I love her.

"You will be more then alive to see her whenever you please. And I promise to do so" she was happy with my answer.

"Where are we going to?" she freed my hand and looked at the old man waiting for us.

"We need to help you free all your powers. That's the only way you can survive transformation"

Earlier I have talked to elders and to our friends in different dimensions, she is not only a she-wolf, she may be fairy or witch, and she needs or her powers to be freed to shift.

"Okay, I will not fight with you. For now" she is like little devil when she wants.

We went straight to the training room. There were two fairies and one of Tomas's witch, I have asked him to help us again but he will definitely pay for his actions after we are done.

I felt her fear, she was afraid and confused.

"Don't be"

"what?" she asked

"Don't be afraid, I can sense your feelings. Nothing will happen to you"