
BIG Fight

As we were lying there on the ground, each of us was in our own world

suddenly we heard police sirens blaring outside the house

Felicia stood up while wearing back her mask " Sorry little tiger I need to go" she said but before she could get out of the window I grabbed her hand

"I'm coming with you" I said looking at her with a serious gaze

" I won't be leaving you again" I said as I averted my gaze from her face as I was embarrassed of what I said

She grabbed my face with her other hand and made me look at her

" No it might be dangerous and… you just returned," she said her hands still on my cheek, and I Fought the urge to put my hand on it just to make sure her warm hand stayed there

" you do not need to worry about me little kitten you know I didn't just beat you by my own gorgeousness," I said with my face plastered with the warmest smile, happy that she was worried about me

" ugh stop this instance I may really puke, and what is little kitten is this your payback for calling you little tiger"She said with what I assume was a disgusted look on her face as I couldn't see her because the mask

I just laughed at her remark while she left my cheek yearning for her touch

"NOW WITNESS THE GLORY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH HAHAHA," I said raising both hands my palms facing the ceiling while laughing like a villain as my armor began enveloping my body

(Peter's Armor)

And instead of the baffled expression and the exaggerated and shocked Reaction of Felicia that I was expecting…I was just met by an annoyed smack on my head, I gasped, my face adorned with fake shock

"Shut your ass up and stop acting like a villain who your mom made at home " she said pointing at me while putting a hand on her hips

"How dare thee… a mere morta" and before I completed my own sentence I was met by another smack

" For God's sake Peter let's go" she said as she grabbed me by my ear and dragged me to the window

" ouch ouch woman be gentle" I said pretending to be hurt

"FUCK YOU" she said as she shoved me through the window at which I flipped in the air, dark-like matter spiraling around my feet making me float on the air

I stood there looking at my little kitten with a small smile on my face, my arms folded on my chest like a little kid

"Ughhh I wish that your annoying ass will get pierced by something," she said jumping from the window and landing on my head she used my head as her foothold and she jumped again swinging her way to a big fire in the city

my body morphed into a ball of darkness as I disappeared and materialized beside her

She looked at me while swinging and I showed my head from the orb so I could talk to her

" So how do you think about the new me" I said

" asshole, idiot, weird, mysterious and…hot" I heard her whisper the last part but I could hear as if she is speaking in my ear

Suddenly my face appeared in front of her as she yelped in surprise and Her body crashed into mine but I held her by her waist

" we will go faster like this it's not like I want to hold you or something," I said to her as our bodies, now sticking together and surrounded by a curtain of darkness were shooting toward the place with more speed

" you look hot too…and gorgeous, " I said to her but before she could respond we were already at the place

We landed on an intact building's rooftop and looked at the destruction below

Two green-hulking creatures were engaged in a ferocious fight not caring about their surrounding or the chaos they left

"Hey kitten go search around for any civilians and get them to safety I will deal with those things," I said to Felicia and she nodded then she jumped from the rooftop and swung around searching for any living human around this destruction

'Now how am I going to deal with those things' I said as I could end this fight in several minutes or I could play around a bit

To Be Continued…..

(AN: I just wanted to thank you for the support so far really appreciate it and I hope the story was up to your liking also I would like to know your thoughts about the story so far and thank you again for the support )