
Wedding Peach & Sailor Moon Rdex Multicross: Going In Completely Blind

Credit to Supergnats for the drawing. Reviews are very much welcome and appreciated. Although Momoko Hanasaki made what she did in the anime look easy. Try having no information on future events like she did, only information on the main characters of the anime, and also experiencing the events of the Wedding Peach anime alongside her, as her best friend and ally, all while having no choice but to do so. But, what if there is more to it, then just a simple fight of good versus evil? For those who don't have a full understanding of the Wedding Peach anime, or are not aware what the characters look like. You can find out more about the Wedding Peach anime source material through this link ----> Wedding Peach Wiki Dedicated to Wedding Peach creator Nao Yazawa and Sailor Moon creator Naoko Takeuchi. A fanfic that converges with Raildex 90s Magical Girl Multicross Multi-SI: A Certain Scientific Pair Of Railgun Aces (A Well Written SI Fanfic) and Cardcaptors Sakura (Nelvana Dub) Raildex Multicross Multi-SI: Going In Almost Completely Blind (A Well Written SI Fanfic) Contains A Lot Of Fourth Wall Breaking. I am ファンフィクションとそれに関連する他の2つの作品を、使用を希望するアニメクリエイター、企業、漫画家に提供します。If you wish to discuss this further。Please email me at zachycards@gmail.com However, that is までメールをくださただし上記のいずれかに該当する場合に限ります。However また、これらのフィクションを使用することになった場合は、使用したことを私に認めてほしいと思います。結局のところ、これらのファンフィクションを書いたのは私です。 In which the self insert is thrown into the anime world of Wedding Peach and has to go through the entire series of the show as a love angel and ally to Momoko Hanasaki/Wedding Peach. However, there is more to the story then just that.

Zachy_Cards · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 2: Enter, Angel Bluebell!: The Love Angel Of Lightning Appears! (4th wall break moment)

Date: April 5, 1995

It had been about a minute after me and Limone had made it to the top of the crystal stairs was when I realized that I was standing in a large throne room. I then began to get a strange feeling deep inside of me that there was more things that Limone and Aphrodite were going to tell me.

"So remind me again why I'm here in the Angel World Limone?" I asked in a somewhat confused tone of voice.

"Because you are here to meet Aphrodite and be given something that is going to help you become the Love Angel that you were in your previous life" Limone said to me in response.

"Oh okay, now I remem…whoa, wait a second, you never said anything about Aphrodite giving me anything!" I said in a somewhat frantic sounding tone of voice.

It was then that Limone decided that now was the time to bring me to Aphrodite, who was on her throne. "So that is what Aphrodite looks like in person...the images of her that I have viewed on my computer, really don't do her enough justice...Because she looks quite regal If I'm honest," I thought to myself, as me and Limone approached the throne. When we had stopped in front of the throne, I immediately decided to ask Aphrodite about what item would be using to transform into Angel Bluebell. Aphrodite than responded by asking me to come to the throne so that she could give me a very special magical item that would help me aid the Love Angels in their battles against the devils.

Aphrodite then handed me a very familiar looking gold handled sword adorned with gold, embedded with multiple colored gems and a gem of a five petal bluebell shaped flower on the handle. It also had what looked like a guard with a bluebell flower shaped gem in the center of the guard, and the blade tapered from the guard. And yet, it also looked very strong, as if the blade was made of a material that wouldn't allow it to break as easily as swords that were made by human hands.

A light blue colored tassel also trailed from the bottom of the gold embellished gem, and five petal bluebell embedded handle, with a five petal bluebell flower shaped gem adorning the end of it. Aphrodite than told me that it was called "The Saint Sword of Bluebell." Which was going to help me transform into Angel Bluebell and use my attacks, which consisted of an attack that was called the "Saint Sword Of Bluebell Lightning Sword Slash," and Aphrodite also told me about an attack that would be able to purify a devil, which was called the "Saint Sword Of Bluebell Devil Purification."

She also told me, that when my Saint Sword Of Bluebell was not in use, it would become much smaller to a degree to where it would be able to fit in my pocket, and when I would use it to transform, it would revert back to its full size again. But, for the moment, it remained at its current full size. However, it wasn't mentioned, and wouldn't be made clear until much later on, that like Wedding Peach, Angel Bluebell was also trained in extreme hand-to-hand combat if it ever came to fighting an enemy in close quarters. And it was also never mentioned, that Angel Bluebell was actually much closer in relation to Momoko and Angle Celeste then I would ever come to realize. But, this wouldn't come into play until much later on.

After Aphrodite was done telling me about what attacks I could use with the sword, she than told me to do one last thing. "Now, raise the Saint Sword of Bluebell high into the air and say the words "Elegant Wedding Flower."

"Okay, but, Aphrodite, I just have one more question before I transform into Angel Bluebell," I said in a somewhat concerned and nervous tone of voice.

"What is it that is bugging you?" Aphrodite asked.

"I don't know what I am supposed to say when I meet Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, and Scarlet for the first time in so many years. Will they even remember who Angel Bluebell is?" I asked in a still somewhat concerned and nervous tone of voice.

"Just remember to listen to your heart, you will know what to say to them when the time comes," Limone said to me in a very reassuring tone of voice. Which made me pause for a second, because I felt like I had heard someone else say something similar to that to me or someone else before. But for the time being, I decided to push this thought to the side.

But, what Limone and Aphrodite would never wind up telling me, is that me, and Momoko, would be starting at the start of the series. That meant that I would need to go through the entire series with no knowledge of the upcoming events, and only my powers as Angel Bluebell, as well as Momoko and the other Love Angels to help, once they had been awakened.

"Alright, I will try my best to help them in their battles, but I can very much tell both of you that I might not be perfect in the first battle that I aid them in," I said, in a somewhat nervous sounding tone of voice, as I then proceeded, to raise the Saint Sword Of Bluebell, above my head, and recite the words, in order to transform. But before I attempted to do so, Limone decided to tell me one last thing. It was imperative that I didn't tell Momoko and her friends about his true identity until the time was right. I knew exactly what he was talking about, Limone's civilian form was that of course Kazuya Yanagiba from the information that I had on his character back in my world. I happily agreed that I would not tell Momoko and her friends about who he truly was.

I then raised the Saint Sword Of Bluebell above my head and said "Elegant Wedding Flower!" And before I knew what was happening, the bluebell flower shaped gem on the handle of the Saint Sword of Bluebell began to glow a very bright blue color. About a second later, a big blue ribbon shot out of the gem, wove itself around my arm that was holding the sword, and tied itself into a big bright blue bow.

Then, the big bright blue ribbon began to cover and then envelope the rest of my body. "So this is what it is like to transform...feels quite warm and comforting...not to mention that I feel quite weightless..." I thought to myself, as the light blue ribbon then dissipated from having enveloped my body. And where my former human male self once stood was now occupied by my new armor clad Love Angel form, the one and only, Angel Bluebell.

I was now a fourteen year old girl, with very long light blue hair, that went down past my lower back. (a/n: Think Rei Hino/Sailor Mars' hair but with a light blue color)

I was also wearing a very impressive battle outfit, that consisted of a shoulder pad positioned on each of my shoulders that encompassed each of them in gold. (a/n: Think Momoko's shoulder pads except instead of line carvings they are a bit more intricate).

The usual gold bracelets adorned my wrists.

However, unlike the other love angels, they, like my shoulder pads, were far more intricate.

A choker was around my neck, with a light blue colored gem on the front of the choker.

Like that of Wedding Peach, I also wore what resembled a crown atop my head.

A gold chest plate was present upon my now feminine chest, with a light blue colored leotard behind the chest plate and shoulder plates. The chest plate was also there to protect my bust and hide my cleavage, as well as to protect my modesty (a/n: Because like all the other Love Angels in Wedding Peach DX, you can't forget about modesty).

I was also wearing the usual leg ring on the upper part of my right leg. And I was also wearing a mini skirt that was white. I was also wearing blue pump shoes, that were similar to the ones that Momoko wore when she was in her fighting angel battle outfit, except no straps adorned the tops of the pumps, and I also had angel wing decorations that were present underneath my shoulder pads, as well as the same bust size as that of Wedding Peach and the other Love Angels in the final four episodes of the series (a/n: So think the Love Angels battle outfits in the DX episodes, but with a few adjustments).

When I opened my eyes, which had now changed from my original eye color to a lighter blue color to match the mane of long light blue hair that now adorned my very beautiful and very elegant female form. I then immediately lowered the Saint Sword of Bluebell and looked down at myself, and boy was I shocked. (a/n: If you are wondering why Bluebell doesn't have a wedding dress form, that is because like in Wedding Peach DX or in the manga when the other Love Angels don't use their wedding dress forms or just straight up don't have them at all, I didn't find it necessary for her to have one, it was far easier this way).

"Okay, this is going to take some getting used to," I said in my new female voice, which I immediately was shocked when I heard myself speak. "Okay, that is not my usual voice...as it is not only feminine in nature but it also seems to have quite a bit of authority and power behind it. Sounds a bit like Erza Scarlet's voice from the anime Fairy Tail, if her voice was slightly high pitched," I thought to myself as I then looked down at my battle outfit, and placed a now feminine hand on my new bust size, and felt its firmness.

"Hey pervert, Angel Bluebell here! You, yes you, the viewer that is reading this story! Sorry to break the fourth wall on you out of the blue like this. But I know what you're most likely thinking, and no, stop fantasizing about me, it is quite weird, you pervert! What...?! Oh, you didn't think I could break the fourth wall did you? Let me just tell you that several magical girls have the ability to do this. And with regards to the magical girls who can? Well, I can think of three right off the bat, and they are all very well known I might add. And also, just to spoil you viewers with a little foreshadowing, all three of them just so happen to be in this fanfic. *giggles* And one of them literally broke the fourth wall in almost every episode. So yea...you might see a lot of fourth wall breaking in this fanfic, and I do mean a lot. So if you are going to go and say that it is immersion breaking to the story. Just remember that one of the magical girls that is featured in this fanfic, did this in almost every intro of the episodes she was in. She was the main character after all. And I am very much looking forward to working with her later on in this fanfic. So don't even think for a second that this is immersion breaking, because it's not. And with regards to what some of you may think, that one of them is a ripoff of another, I am going to tell you right now that that simply isn't true. Everything being done from this fourth wall break onward, is to help prove a point. That no matter what similarities one anime character has to another, they are still very much different. And that is something that I have noticed has been going on since both of these two female characters have existed. This story, should hopefully, and finally, put that all to bed once and for all. Also, I have no interest for a love interest for those perverts who are still fantasizing about me, and I am not planning on having one anytime soon. It is far better this way. *smiles* Anyway, back to the story."

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside, after I also ran a now feminine hand through my now very long light blue hair, I then let out a feminine scream.

"W-what did that sword just do to me!?" I said in my very feminine sounding female voice as I then started to panic, whilst quickly darting my gaze about my form.

"Listen, you need to compose yourself," Limone said in a reassuring tone of voice.

"Compose myself?! You're not the one who just turned into a 14 year old female girl Limone!" I said as I removed my free feminine hand from near my long light blue mane of beautiful hair, and clenched it into a very tight fist with a tickmark now visible on one side of my head.

But, despite my sudden outburst, I knew that this was not the way for an Love Angel to be acting, especially one that had just awakened after so long, especially one that was as high ranking as Angel Bluebell was, and especially in front of someone like Aphrodite and Limone. So, I immediately composed myself and apologized for my sudden outburst, which was accepted. But, even though I was Angel Bluebell again, I still had to find a way to get to where Momoko and her friends were, since I had never watched a single episode of the anime back in my world. Then I realized that I would need to ask Aphrodite or Limone for help.

When I ended up asking Aphrodite how I was going to get to where they were, she told me that all I would have to do is go down the crystal steps and then when I got there I would arrive at a portal that will take me to my first battle, which is where I am was going to aid Momoko Hanasaki, also known as Wedding Peach in her first fight against Pluie.

It was after I had said my goodbyes to Limone and Aphrodite that I started to descend down the long line of crystal steps towards the portal that was going to transport me to my first battle with Wedding Peach as Angel Bluebell. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I stopped right in front of the portal. I was beginning to hear a familiar female voice coming from the other side of the portal that I was soon going to find out belonged to Wedding Peach who I was going to be allying with. About a half-second later, I dashed forward and went through the portal. And yet, I would never know, that from here on out, I would be going in completely blind. And it would take more than just Wedding Peach's Saint Miroir Bridal Flash to purify a devil during each of our battles.