
Wed Impromptu

Just to be emancipated from her wicked step mother. May got married to a total stranger Only to discovered a hidden document making her the sole heir of her late father's multi-million dollar company and also making her one of the richest women in the country What was she going to do with a husband now? May was still in shock after the corporation lawyer walked out after dropping the news to the latest couple What a birthday gift and a wedding present from her late dad Her stepmother can do anything for fame and power. Deep down when she recall the slum she crawled out of, the people she betrayed and blackmailed to get to becoming one of the high society dame in town. She was ready to bring out her A game Elizabeth Luther was not in a hurry to return back to all that trash Why did her late husband humiliate her son and her like this? Who is this total stranger that have so much power that he had been raining legal paperwork on her and her legal team? The only way to get all she wants is to murder both the bride and groom. Will this impromptu wedding stand all the suspicion, all the lies, all the jealousy, all the betrayal that is about to come knocking

Umandini · Fantasy
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4 Chs


In Elizabeth Luther's room, Elizabeth walked from the door to the large window. back to the door, you could tell she was restless, walking back to the window again she said

Tell me, have i been placed under house arrest in my own home?

The 3 clowns standing outsider my door a minute ago we're introduced as May's bodyguard. Why are they not with May?

Why are they standing outside my door and watching my every move? she walked back again to the door observing the heftymen standing outsider her door.

Turning to her cousin, Charles.

Pray tell, did you recollect the name of May's useless husband?

I can't recall, it's between Everton or Hamilton, something like that, was not paying Atention.

This was not how today should play out. I should be on my way to Paris with May on our honeymoon and as May's husband, technically Zetec will all be mine with you as CEO.

When I told you to seduce the little rat what did you do? You kept giving excuses like she is not your type, she is too shy, she is too young. Now what you could not do another Smart man just did.

What do you want me to do? asked Mrs Luther, anyway all hope is not lost yet, call me one of does Numbskull outside my door.

A minute later Halloween was standing in front of Elizabeth Luther

Have you eaten?

No madam

Charles pls call the cook to prepare dinner, Today we celebrate! My daughter just got married. What's the name of your boss?

Rex Hamilton, ma, replied Halloween

Fantastic, tell the cook to bake a cake for Rex and May and also make all May's favourite dishes.

Charles go to the wine cellar and bring me a bottle of wine. and also a bottle for the 3 bodyguard

What's your name? asked Mrs Luther

Halloween ma. he replied

Your mother gave birth to you and named you Halloween? asked Mrs Luther

No ma, in the Orphanage growing up, Halloween was my favourite holiday so other kids started calling me Halloween

Interesting said Mrs Luther, anyway Mr Halloween since I don't have a bodyguard I will have to make do with you today.

Go with my Cousin and bring me a bottle of wine.

Do you know if your boss will be coming back soon and do you have any idea where he took my daughter to?

Madam they went to the 4 seasons, dinner normally starts by 8pm so they might get back really late

ok go get me my wine and knock before you enter.

At 1st Charles was shocked till he saw his cousin winking

The 4 Season was not a place you just walk in to have dinner. You book a week or 2 ahead before you can get any reservation.

May and her man must have been lovers a while now. Planning their moves, making fun of her rules and using Henry as their cover.

Time to put an end to her little game

She picked up her phone and called a number she had not called in a long time

Nicolas I need you to do a job for me at the 4 Seasons


Still don't know how to thank you sir, said May when they stepped out of his car at the 4 Season.

You embarrass me when you call me sir. Said Rex, Am not that old am I? He smiled

Am your husband so try calling me Rex or sweetheart like you did when you called me into your stepmom library. I loved how it sounded

May started blushing. Why can't she stop blushing?

On their way to the 4 Seasons, it turns out he had not even made any reservation.

The 4 Seasons is the restaurant for the super rich, many believe it's not just a restaurant but a place the super rich network and gossip, most of the super rich and celebrities that dine at the 4 Seasons fines their pictures on the front pages of different gossip column and all thanks to her dad she just joined that club at age 18yrs

What magic was Rex going to use to get them a table at such short notice? It will take a miracle or Rex might just be the president son. she chuckled.

Even Her late dad could not pull something like that. She often hear her dad saying the management of the 4 Season have two smile runs for all the wealthy people in town

To dine at the 4 Seasons you must book a week ahead and must be super rich. Two simple rule the well off must abide to

He was on his phone calling to book a last minute table at the 4 Season. Even when he told his bodyguard that he could be reached at the 4 Season in case of any emergency. that was audacious

May smiled waiting for him to be disappointed. she could hear him saying after a prolonged silent. Thank you so much. See you soon Robert.

Was Robert Cole not the famous Movie star that owned the 4 Seasons?

Taking a second look at the total strangers she just got married to. May could swear she had seen his face before. He must be a famous movie star for him to get them a table tonight.

He was placing another call to a prestigious hotel. Hotel Royale. He booked the honeymoon suit at the hotel

When May tried to object he told her it was all for appearance as people will wonder if they really got married.

After that little discussion he went back to place some more business calls and May felt that her husband might be a very influential person for him to book the 4 Seasons at such short notice and to book the honeymoon suit at Hotel Royale

Who did she Marry? A movie star or a business mogul like her dad. Time will tell, she have a month to find out.

Even if he turns out to be a terrible man he is still far better than her step mum cousin.

As he kept making call on their way to dinner. Her mind wondered to her dads Will. Her dad made her the happiest daughter alive. She knows close to nothing about Zetec but with attorney Smith Zetec company lawyer she intent to do a fantastic job to make her late dad proud

Getting close to the door of the 4 Seasons they were swamped by over 20 reporters. Congratulations sir, Congratulations Mr Cameron. Who is the lucky lady? Sir does Natasha know that you just got married, Will Natasha Jones be joining you. Is she the bride or the bride sister.

How old is your bride she looks like a teenager and all the noise stopped as they entered the door of the 4 Seasons.

Don't worry May reporters are not allowed into the restaurant but they hang outside. He smiled Relax and have fun is our wedding day

ok said May

They got a table facing the super large window and the Reporter could not stop taking pictures.

Was she dreaming did one of the reporters mention Natasha Jones. The most beautiful super model in the world? Rex with Natasha? Why was he called Mr Cameron?

Who are you Rex, Are you a movie star?

Rex just started laughing

Am a nobody maybe they are taking our pictures because you are beautiful

That might work smiled May. Her beautiful can't be compared to that of Natasha a super model. May was a natural curly red hair and her hair was thick and rich but she knew her husband was trying to be modest she smiled

We must celebrate your joining the billionaires club. That's another way to appreciate the gift your dad left you. I met your dad in Germany on 3 or even 4 occasion never knew he had such a beautiful daughter and a wicked wife. life

My love the waitress is her. Let's place our orders

The dinner was fantastic the chef must be complimented. May kept seeing famous celebrities and could not hide her excitement.

The meal was everything May yearned for and more. it's been a while May had enjoyed a meal like this since her dad passed

After the meal Rex took her to the other section of the 4 Seasons called the VVIP. This was the play room of the super rich.

He introduced May to Robert Cole the owner of the 4 Seasons. He was super excited to see May. He said he did not believe her husband when he called that him and his wife needed to dine tonight. He hug May and took her to the dance floor

As they were dancing he saw another actor and he introduced May. He left her to dance with the actor as he rushed off to attend to a loud man. little did they know he was just a distraction

The next thing May saw was a man with a Machine gun rushing towards her and he opened fire.