
Welcome To The Afterlife

The difference between life and death is a fine line. Evan Shadows; A 19 year old boy who finds his way into another world after dying in a tragic accident. In the world of Neodeka there are horrifying monsters, dragons, and ofcourse pretty girls. Though, after getting scratched by a terrifying creature, it seems he must set out on a quest with his new friends to find something called a 'Life Crystal' before he starts to turn into one of those monsters! --------------------------------------------------------- Continuing In Volume 2 Evan Shadows and his friends finally defeated the evil dragon Atsuko the world of Neodeka broke apart. Everyone was separated in the fall, ending up in yet another strange world. The world of Jigoku. A kingdom preparing for war under their king Goliath A.K.A Sadako's father. Evan, Sadako and Basa are alone on their journey thus getting to know one another and becoming trusted allies. Avery Volk has been on a rampage in the world of the living for 2 years, torn up over the loss of his beloved Blair. Until one fateful day an old friend shows up with news for hope, a way to save Blair, revive her from the Phantom realm. Unfortunately, Avery will have to face Goliath himself in order to get Blair back. Though, Goliath seems to know Avery even though they never met before, or so Avery thought... Lyran Ichihara comes into contact with a handsome boy with wings. Though they get along just fine, he doesn't want to tell Lyran his real name for some reason. Instead, he goes under the alias 'Angel'. They travel the wasteland in search of the rest of Lyran's party into the town of Selina which is cut off from the overbearing rule of the demon king Goliath. A mysterious time traveler has come from the future with an ominous message, Evan, Avery, Sadako, Basa, Cera, Jericho, Lyran and Angel find themselves in the middle of a conflict between two nations. what's worse is their combined strength wasn't even enough to take down one man. Jesshira the Dark Chimera is the reincarnation of Anubis. Jesshira has teamed up with vampire Lord Damien. There seems to be some unexpected ties forming. Read to find out what happens as some relationships form and some tear away. Also, a new life is created. ------------ [ Sadako The Demon Of Neodeka ] The tale of the life of the daughter of the king. She was cast out of the castle at a young age and forced to work to make ends meet. This poor lonely girl would one day become the powerful demon known as Sadako Gravestone.

Lyranichi · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Journey to the Hollow Forest pt.2

"Tell me something…why do you keep coming with us? Don't you realize that you have no obligation to put your life on the line for us? Besides…even I don't know what we're doing all this for anymore…the answer used to seem so clear, I was just surviving…protecting people…but now. Now I'm not sure what I'm doing this for."


Lyran was wrapped in Angel's arms as they flew up above and ahead of the rest of the pack. They were the birds eye view that could warn the group of dangers, but it was the first time they were alone in what felt like months. Therefore, Lyran couldn't help but take the chance to unload what she's been bottling up all this time. She leaned in to his shoulder, her emerald eyes glistening in the rays of the setting sun.


"Well, to tell you the truth…I have a mission of my own."


Angel finally decided to respond after giving Lyran enough time to say everything she needed to say.


"A mission?"


Her head perked up the moment she heard him say it.


"Yeah, well I'm supposed to find someone."


"And who's that?"


"A girl."


"Ohhh wow okay then Romeo Σ(ಠ_ಠ) thought you were actually breaking character and being serious for a minute."


"Hahah…It's not like that, I am being serious. But it's...more like…"


"More like what?"


"Ehhh just forget about it."


"What?! Boo, just when I finally start to unravel the giant mystery that is you, that's when you decide to be all quiet but any other time you're a complete chatter box that never shuts up. What's up with that? ┐( ̄ヘ ̄) "


"Psshhh, I'd say YOU'RE the one who never shuts up. Besides, why does it matter to you what my mission is anyways?"


"Ya- you- hmph…you know why."


"Ummm, no I really don't."


"Wha- ugh…well, you know. It's just…If you have to leave or something and end up not coming back then…you know. Hmph…not like I'd care or anything…"


"…geez, thanks for the words of encouragement. That attitude is really unbecoming of you yaknow."


"Soooo what?"


"Sooo- uh, okay fine…I promise I'll tell you all about my mission after all this is over okay?"






"You promise you'll tell me if you ever leave?"


"I promise…besides, I'd rather have someone with me to keep me company anyways."


"Anyone in mind?"


"There's this one pretty girl with blue hair that I like hanging out with, but she gets pretty cocky sometimes- ouch! Hey don't just hit me like that come on!"


"Well, anyways I'm sure that girl with the blue hair wouldn't mind going on an adventure with you so look forward to that in the future."


"I can't wait."


Angel spoke in a flat sarcastic tone.


"When you say it like that it makes me think you feel the opposite.."


"Hahahah I'm just messing with you!"


He gave her a smile that broke through all of Lyran's insecurities with reassurance in that moment and she smiled back at him.


The travelers had spent the past month walking through the desert and then teleporting back to the castle to rest. Now they've reached a part of the world that is basically unexplored.


Even Sadako, who grew up in this world and constantly read books written by famous explorers. Even she had next to no Intel about the hollow forest. It seems that adventures who hiked to this part of the world in the past had never returned to tell about it.


A cold mist flowed through the air while 10 tracks were left in the snow, it was a valley between 2 monolithic mountains.


 6 vampires were fanned out through the trees while Sadako and her friends walked a straight path. They were nearly up to their knees in snow so their movement was limited at best.


 Avery had expelled every bit of his energy early on by using his fire magic to melt the snow. It proved effective for about 20-30 minutes until he ended up collapsed on the ground from exhaustion. He was teleported back to the castle while the rest of the group decided to trudge the snowy mountains on foot.


Damien and the rest of the vampire generals were in awe of the blizzard, but their main priority was guaranteeing Sadako's safety.


The Dark Chimera is a strong adversary, but the truth of the matter is that Goliath and his personal squad have been taking their borders back little by little over the past month and it won't be long until he storms the castle.


To Damien, the Vampire Lord, this war is a losing battle. The vampires had the element of surprise on their side before, but now it's become a war of attrition. Vampires require human blood to survive and they were starving as it stood already. By dragging out the situation Goliath has more and more of a chance to defeat the vampires and retake his castle each day.


Lyran and Angel were carrying on with their conversation when something suddenly caught her eye.


"Wait, what's that?"


"What's what?"


"That…there's something moving down there."


"I don't see it."


"What it's right ther-"


A huge gust of wind swarmed the air around them just before an enormous blue bird-like creature knocked them out of the air. Angel wrapped himself around Lyran as they were violently spinning, barreling through the trees towards the ground. All they could do was brace for impact, luckily the snow was enough cushion to lessen the fall damage.


Not that it mattered much when a horrifying screech drew their attention to look above, only to see the insanely huge bird coming down on them like a hawk about to catch a fish.  


Another second and they were done for.