
Werewolf Chronicles

Living his ordinary life as a gamer, Wade decides to get some fresh air one night. He wanders into the woods and gets bitten by a creature. He and his friends face challenges with other supernatural beings while they are still trying to figure out the supernatural world for themselves. (Decided to remake this because people were saying my other book was too similar to another already made. So, I didn't want to be taken as a plagiarizer so enjoy)

TruePlug · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"You are a failure and a disgrace to this family," Wade's father shouted at him for playing video games.

Wade ignored his dad because he was all too used to the 'You an embarrassment', 'I should have given you up for adoption', 'You should be more like your brother', 'I will send you to live with your mother'. There was nothing that anyone could say or do that would cause a reaction out of him.

Wade was 15 turning 16 in a few days, he had short curly hair that was always a mess. He was on the taller side but he had a lean physique. Since he played games all day, his father forced him to participate in sports and work out often. Even with his feature, he wasn't the best looking guy out there, he only had one friend and barely put in any effort unless it was playing games.

What most people thought that he was dumb and lazy, he actually was smarter than most. Due to playing games, he built faster reaction time, quick thinking, and overall things to better himself. And, sometimes he would solve puzzles and read and solve the hardest math out there.

He chose to keep this all to himself because he didn't want attention around him. he like being the loner with one friend and nothing going in his life.

After getting tired of hearing his father's regret of having him, he decides to take a walk. While walking, he decided to play a game to solve a 15x15x15 Rubik's cube. He started moving his thumb to align the right pattern like it was nothing. He was barely putting in any effort.

Continuing to solve the Rubik's cube with numbers increasing to 16x16x16 all the way up to 28x28x28. His brain worked wonders and everyone doubted him, if he were to go public with this everyone would try and act as his friend.

He really didn't care for anybody but himself and his one friend. Max. Max has been his friend since they were kids and never doubted him because he knew how smart he actually was. Max would actually be considered smarter than Wade because he did more than him and spent more time doing what Wade vowed never to do. Work.

That was until he heard his father and brother planning to kick him out of the house so, he got a job an animal clinic. What made him chose that job was because there was nobody else working there other than his boss and he loved taking care of animals.

When he was outside the house, his father thought he was out doing something to get himself in trouble that's why he would always come home late. But, actually, he was working so when he went to live with his mother he could help her out because his father neglected her after he said she was no use to him.

If he wanted to he would stay with his mother but his father gained custody of them and wasn't allowed to see their mom. But still, he hasn't lost contact with her and text and called her every day when his father and brother weren't around.

But one thing he really disliked about his mom was that if he came to live with her, he would have to go to school until he graduates. Wade hasn't been to school since freshman year, he thought it was a waste of time because he already knew everything they were teaching so he stopped going.

But it didn't sound like a bad idea, seeing his friend more. Well, that was about all that wasn't a bad idea to him. He would have to be around people and he really didn't like people. But he decided at some point, he would have to learn to be more social and interactive.

When reaching the last level of the game, he steps on a branch which makes him more aware of his surroundings. He was now in the woods with the moonlight shining down on him at a perfect angle.

Wade had a bored expression looking at the moon. Anyone else would have been amazed and cherished that moment. As Wade started to walk back the way he came, he started to hear branches snapping. It wasn't him because he was following the exact trail to which he came and there were no branches in his path except a minute ago.

Wade watched too many movies, too many shows, and played too many games to know where this was going. Wearing the same expression but picking up his pace, Wade starts to run at full speed out the woods.

When he started running whatever was following him started running. But he was no match for the beast chasing him. It was a wolf with this red and black aura emitting from its body. The wolf looked different from most and the energy it was giving off was like he was standing in front of them itself.

Taking a step back, with no hesitation, the wolf bites Wade on his side. Wade feels a burst of energy go through him but that was overpowered by the immense pain he was feeling in his side.

Even with the pain coursing through his body he did not make a sound. When the pain stopped, he slowly got up and took a deep breath. He looked to see the previous black and deranged wolf was now a beautiful white color but sadly it had died.

Through he had felt nothing for the animal, it was another one of nature's babies lost. He did take long mourning its death, he said a prayer and moved on. While walking back to his father's house, he felt extremely hungry so he went to the convenience store that was not far from him.

When he entered the store, he was greeted by the store owner with much respect. The only reason for that was because his dad was a big shot and very well known. He was a millionaire and help out our city and other cities by giving them loads of money.

I grabbed the same snacks I would every time I came there. I walked over to a bench and started eating, along with my snacks I decided to grab some hot food to fill my stomach.

While eating, I took a picture of my bleed wound with bite marks and sent it to Max.

[Max: Dear god, what took a chunk out of you?]

[Wade: It was a wolf.]

[Max: You got bit by a wolf? You know what that means, right?]

[Wade: Yeah, I'm going to turn into a werewolf. And, the first person I eat is going to be you.]

[Max: You're going to eat me?] {Max sent a smirking emoji}

[Wade: On second thought, my dog just got lost on the moon ttyl.]

[Max: I'm joking, I want to know what happened.]

[Wade: The usual was happening my father yelling at me, so I decided to take a walk. Wasn't paying attention to my surroundings.]

[Max: Let me guess, that Rubik's cube game?]

[Wade: Then I stepped on a branch which made me aware then a wolf with black and red aura coming off it bit me. Then its fur turned white and it died.]

[Max: That's a very believable story.]

[Wade: Stop joking around, I think I might just go back home and sleep it off.]

[Max: No, maybe you should go to the hospital? That's a good idea.]

[Wade: No, that won't do. I don't want to worry my mom, so I'll sleep it off.]

[Max: Ok, text me if anything happens.]

[Wade: Ok, ttyl.]

[Max: Goodnight.] Max sent a kissing emoji

'He is so weird' Wade thought to himself smiling then continuing to eat his food.

"Yeah, he is a weird kid,"

"Look, if you're here to rob me, I don't have any money I just spent it on this food. And, if not what do you want?"

"Your soul, body, and mind,"

"Are you serious? And, I thought people couldn't get any weirder than Max,"

"Hey, now, don't put me in any tier higher than that person called Max,"

"So, why did you say you want my mind, body, and soul? Only a demon would say something like that,"

"Your surprisedly calm for someone who is hearing a voice in there head, It kind of scary,"

"So, am I going crazy or something? Or are you here for a reason?"

"I just told you, I want your mind, body, and soul,"

"For what? Get your own,"

"Why do you think I bit you while I was in that wolf?"

"Oh, it all makes sense,"

"It does?"

"Yeah, so let me guess, you a demon or the ruler of all demons coming to steal souls to power yourself and cause havoc on the humans. And, when he came to earth you were put inside a wolf and the first person you saw was me that why you bite me. Now, you planning to drive me to insanity to take over my mind, body, and soul. Am I correct?"

"Your pretty smart, so how about you make this easy and give up,"

"See what you don't understand is you chose the wrong one to 'possess',"

"Why did you use air quotes when you said that?"

"Because you will never take control of me. My mind has already been broken and rebuilt to make it stronger. And, for my body, say thank you to my dad for forcing me into sports. Now, for my soul, I have become one with my self and my soul is protected,"

"I guess you chose the wrong one, now if you don't mind, can you leave? I don't need someone talking to me every day. Max already does that"

"Hehe, I thought I might have chosen the wrong vessel,"

"Vessel? What do you mean?"

"You have proven to me that you are worthy of becoming my vessel. I will guide you and give you my powers,"

"That's cool and all but, no thanks. I don't want anyone coming after me,"

"Well, sorry to say, once I entered your body I cannot leave until my wish is fulfilled, To give you my powers,"

"This is going to be a really long night of you explaining your life story, isn't it?"


A remake of another novel hope you enjoy it.

TruePlugcreators' thoughts