
Wedding Peach & Sailor Moon Rdex Multicross: Going In Completely Blind

Credit to Supergnats for the drawing. Reviews are very much welcome and appreciated. Although Momoko Hanasaki made what she did in the anime look easy. Try having no information on future events like she did, only information on the main characters of the anime, and also experiencing the events of the Wedding Peach anime alongside her, as her best friend and ally, all while having no choice but to do so. But, what if there is more to it, then just a simple fight of good versus evil? For those who don't have a full understanding of the Wedding Peach anime, or are not aware what the characters look like. You can find out more about the Wedding Peach anime source material through this link ----> Wedding Peach Wiki Dedicated to Wedding Peach creator Nao Yazawa and Sailor Moon creator Naoko Takeuchi. A fanfic that converges with Raildex 90s Magical Girl Multicross Multi-SI: A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces (A Well Written SI Fanfic) and Cardcaptors Sakura (Nelvana Dub) Raildex Multicross Multi-SI: Going In Almost Completely Blind (A Well Written SI Fanfic) Contains A Lot Of Fourth Wall Breaking. I am ファンフィクションとそれに関連する他の2つの作品を、使用を希望するアニメクリエイター、企業、漫画家に提供します。If you wish to discuss this further。Please email me at zachycards@gmail.com However, that is までメールをくださただし上記のいずれかに該当する場合に限ります。However また、これらのフィクションを使用することになった場合は、使用したことを私に認めてほしいと思います。結局のところ、これらのファンフィクションを書いたのは私です。 In which the self insert is thrown into the anime world of Wedding Peach and has to go through the entire series of the show as a love angel and ally to Momoko Hanasaki/Wedding Peach. However, there is more to the story then just that.

Zachy_Cards · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 1: Limone Appears!: The Journey Begins!

Date: September 12, 2011

"Man, that high school graduation sure was memorable...it took me one additional year then everyone else...but that is to be expected...sure...I was held back in my junior year once...but that was because I wasn't ready to move to the next grade just yet...still...I need to try and make a major mental note to myself to at least try and watch the Wedding Peach anime...because to be truthfully honest...which I obviously am...just looking up photos of the characters, and only knowing information about them through wiki sites...really isn't good enough," I thought to myself, as I remembered back to when I had had my graduation earlier in the day and then sighed.

(A/N: If you viewers are at all wondering why I am not telling you more about my real life graduation. Well viewers, that is for obvious reasons. As that is very private information. And I do not at all feel even the least bit comfortable explaining it in more intricate detail to all of you viewers. An author has to have his standards after all. More importantly, a self-insert author like myself. But, as most of you will be assuming, that this is like every other self-insert fanfic that you have read before. I am here to tell you that my fanfics, are unique. I know fully well why you viewers tend to steer clear of self-insert fanfics. It is largely due to the fact that they are all, more or less, filled with the author, abusing their knowledge of said form of media, to make changes to the anime. And most of them are drastic changes. Well, my fanfic, as you will notice, as you continue to read on in this fanfic, as well as the others that I write. Well, I am not going to spoil that for you. Because if I did, then it would defeat the purpose of you becoming intrigued enough to read on. Anyway, on with the story.)

And as for me and what I looked like? Well, I was just your average human male. There was nothing very special about me, or even at all for that matter. I am five feet and nine inches tall, I am of average weight, I have short reddish brown hair, and I have standard blue eyes.But, even though this was all the case, regarding what I looked like. I was going to soon get an unexpected visit from a certain blonde haired angel, who was going to send me on a journey whether I was willing to agree to it or not. And although I did not know it at the time, I wouldn't realize until later on, that I wasn't even supposed to be in the real world in the first place.

Anyway, a little while later, I was still busy browsing the internet on my computer. Well, that is until the ceiling of my room suddenly disappeared and a very bright white light started to shine intensely.

"Okay, I don't remember it being this bright in my room..." I thought to myself, as I turned my attention up from my computer and browsing the internet, as I then turned my attention towards the source of the very bright white light.The light in fact, was actually so intense that I had to shield my eyes with my arm so I would not wind up going blind from it.

But, it was when the bright light had finally faded, and I had removed my arm from in front of my eyes, I was in complete shock from what I saw, for where my room's ceiling once was, was now a long descending line of what appeared to be crystal steps. And what was even more surprising, was who was descending down those crystal steps.

"Wait, isn't that Limone? No, that can't be...he is supposed to be fictional...Still, he does have the same long blond hair from the images I have seen of him on various fan sites...He also seems to be wearing the same blue...I guess those are robes that he is wearing?...Can't really tell to be completely honest...Still...it is still quite an interesting outfit nonetheless....But still, this just can't be real...I guess that cap and gown I had worn during my graduation earlier today...caused me to get some sort of heatstroke," I thought to myself in a very quiet tone of voice with a look of intense shock on my face, as I put a hand to my forehead to confirm whether I had in fact gotten heatstroke or not.

"Look, you might think that I'm not real, but I have come here to tell you that you are the chosen one who is destined to help the love angels in the fight against the devils," Limone then said.

However, as I will now let you, the viewers know, I am not the sort of person who is easily convinced. Especially when I was currently confronted with an anime character, that wasn't even supposed to exist in any real capacity in the first place. "What makes you think I should believe what you are saying to me? Do you honestly expect me to believe that I'm supposed to help Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet just because you are telling me that I'm the chosen one, and besides, you're supposed to be a fictional character Limone, you're not supposed to be real. And besides, shouldn't I not be able to understand you, I mean, you are speaking Japanese, are you not!?" I said to Limone in a very shocked and also very confused tone of voice.

It was then that Limone let out a big sigh. As he then chose to speak up again.

"Listen, you have no idea of what lies ahead for you, and it would be best if I told why you are the chosen one and why I am here to take you to the Angel World to meet Aphrodite," Limone said.

"Wait a sec...did he just mention Aphrodite...?...As in the goddess of love and beauty, and the ruler of the Angel World...Well...at least that is what I know about Aphrodite...from the various fan sites that I have read about her on regarding her character...Okay...you know what?...Maybe this is actually happening for real...So, let me at least try and hear him out before I jump to any more unecessary conclusions," I thought to myself, as I then decided to speak up. "Okay Limone, I'll listen to what you have to say, but, I'm still not convinced of you saying that I'm the chosen one," I said.

"Trust me, after I'm finished telling you what is needed to be said, you will be very much convinced," Limone said to me in a very kind tone of voice."Alright I'm all ears," I said.

A second after I had finished my sentence, Limone began to tell me about my past life as a love angel, as well as a bit of history about the anime itself. "There are three realms that exist, the Angel World, the Human World, and the Devil World. All three realms once existed in harmony, but then the Devils began to revolt and invaded the Angel World under Raindevila's command who was after the Saint Something Four. Both sides fought with equal strength until an devil named Uragano entered the fray. Aphrodite, the Queen of the Angels, sent out her sister, Angel Celeste with three other warriors also named Angel Salvia, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily, but during a fight with the devils, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily got blasted away from the battle to somewhere unknown. Angel Celeste and Angel Salvia fought against Uragano, but when Celeste and Uragano blasted each other, they both fell from the Angel World and into the Human world. Unfortunately Angel Celeste, lost her memories of being a Love Angel. And after she had met Momoko's father. He brought her to the hospital and visited her everyday, eventually, after she recovered, Momoko's father proposed to her. But, one year before Momoko was ever born, they had and raised another daughter, your former self, Angel Bluebell. You will remember all of this when you get your memories back, and you will also have your powers again," Limone explained.

"Well, that was quite the history lesson...I never knew, that life in the anime, was so complicated...Still, at least it is accurate to what I know of the main characters of the anime," I thought to myself, as my face now turned to one of understanding.

However, this story that Limone had told, was not entirely accurate. In fact, the whole reason that Angel Bluebell had been sent to this world in the first place, was because of certain, shall we say, issues that she had with her emotions in her form as a love angel. This would wind up playing very heavily into future events. But he had only told it in this way in an effort to protect me from my past. Unfortunately, this would all wind up being for nothing later on. I also failed to realize, that Limone had mentioned that I was born to the same parents who had given birth to Momoko Hanasaki...otherwise known as the Love Angel Wedding Peach, as well as the main character and heroine of the anime...And to be honest as to why I hadn't taken note of that having been said...Well, that was due to the fact that I was still very awestruck by someone like Limone actually being real. Among other things.

It was when Limone was finally done telling me just about everything I was going to need to know about the journey ahead that I slowly began to think that he might actually be real after all.

"Okay Limone, I guess you are telling the truth, but I'm confused about one thing," I said in a somewhat confused tone of voice.

"What is it?" Limone asked in a kind tone of voice.

"How can I become Angel Bluebell if there isn't another magical item that I would need to help me aid the love angels in their battles?" I asked in a confused tone of voice."I think that in order for your question to be answered you should follow me up these stairs, Aphrodite is waiting for you" Limone said."Okay Limone, I'll come with you. However, this still doesn't mean that I'm convinced about their being an item that is going to aid me in my battles against the devils," I said as I walked up the crystal steps towards Limone."Like I said earlier, once you wind up meeting Aphrodite, everything will wind up making complete sense to you," Limone said to me in a very reassuring tone of voice.

And right after Limone had finished his sentence; he turned around and then started to walk back up the crystal stairs towards the Angel World. I was about to follow him, when a thought then came to my mind. "Wait a sec, I'm about to leave my former life behind, and probably never return. And yet, I don't feel upset about it. Well, that's probably due to the fact that I wasn't supposed to be in this world in the first place. I mean, if my former life was that of a love angel as Limone explained. Then it would make sense that I don't feel any sort of remorse for leaving," I thought to myself, as I then proceeded up the crystal steps and followed Limone to what would be my actual real life. And though I did not know it at the time. A whole new adventure for me, was just about to begin. And as future events would show as well. I would soon meet several very well known anime females. Who's sterling reputations, helped them to become the most well known anime magical girls in the anime magical girl genres history.