
Wedding Wrecker

"You're still a virgin, right?" Isabella's laughter held a bitter edge as she pushed Deus Wycliffe's body away, putting space between them once more. "Virgin? After what you did to me last night, you're asking if I'm still a virgin?" "I meant before we... you know." "Will my answer change anything, Deus? Will it?" Deus fell silent, Isabella's cutting words sinking deep into his heart. "It's your fault, Isabella. You initiated this deception. If you hadn't lied, none of this would have happened. When you claimed to be pregnant with my child, it was like insinuating that you and I..." Deus paused, searching for a more tactful term. "Well, engaged in what we did last night." He finished his sentence, realizing the impact of his words. --- "Maybe this will refresh your memory." Deus Wycliffe's grip tightened on Isabella's neck as he drew her closer. "I won't allow anyone else to lay a hand on you but me."

ariaevelyn · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 - His Shadow

Upon arriving at her condo's parking lot, she didn't want to risk anything and asked a female guard to accompany her home. As she stepped into her condo, the reality of the situation crashed over her like a wave. Her heart still pounded in her chest, and her hands were shaking as she locked the door behind her.

The stranger's voice echoed in her mind, his words replaying over and over. The tension in her body refused to dissipate, her limbs still shaky from the encounter. She sank onto her couch, her thoughts a whirl of confusion and fear.

Who was that man? How did he know her name? The questions circled in her mind, like a hawk circling its prey. Her apartment, her sanctuary, now felt tainted. It was as if the stranger had somehow reached into her safe haven and left a chilling imprint of his presence.

As the evening wore on, Isabella found herself unable to focus on anything. She tried to distract herself with the television, but the images on the screen just blurred together. She tried to read her favorite book, but the words swam before her eyes, the sentences fragmented and disjointed, her mind too preoccupied to make sense of anything.

Eventually, she made her way to her bedroom, hoping sleep would offer a respite from her fears. But sleep was elusive, each sound from the street below making her heart jump. She lay in the darkness, her mind replaying the encounter over and over again, each replay more frightening than the last.

As the night stretched on, turning into the early hours of the morning, Isabella knew she would have to face the following day, filled with meetings and workshops, on almost no sleep.

Despite her exhaustion, she was unable to shake the unease that had settled in her. She knew she couldn't let this incident disrupt her life, but the feeling of being watched, of her safety being threatened, was hard to ignore.

As dawn approached, Isabella made a decision. She would report the incident to the authorities first thing in the morning. She finally drifted into a fitful sleep, she clung to the hope that they would be able to provide some answers, some reassurance that she was safe. She would not allow this stranger to steal her peace of mind. She was stronger than that.

Isabella awoke to the gentle dawn rays filtering through her window, her mind clouded with the previous evening's events. Despite a restless night, she was determined to face the day ahead.

Her morning routine was burdened by thoughts of the mysterious encounter. Every sound and every shadow seemed threatening, and she found herself constantly looking over her shoulder on her way to work.

At the office, she tried to focus on her tasks, masking her unease behind a professional facade. However, her anxiety only grew throughout the day, fueled by strange occurrences—a missed call from an unknown number, and a disturbing feeling of being watched in crowded hallways.

While Isabella sat at her desk, her colleague, Sarah, noticed her tense demeanor.

"Is everything alright, Isabella?" Sarah asked, her voice laden with worry.

After a moment's hesitation, Isabella decided to confide in her. "Honestly, Sarah, I had a strange encounter last night."

Listening attentively, Sarah asked, "What happened?"

Isabella recounted the previous night's events, from the blaring car horn to the ominous stranger who seemed to know her name. As she spoke, her fear lessened slightly, replaced by relief from sharing her burden with a trusted friend.

Sarah's brow furrowed in concern. "That sounds terrifying, Isabella. Did you consider reporting it to the authorities?"

Isabella nodded, feeling more resolved. "Yes, I plan to. But in the meantime, I think I need to take some precautions."

Strengthened by her resolve, Isabella started planning safety measures. She decided to inform her apartment's security about the incident, requested for additional patrols around her building, and contemplated installing a home security system.

At work, she reported the strange occurrences to her supervisor and requested if she could temporarily park her car closer to the building. She also made a conscious effort not to stay late at the office, ensuring she left while there were still plenty of people around.

She also made sure to always keep her phone within easy reach, just in case she needed to call for help. Sarah, seeing her friend's distress, offered to stay over for a few nights. Isabella appreciated the company and the reassurance that she was not alone in this.

In the following days, Isabella reported the incident to the authorities, providing as much detail as she could recall. They assured her that they would investigate and advised her to be cautious in the meantime.

As the days passed, Isabella found herself gradually regaining a sense of normalcy. The extra precautions she had taken helped alleviate some of her anxiety, and the support she received from Sarah and her colleagues provided a much-needed sense of security.

However, the unease lingered beneath the surface, a constant reminder of the unsettling encounter that had shaken her to the core. Despite her best efforts to move on, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, that the stranger might still be out there, lurking in the shadows.

One evening, as Isabella was leaving the office, she noticed a figure lingering near her car. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized the silhouette—a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Is everything okay?" Sarah's voice broke through her thoughts, her concern palpable.

Isabella hesitated, her gaze fixed on the figure in the distance. "I think so... I just... I thought I saw someone..."


As Logan continued to observe Isabella from afar, he couldn't shake off his growing curiosity about her involvement in Deus Wycliffe's wedding debacle. Though he had gathered some initial information about her with relative ease, unraveling the full extent of her connection to his boss's affairs would require more effort.

Cross-referencing the license plate number provided by the guards at 'Serenity Haven' with various databases, Logan relied on his network of contacts within law enforcement and government agencies. Each piece of data uncovered brought him closer to identifying Isabella and understanding her possible motives.

As he peeled back the layers of secrecy surrounding Isabella, Logan found himself increasingly drawn into the enigma she presented. What had compelled her to disrupt Deus Wycliffe's wedding? And what role did she play in the larger picture? Was she merely a pawn or did she hold secrets that could shake the foundations of power?

Driven by both loyalty to his boss and a sense of empathy towards Isabella, Logan is determined to uncover the truth.

He had been tailing Isabella since dawn, meticulously noting her every move—her route to work, her workplace, and her role there. She was only an Assistant Secretary, a mere clerk. How audacious of her to disrupt the affair of such a prominent figure!

Feeling satisfied with his efforts, he smiled. His task was complete. All that remained was to report back to Deus Wycliffe and await further instructions.

Returning to Deus Wycliffe's private mansion, Logan pondered the implications of his findings. Uncertain of Deus's intentions upon receiving this information, Logan couldn't shake the feeling that Isabella Sinclair's fate hung in the balance. With a sense of foreboding, he feared that her existence might soon be erased from the world.


Arriving at the mansion, Logan's footsteps echoed through the grand halls as he made his way to Deus Wycliffe's study. As he reached the ornate double doors, he paused, gathering his thoughts and steeling himself for what lay beyond.

Pushing open the heavy oak doors, the flickering light of the fireplace casting a warm glow across the room. The air was heavy with the scent of leather-bound books and the faint aroma of cigar smoke, lending an air of old-world sophistication to the space. Logan found Deus Wycliffe seated behind his imposing mahogany desk, his expression unreadable. The air in the room felt charged with tension as Logan relayed his findings, careful to choose his words with precision.

Deus listened intently, his features betraying little emotion as Logan recounted the events of the investigation. When Logan finished speaking, there was a moment of silence—a palpable pause that hung heavy in the air.

Finally, Deus spoke, his voice measured and controlled. "Thank you, Logan. Your diligence is commendable." With a nod of dismissal, Deus indicated that their conversation was at an end.

"Is there anything else, sir?" Logan asked, his voice betraying a hint of concern.

Deus leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable as he contemplated Logan's question. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke. "No, that will be all for now. Thank you, Logan."

Logan nodded, acknowledging the dismissal, but couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that lingered in the air.

As he turned to leave, he hesitated, then turned back to face Deus. "Sir, if I may... What are your plans regarding Miss Sinclair?"

Deus's gaze hardened, a flicker of something unreadable passing through his eyes before he schooled his expression into one of icy resolve.

"I will handle Miss Sinclair in my own way," he replied cryptically.

Logan nodded, though his unease only deepened at Deus's ominous tone. With a final glance over his shoulder, he left the study, the weight of his knowledge pressing heavily upon him as he retreated into the quiet corridors of the mansion.