
Werewolf Bond

Ethan was one of the least you could ever imagined was a full blooded werewolf. A clumsy ass, a nerd, a dump, all about a loser, with many health problems and he is also an orphan. He was never the bold type. Rather he was very shy and tends to play a dump type. But what happened when he found out that his grandfather was death right in their house. His heart ripped off. With pain, agony and grief, he tried to fight through the pain, he was bullied, harassed, and called all such of names. His hearing device was destroyed by his classmates in school, he was like not from this world. But what struck him the most was that, he was told about his family and his root, like that wasn't enough, he comes to know a lot more o what he can take about his family, crossing over to the werewolves world when he was forced to be an only Omega and rejected cause he was seen as a weak being. However all the werewolves race were completely endangered with the prophecy pending, the hero was already been prepared right from birth, at least the only person they thought was their hero. But little did they know the moon goddess had her eyes on someone else. Someone they really least expected. A complete nobody. But cause of some traumatic experience will the chosen one ever conquer his fears and finally let his werewolf speak or would betrayal and abuse quench the only hope of their goddess Luna! or will another hero be chosen for the ultimate battle of the prophecy. Warnings, that contains sexual assault, abuse of minor, disturbing scenes for only those who are strong enough to go through that particular adventure through pain and Victory.

Abdulazeez_Garuba · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chapter 5


"Take me back,"Ethan yelled while kicking the door with his foot but it was futile

"Quiet that boy!" Robin growled as he stepped on the accelerator.

"Let me go! Let me out! Don't want to be with you guys!" He yelled with tears streaming down his cheeks.

Listen here Ethan, Dian started ", you weren't safe there, you saw the rogues of yourself she tried to talk him in but he didn't seemed to be having any of their words.

"I don't want your protection! I just want my family please let me go." He pleaded with glossy eyes.

"Damnit! Why can't you fucking understand that those animals that attached you were they fucking ones who ripped your ground father's heat and killed him! They are fucking after you now! And they won't have any mercy ripping your members one after the other!" Robin yelled.

Ethan flinched at his tone and shrink in the back seat curling in a ball as silent tears slipped down his cheeks. He was very helpless

Why such exaggeration?" Dian asked only to be ignored by Robin who speed of.

The ride took hours, as the night only grew cold and the sky turned brighter with the moon light. Ethan hasn't make a sound since he was still in his protective ball ever so silent as fatigue and hunger had knocked him out.

"Is the kid okay?" Robin asked.

Dian turned around watching him shivers slightly from how cold it was.

" Yeah, just cold!"" She responded.

"We are almost there." He said.

She undid her seat belt reaching for the cover beside Ethan bringing it down on him, but as the fabric hit Ethan's skin he was awake, he let out a little shrink as he back away.

"Hey I just want to give you a cover." Dian said softly.

His heavy breaths slowed and he was starting to come back to his steady heartbreaks . He gazed shifting from the cover to Dian's amber eyes.

Put on your seat belt." Robin stern voice made him flinched as he shakily reach for the belt. Dian returned back to her normal position with a grown face.

The car went straight in the woods. Not relenting a bit. Ethan got scared by the sudden darkness caused by so many brunches tangled together. He dong to his seat belt eyes shut. And prayed silently it will soon be over.

All of a sudden a blue right shines in front of them, he was forced to open his eyes ever so slowly as they rode straight to the right.

It was like nothing he had ever seen even in the movies, the light was so strong he had to squint as they got close, then he saw something through the blue dazzling light, many other doors, then they were swallowed completely and ejected to another world causing them to jerk roughly. Robin stepped on the break as the car rotated with a loud screeching sound before coming to a straight steady road and speeding up, Ethan had a deathly grip on his seat belt, as his stomach threatened to give out all it has got from the jerking.

He looks outside the window, only seeing fire flies on the field, beautiful thought. The car went through the immense kind for twenty five minutes.

"W-Where are we?" Ethan asked Dian reluctantly answered. "What you saw was the portal, we just crossed over." She said gently with a smile.

Ethan rolled the car window down and carefully pop his head out (inching) as the coo breeze hit his face and ran through his hair. He stared at the dark blue sky with a huge half moon and a crimson smoke spread across the sky.

He closed his eyes and in hale deeply, a fresh and pure air ran through his lungs and he signed with relief. Unlike the human world, the air was not polluted but how?

When he opened them again, he caught glimpse of a huge mansion straight ahead. The more the vehicle come closer the more mansions he saw. There were three enormous, vast and gigantic mansions , beautiful built and designed. Two of the mansions were connected with a horizontal line in between that made it looked like a "H" the other was separated. Around the mansion was a huge garden with a labyrinth and more. The car pulled in the stop among other cars .

"Welcome to red moon pack!" Dian said with a confident smiled.

Ethan pulled his head back in and stayed silent. Felling insecure. How many people live here?

Robin unlocked the door getting out so did Dian. He got to the backdoor unlocked it and grabbed Ethan's arms gently yanking him out. Ethan didn't fight back he only allowed himself to be pulled as he limped from his injured foot with clenched jaw. Dian saw his pain and immediately stopped her husband in his tracks.

"I will take it from here." She said in irritation. He nodded not wanting to piss her any further and let go of Ethan's arm.

Ethan rubbed the spot feeling pain as he tried not to hiss.

I will get you to the clinic". She said sweetly to Ethan who nodded feeling a tiny bit of trust towards her

Hi Rosa! Brought you a patient. Dian said as she walked in the clinic.

"Oh Dian ! "Rosa explained. Moving out from the white cupboard she looked behind Dian with a quizzical brow.

"Nathan?" She said.

"No that's Ethan ." Dian said only making her gasped.

"Oh my gosh! "She walked to Ethan checking every inch of him as he shrunk, "I thought you were to bring him tomorrow? I thought they weren't identical"

No the alpha wanted it quick and we come just in time to save him from the rouges. Anyways I gotta with Robin , you know where the Alpha mansion is." She said while walking to the door. Ethan wanted her leave helplessly.

Hey Ethan, I am Rosa and I am the Beta of the pack." She said.

Ethan only raised a brow in confusion.

"Oh sorry, you are from the human world " she said more to himself then him, "I mean I am the assistant doctor and I am 22" she smiled warmly.

Ethan remained silent and avoided staring at her.

"We can easily see the difference between you and Nathan, you are more introvert while he is an extravert. Believe me," she sat him on a chair.

"Just my feet." Ethan said before she had the time to ask. She only smiled go to work.

She told him about random stuffs while treating his foot and he said little on his kidnapping. She made him take a shower and gave him new clothes before they went to the Alpha's house.

"Mark and Nathan are really kind you will like having them as brothers." She said with a blush Ethan only needed uncertainty.

"Mark!"she called out when they were in.

Ethan was distracted by the beauty of the house, the red long carpet the Royal furniture, the beautiful chandeliers and many more that he didn't noticed the tennis ball. It flew straight to his face just inches away from hitting the bridge of his nose. But a hand caught it.

Ethan blinked and back away from the person standing in front of him. He was like two times his height (exaggeration) with strong physics , he looked handsome more than he was with a dusty black hair, glaring emerald eyes but he was slightly young just like him with the Same face. It felt like he was starting at his opposite.

Great ". Nathan said with an eye roll his voice sounded strong and nonchalant to Ethan.

" Stop staring, you smell human" Nathan said aggressively causing Ethan to flinched as his gaze dropped to his feet. Nathan walked away going to seat on the couch by mark who was more further than him with a jet black hair and a brown eyes, he looked strong enough to snapped Nathan in two. How much more do you know him?

You didn't tell me you were coming." He said to Rosa in his smoky voice she rolled her eyes.

Ethan that is Nathan our future Beta and the chosen one, and this over there the boy with no facial expressions is our Beta mark Tomlinson your elder brother." She added only earning a frown mark.

Ethan felt uncomfortable with their presence as Nathan was emitting a strong heat of displeasure with his hard glares.

"Where did they found him? He looked human and smells weak." Nathan mind linked mark.

"He is your twin what is the difference?" Mark replied.

"Look at him, he is my opposite, how can s werewolf be so small and looks like they would break of he fall?"

"Father is here."

They both looked up at the stairs where Williams was standing hands folded behind his back with Robin by business suit, his hair was just as black as mark's and he looked stronger than anybody Ethan had ever seen. His only featured that scared Ethan to death was his piercing Gray eyes they made him drop his gaze and trembled. The room was just as chilling as his expression.

Ethan felt his heart began to pound as Teresa's words echoed in his head. Cold. Alpha. He bit his lips nervously.

"Ethan". He called. The simple fact of hearing the man pronounced his name made him shivers travel down his spine as he resist the urge to run.

"Alpha!" Rosa bow before retreating

He came down from the stairs till he was closed enough to have a good look at his son." I am your father William, Alpha of the Red Moon pack." He said.

Ethan was in a fist of emotions. He didn't know what to feel for the man standing before him. Other than fear and submissive.

"I can't feel your wolf when last did you shift?" William asked his tone ever so cold.

" I'm n-not a werewolf, I am a human like my mother". Ethan not to stuttered as he spoke to the cold Alpha before him not daring to look up.

"Human?" William repeat? Monotonously.

"He is half blood and can't shift" Robin said.

" I think has wolf is just retarded." Dian said as she walked in

"Nathan had his wolf at eleven" William said, "he is suppose to shift at 14."

"He is probably not a werewolf he is a simple human. "Mark said.

"Hm" William grunted " you know you are here for your own safety, I wouldn't want you to end up like Gregory" He said to Ethan who wasn't staring at him but rather the floor.

"What do we do with him? Mark asked as he step forward.

Ethan felt invisible as they discussed about him like he was not there.

"Omega." William said almost making everyone gave.

"We haven't have one in 200 years Alpha. The last omega was - "Dian paused.

" That was my last word, he wouldn't be able to defend himself when danger comes, he won't be able to fight rogues, he won't be able to do anything. He is a weak human. Therefore he shall stay in the second mansion and live like nothing happened. I'm only doing this cause I vowed to your mother. "He said before retreating to the stairs with mark. Nathan left not bothering to look at his brother.

Ethan hit a weird feeling of intense pain, a little open formed in his heat and expanded. He inhaled deeply to keep his tears in. His family didn't even look at him, they saw him like a promise that must be held nothing more. But yet he didn't understand why his own father valued Nathan? The way he spoke of him like a Priceless trophy. They are both half bloods from the same mother, why had he chose Nathan over him?"

Come Ethan I will show you your room. " Dian said softly as she led him away.