
Welcome to Arcana

(Author note:Not going to continue writing anymore. Feedback: Reasons feedback poor.) Radley was a boy desperately trying to look after his struggling mother and sister. He was willing to do some really uncouth things to help them. One day an event took place called the rapture that destroyed some of the human population, his mother and sister being one of them. He lived primarily on the street and in the orphanage. He made a best friend called Allen, who too was a depressed kid. As one event led to another an unexpected accident caused Radley's death. Radley awoke in a world that made no sense. Follow Radley in this crazy fantastic new world with a system called DIFF (Death is for Fools). This system allowed him to invigorate himself to get stronger, but there are others like him in this world who can invigorate as well, but only he has DIFF system that allows him rise above all. A tale about survival in an inhospitable environment, with death waiting around every corner, while dealing with his own inner demons. (Author note: Not for sensitive readers)

WhosDatDude · Urban
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

The Power of a Dire Bear

"Casey, Raelene! Do not intervene, I will escape one my own!"

Casey shouted back, "Don't be an idiot! There is no way you are out running this thing! Now, get away from here!"

Goddammit! Perhaps they will stand a chance if they fought together? Radley knew he would be of no use and started to run away, but the more he ran the more his conscience started eating at him. He stopped in the middle of his run, "Fuck!"

He turned around and ran back. He just needed to create a small opportunity. A popup came up. Tertiary Quest: Save the girls.

God Dammit! It turned into a quest. Now he had no choice in the matter.

Raelene dodged a massive overhead swipe that created a small crater at the point of impact. Casey released a few more arrows into the creature but it seemed that it wasn't really penetrating all that much.

Radley showed up in the area, grabbed a rock and used his power slam ability and sent the attack towards the beast's eyes. The creature didn't even flinch.

Casey saw him and unleashed another volley of arrows into the bear, "The hell, Loner!? I thought I told you to retreat!"

"You will not live through this fight if you don't retreat!"

"We can handle it!"

"Stop being a fool! That thing is a level fifteen!"

"You're just guesstimating!"

"No, I can…it doesn't matter how I know, just know that I know that it's a level fifteen! Please fall back! I am begging you!"

"Even if what you say is true, Dire bears are notoriously persistent!"

"Then remove his speed and getaway. I cannot allow your deaths to be on my consciousness."

"It won't be!"

Raelene dove to avoid a follow-up attack and used her kukri knives to slash for the legs as she slid past. Casey shot two quick arrows to its face as it easily dodged the arrows. They were moving faster than Radley could have ever thought. His body would not have been able to keep up with these speeds. He didn't even want to know just how fast the level twenty and higher was.

Still, he needed to help somehow. The girls were barely doing any damage. Raelene's arms started to glow as she suddenly unleashes the mother of all barrages. Her slashes became so fast that it looked like a bunch of blades materialized out of nowhere slashing into the bear. Radley was actually mesmerized by that. Perhaps they actually stood a chance, but then all went to hell. The attack enraged the bear as it closed its paws onto each other and crashed into the ground sending out a powerful shockwave. Raelene happened to be close by as the shockwave hit. It sent her flying crashing into a rock and also losing her knives in the process. The bear did a follow-up charge and crashed his head into her stomach. Casey saw this and used an ability similar to Raelene and sent an array of arrows bombarding the bear, which did nothing to stop it. Raelene coughed up blood as more blood seeped from her eyes and ears. Radley used his enhanced speed and charged the bear down. He climbed onto its back and used his axe aiming for his eyes. The beast snapped its head back and sent Radley flying who flipped in the air to remedy his position. Turned out the beast was just getting ready to bite as he bit down onto her shoulder and torso. One could hear the snapping of bones and as the beast pulled his head back the tendons and flesh tore off in grotesque fashion. The bear took her lungs and a piece of her liver with that one bite. She started to gurgle on her blood. The spectacle shocked Casey. Radley knew instantly she was done for. He ran towards Casey, "Casey, you need to finish her. THAT THING IS GOING TO EAT HER ALIVE! Do NOT let her suffer!"

Casey was in tears by then, "I can't, I can't…"

Fuck it! Radley decided he would do it himself. He grabbed her bow and the last arrow in the quiver. He used his power slam ability in both his arm and the arrow and sent the arrow careening towards her exposed heart. Radley was clearly not strong enough to wield the bow but thanks to his abilities he was able to end her suffering as the bear bit down into her intestines ripping them out. She died before she could feel anything else. It ripped into his heart. He had just taken a human life, but he knew also it was a necessary evil. A popup came up but Radley ignored it. He quickly gathered everyone's gear, including the fallen Kukri Knifes that was luckily not close to the feasting bear and grabbed Casey who was still in shock and ran for dear life.

He only stopped when he saw his stamina was dangerously low. The rain by then had already stopped. He gently placed Stacey onto the ground against a tree. He went down to pat Blobby who was trying to console Casey. She was completely out of it. Radley knew that feeling all too well. He was there himself once. He tried remembering that day but all he could remember was the chocolate. He opened a new bag and produced a candy bar and opened it and gave it to her. She didn't take it, so Radley placed it close to her. He asked Blobby to go find dry wood as he himself set out to get some wood as well.

He arrived after a while with a fair amount of wood and started making the fire. Casey drearily looked into the flames, "Why, why did you do it?"

"You would rather let her suffer. She lost a lung and part of her liver. At best she had ten minutes to live, besides that thing was going to eat her alive, literally. That's a messed up way to go."

She started crying as she stood up and punched Radley, dislocating his jaw. He stood up, twenty-five percent of his health was gone. He used his hand to relocate his jaw. It caused an agonizing amount of pain but he bared through it.

He raised his arms offering no defense, "Go ahead, punch me more if that would bring you solace."

She wanted to but stopped just before she did and fell to her knees crying.

End of Chapter results:

Current exp: 586 \ 21 000

Current invigoration level: 2

Base Stats:

Attack: 6

Defense: 6

Agility: 8

Current equipment: Sus Scrofa Raptor skin tunic Defense: 14 (Improved with claws)

Durability: 8

Sus Scrofa Raptor skin pants Defense: 10

Durability: 8

Sus Scrofa Raptor skin sandals Defense: 2

Durability: 8

Neodizamate axe: Damage 15

(The Protector) Durability 100

Neodizamate Knife: Damage 5

Durability 50

Diff point count: 17

Abilities learned through Diff: Basic analyses (Passive)

Spatial awareness(Instant reaction II)

Toxin Detection

Minor Crafting

Telling Time


Abilities learned by himself: Power Slam

Sonic Boom

Agility boost

Blobby: Blobby: Current form: Hybrid (Limun Lacerti Reptalia + Cornimarsunum)