
2nd Anniversary

On 19 Jan today, web novel is celebrating two year of anniversary.....

Many of people comment at

#BTS #ArmyBomb writing contest supports....

Its all so new..


And I find my book there....

I can't tell just that my book is standing there in que .... Evn if it's at last then it's OK.... Bt the thing that give me immense madness is I can see my self there....

I tried to get a pic for my this novel 📖 or at what I'm writing but sadly don't get it by signing it at account....

Each time getting failed...

I'm so new here... It's very difficult to understand things.... I do get motive to be here just because ss spirit stone that I use on novels to read nd you guys whose views actually making me so crazy... 🙈🤞🙈🤞🙈🤞🙈🤞🙈....