
Welcome To The Afterlife

The difference between life and death is a fine line. Evan Shadows; A 19 year old boy who finds his way into another world after dying in a tragic accident. In the world of Neodeka there are horrifying monsters, dragons, and ofcourse pretty girls. Though, after getting scratched by a terrifying creature, it seems he must set out on a quest with his new friends to find something called a 'Life Crystal' before he starts to turn into one of those monsters! --------------------------------------------------------- Continuing In Volume 2 Evan Shadows and his friends finally defeated the evil dragon Atsuko the world of Neodeka broke apart. Everyone was separated in the fall, ending up in yet another strange world. The world of Jigoku. A kingdom preparing for war under their king Goliath A.K.A Sadako's father. Evan, Sadako and Basa are alone on their journey thus getting to know one another and becoming trusted allies. Avery Volk has been on a rampage in the world of the living for 2 years, torn up over the loss of his beloved Blair. Until one fateful day an old friend shows up with news for hope, a way to save Blair, revive her from the Phantom realm. Unfortunately, Avery will have to face Goliath himself in order to get Blair back. Though, Goliath seems to know Avery even though they never met before, or so Avery thought... Lyran Ichihara comes into contact with a handsome boy with wings. Though they get along just fine, he doesn't want to tell Lyran his real name for some reason. Instead, he goes under the alias 'Angel'. They travel the wasteland in search of the rest of Lyran's party into the town of Selina which is cut off from the overbearing rule of the demon king Goliath. A mysterious time traveler has come from the future with an ominous message, Evan, Avery, Sadako, Basa, Cera, Jericho, Lyran and Angel find themselves in the middle of a conflict between two nations. what's worse is their combined strength wasn't even enough to take down one man. Jesshira the Dark Chimera is the reincarnation of Anubis. Jesshira has teamed up with vampire Lord Damien. There seems to be some unexpected ties forming. Read to find out what happens as some relationships form and some tear away. Also, a new life is created. ------------ [ Sadako The Demon Of Neodeka ] The tale of the life of the daughter of the king. She was cast out of the castle at a young age and forced to work to make ends meet. This poor lonely girl would one day become the powerful demon known as Sadako Gravestone.

Lyranichi · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Journey to the Hollow Forest pt. 6

After a grueling week of waiting patiently, the moment finally came. Cera had woken from her comatose state.  


"What happened?"


She peered left and right while rubbing her sleepy eyes. All in all seeming to act completely like her usual self. Damien had briskly paced over and kneeled down while taking observation of the curse mark that emitted a dim glow from her forehead.


"Hmmm, well that's unusual. How do you feel?"


"Um, fine I guess? A little tired. I don't know what happened. Last thing I remember we were walking and then next thing I know I'm here in this…dome? What the heck?"


"So you can't recall anything in between then and now?"


Damien looked at a puzzled Cera. She thought back trying to remember, that was when she suddenly stood up as if everything had hit her all at once. Lightning pulsed through her fingertips and out of her eyes and her demeanor changed entirely.


"I remember everything."


"So then, who are you?"


"Cera Shadows, the reincarnation of Zues. The god of thunder and protector of humanity."


"Good. That's good. Do you remember the mission that we're on?"


"Traveling to the Hollow Forest to meet with the grim reaper known as Kayako Yamagaya in order to destroy the curse placed on her and receive her aid in taking down the mighty demon lord Goliath Gravestone. Though, at my current power I could defeat him myself. In fact, effective immediately there's a change in plans. The grim reaper's problem can wait for now."


"Hold on! Wai-"


It was too late, in the blink of an eye Cera Shadows disappeared from the spot she was standing and abandoned the current mission.


"Well, that wasn't supposed to happen…"


"Lord Damien…what…what do we do now? We are halfway across the world. Even if we ran at top speed we'll never make it in time."


"There's nothing we can do…we'll just have to hope that Jesshira and Cera along with the last of our army will be enough to win."


There wasn't enough restraint in any of the Vampire Guardians to hold back their disgust and scorn in that moment.


"One things for sure…Evan isn't going to be too pleased when he wakes up."


Sadako sighed. She knew she had to wake him up as soon as possible to inform him of everything that just transpired, but she wasn't looking forward to giving him the bad news.








The events in the Kingdom of Flames had heated up exponentially and during the past week while the rest of the group were at a standstill. Avery had been left behind at Goliath's castle a week ago, he had exhausted himself to the point of collapse in attempt to melt the egregious amounts of snow. After he had gotten a good nights rest in he was fit and ready to get on with the journey. However, he waited and waited and waited expecting that amethyst portal to open up any minute. Unfortunately, Cera and the rest never came back for him. Not the next day, or the day after that even.


"Those bastards better not leave me behind. I'M GOING BACK TO NEODEKA YOU HEAR ME!!!"


Needless to say, he was growing impatient as the days went on. He had no way of knowing what happened to Cera, therefore he went outside the castle for some fresh air. 4 days had passed while he was cooped up in there after all. He heard lots of commotion coming from the front gate for the past several hours that had him curious. He decided to write a note saying he was just outside the castle and leave it on the wall just in case they showed up while he was taking a walk. But once he walked outside that's when he realized something was definitely strange.


"What the hell?"


He was greeted by a disasterous sight, the entire wall that used to separate the castle from the outlining city was completely gone. Small fires were still lit among some rubble that used to be the defense of this castle.


There was about 50 people standing as a squad all dressed in white armor with a red cross similar to the outfit Rellik wore. He assumed these were the rest of the Vampires that were fighting this war…but wait that can't be right. 50 vampires against Goliath and the rest of his forces? That couldn't possibly be a good sign.


"Ah, you! Where is Damien? I have to speak with him immediately."


Jesshira was approaching Avery assuming that if he was there that Damien and the rest should also be within the castle.


"Yeah that's what I'd like to know! They should've come back already, but for some reason they haven't."


Avery's reply left Jesshira a bit concerned.


"If he does show up, make sure to send him to me. You should stay inside, this whole place is going to be a warzone in a few hours."


By Jesshira's statement, Avery put two and two together and figured that Goliath has probably pushed the lines back all the way here and at this rate he's probably going to end up taking the castle.


"Well, no offense but your soldiers look a bit worn out. I might not look it, but I can handle myself. Not to mention, I got a score to settle with the guy you're fighting so maybe you should let me fight too."


"I like your style kid, but it's important that Damien comes to find me as soon as possible. We're holding the line for now, but that damn stone power of the demon king is extremely dangerous. All it takes is one look from him and everyone is reduced to mere statues."


"I know all about it trust me, if I see Damien I'll let him know. "


Done saying what he had to say, Jesshira turned to reengage his men. Or what's left of them anyway.


"This is going to get nasty…"


Avery muttered under his breath while clutching the key he had stolen from Goliath. The key of Neodeka was too precious an item to lose at this point. Avery personally wished he could just skip all this pointless drama and go get Blair back already. But in order to do that he needs Sadako to come with, and she seems pretty enthusiastic about meeting the grim reaper. Apparently that's her mom so Avery can't blame her too much, but he really wished that all this stuff could hurry up already.