
Wed Impromptu

Just to be emancipated from her wicked step mother. May got married to a total stranger Only to discovered a hidden document making her the sole heir of her late father's multi-million dollar company and also making her one of the richest women in the country What was she going to do with a husband now? May was still in shock after the corporation lawyer walked out after dropping the news to the latest couple What a birthday gift and a wedding present from her late dad Her stepmother can do anything for fame and power. Deep down when she recall the slum she crawled out of, the people she betrayed and blackmailed to get to becoming one of the high society dame in town. She was ready to bring out her A game Elizabeth Luther was not in a hurry to return back to all that trash Why did her late husband humiliate her son and her like this? Who is this total stranger that have so much power that he had been raining legal paperwork on her and her legal team? The only way to get all she wants is to murder both the bride and groom. Will this impromptu wedding stand all the suspicion, all the lies, all the jealousy, all the betrayal that is about to come knocking

Umandini · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Daddy Dearest

Do you mind waiting here. Will love to see my step mom alone before I introduce you.

Her handsome husband was God sent, from the minute they left the lavatory he took charge of the situation.

He took her to a jewellery shop in the mall apparently the owner was his friend. They went to the inner room and he picked a wedding ring for both of them.

When she heard how much the ring cost she told him they don't need expensive rings since the wedding was for a month but he explained to her that she needed to convince her step mum.

He made some calls and they were lucky to find someone to marry them in city hall at that hour. She still have her marriage certificate in hand as prove to show her step mom

Coming from city hall a married woman, May was standing near the library to meet her step mom but why was she still shaking like a leaf, why was she still scared to confront her step mum

Looking at her handsome husband May wonder if she did the right thing but from the expression on his face and all the calls he made the last 2hours, she was glad he was on her side. Since her dad's death tonight was one of those nights she was a little bit confidence to face her step mom

Also, she added, don't be offended sir, still can't remember your name. I need it to introduce you, she said shyly

Her handsome husband smiled.

My name is Rex and in the next month you will be addressed as May Hamilton but on your part you don't need to use Rex in the presence of your step mum, please just call me, Sugar, sweetheart, sunshine, Honey, and the list goes on. he smiled

May could not believe she was blushing.

He walked toward her. You did not inform me if this marriage will come with some fringe benefits. He whisper as he kissed her forehead

May almost fainted. What is happening to her? When she asked him to marry her she was not thinking of the other things men and women do.

She felt something in her core area but could not explain what was going on. She will cross that bridge eventually but now she need to confront her step mom

As she was about to move to the library he pulled her back

When dealing with people like your step mum always record your conversation.

Give me your phone, act like you are on a call when you walk In. it always helps. added Rex

May gave him her phone. He put it on record and handed the phone back to her as he kiss her forehead again.

May was a shy girl. Apart from her dad no other man had kissed her forehead, so why was she blushing?

The feeling she gets from his kiss was different from the one with her dad. She smiled.

She could get use to this forehead kiss

Don't keep me waiting for too long wife. You know what happens on the wedding night right? he said something but without sound but if you could lip read he added,. Can't wait.

May was blushing again as she walked into the library the door was open and she heard her step mum shouting at BJ, She did not see her entering the library because Bj, Buddy and Bulldog were large bodyguard, they stood covering the entrance

I told you to take care of the situation, I did not tell you to kill Henry. Anyway It serve that good-for-nothing driver right, what of Henry's body?

Bulldog took care of it. said Bj

Anyway, where is that useless stepdaughter of mine

Am right behind them Mother she said as BJ, Buddy and Bulldog turn to face her.

Look what the cat dragged in.

May, May, May, I will deal with you later but now you have a visitor. Facing BJ,

Her stepmom said, please call me the company's lawyer. He's been waiting in the living room

Elizabeth Luther was a very cunning woman how did she miss today's date, it was not like her to miss something this important. She has been nursing this feeling that her late husband's Will might be read today so she tried doing everything in her power to get May married to Charles

When the company lawyer walked in with a large birthday present and ask to see May that's when she remembered that her good-for-nothing stepdaughter turned 18th today.

Thank God she immediately sent for Charles and sent to pick May up from school only to be told she left an hour ago.

With the tracker in her car, she saw the car pulling up at city hall. That bitch wanted to ruin her plans, and Bj and his team went into action. So no matter what the attorney says it's already too late for May

She planned for Charlie to marry May this evening, no matter what happens today she will still be in charge of the company

So you want to marry Henry. Henry the driver. she gave May a wicked look. Am so sorry for your loss. She started laughing, if you had married him trust me by tomorrow I would have made you a widow. So thank Bj for killing him. The only man you will marry is Charles.

Tonight you will wed Charles

Just as she mention the snake's name he appeared. May just roll her eyes.

Charles, you look delightful as always. Say hello to May your soon to be bride. As Charles walked into the library

Hello May. like your dress. said Charles

Thanks, Charles I also have someone I will love to introduce too

Sweetheart, can you come in, please? May said as she look towards the door of the library

Entering with her husband was Mr Smith. Zetecs attorney.

Mother, I will like to introduce Mr Rex Hamilton, my husband

Dead silence

Congratulations May and to you too Mr Hamilton said, Mr Smith.

Thank you, they both happily replied

Happy Birthday May, have been waiting to give you this said, Mr Smith

He handed May a mighty present

Thank you sir she hugged him

What did you just say May, asked her stepmom.

As if she just regain her senses

I got married ma, this is my certificate.

She handed her wedding certificate to her stepmom and quickly retrieved it and also showed it to the lawyer, to add salt to injury she show her wedding band to her step mum.

The huge Diamond was too big for her cute little finger but it was beautiful to behold

No, it can't be. She is underage, right? It's not legal she needs my permission. She was referring to the lawyer.

Technical she is now an adult, she can make major decisions without you now.

May, I expect to see your husband and you at the office by 8 am tomorrow?

This is a copy of your dad's will. You can go through it.

He made you the sole heir of his company.

What... wh... wh.... what did you just say?

You are your dad's sole heir. Zetec, everything even this house is yours.

What a birthday present my love. Said her husband. Happy Birthday Darling

Daddy dearest thank you, Thank you so much. Love you dad, I miss you so much and she started crying. Her husband went to her and rap her on his arm. This time he dropped countless forehead kisses on her

This is not happening. This can't happen. I will contest the will. I will contest this will what of my son?

Mr Luther mentioned he did a DNA test on your son and he is not the dad. He also did a DNA on you and his best friend and it's a 99.9 match

He only made provision for his education till the university level and requested that it's only if May wants you in this house that you can remain. He left you the mansion in Paris

This is your copy of his will. You can go though it.

He mandated me to make Mary run his company if anything happens to him as long as she is 18yrs and she can choose who becomes CEO with Immediate effect. trust you will attend the meeting tomorrow he nod as he bid Mrs Luther Goodnight

See you tomorrow. He bid the happy couple goodnight

You dear challenge me!!

You and your good-for-nothing dad, try to humiliate me

Screaming Mrs Elizabeth Luther.

How dear you May After all my aunt did for your dad and you. Not fair added Charles

You are so dead. So dead and before she will add another word she heard


You could hear the sound of his voice as far as the back of the house

Enough of this nonsense. I will not stand here and allow you insult my wife.

Scott, Rex and Halloween are Mays's new bodyguards.

At the mention of their names 3 giant looking men appeared from nowhere, These 3 made Bj, Buddy and bulldog look like toys

We also have a letter from the police stating that if anything happens to my wife you will pay with your life.

I suggest you choose your words kindly cos my wife has every right to throw you out this night.

BJ, BJ as she kept calling BJ but he did not answer

Am so sorry to inform you but your BJ and his gang were arrested about a minute ago for the death of Henry so please I will suggest you quickly go to bed

Honey let's go we need to celebrate, We have reservations for Dinner.

Facing Scott, Rex and Halloween watch their every move.

Let's go to dinner my love