
Web of Dragons

Spider-Man was issues away from making a deal with the devil when he was suddenly transported into a new world of alien threats, martial arts, and Dragon Balls. How will Peter return home, read and find out in the next episode of Web of Dragons!

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

End One Threat Another Arises

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Frieza shouted as he pointed his finger and shot a blast of Ki at the prince.

Vegeta let it hit his face and didn't even budge as it shattered against his skin.


Vegeta punched Frieza in the gut, knocking the air out of the space tyrant before he grabbed his arm and threw the villain into the air.

"With this, my people are avenged," Vegeta shouted as he launched a full power Galick Gun, eradicating Frieza down to the last particle.

With a fierce and feral roar, the Prince of the Saiyan Race declared his victory.

Feeling hopped up on power, Vegeta flew over to Goku and demanded he fight him as a Super Saiyan.

Goku agreed, however, Vegeta was in for a big surprise. Instead of learning Spirit Fission, Goku focused on Mastering Super Saiyan to its peak. Throughout the training, Goku had managed to hone Super Saiyan into grade 4, increasing his multiplier from 50 to 75.

With a Base PL of roughly 10 Million, Goku dominated Vegeta throughout the fight, knocking him down and keeping Vegeta in a suspended cycle of beatings.

"Sorry, I can't let you touch me. That Spirit Fusion is scary," Goku said as Vegeta panted heavily.

"I won't use it on a true warrior. I've decided to only use it on people that deserve to die," Vegeta huffed.

"Great, he's this world's Punisher," Peter groaned.

"Well, it's better than being a mass murderer. At least the people he…how would Wade put it, unalive? Deserve it. I mean, I wouldn't spare Hitler is I met him face to face, would you?" MJ questioned.

"That's a loaded question," Peter shook his head.

When he finally knocked him out, Goku smiled and said, "Phew! If he gets Super Saiyan, I won't stand a chance."

With Frieza done for, they knew the PTO would soon follow. The only one left that could cause them any trouble is King Cold.

However, with a plan in mind, the group readied themselves to take down the evil space army. They each took turns teleporting around the galaxy and beating down entire PTO while freeing the planets they took over.

When they were on off time, they trained on Yardrat to further their abilities.

When almost a year of this done, they had learned everything the Yardratians had to offer and even developed their own unique techniques that made them several times stronger.

This method they pulled off was basically a one sided take down between the Z-Fighters and Galactic Patrol. There were so many arrests, that they had to move the prison and get Bulma to help build a new facility on a designated super planet that was 500 times greater than Earth's gravity.

With her gravity tech, she could create facilities on high gravity planets without repercussion, and if the prisoners tried to escape the compound without Ki, then gravity would turn them into a pancake. No ship other than a Galactic Patrol tier level could even land on the planet to begin with, so it was the perfect place to put the millions of arrests they made. Granted, there were some leniencies afford for those that were forced to join and work, but the majority of the army was put behind bars.

Bulma managed to snag quite a few scientists to her side after using lie-proof tech to uncover whether or not they were good people.

When they whittled down the numbers enough, King Cold was forced to show himself. However, it was a surprise to everyone to see that he was in fact in his final form.

When the Galactic Patrol called up the Z-Fighters, they teleported over and felt the wave of Ki emanating from his every pore.

He looked like Frieza in his final form, but taller, more pink, his skin looked armored and even had pauldrons, lastly was a face mask that made him look nightmarish. His PL registered at 120 Billion.

Even Goku who had mastered his Super Saiyan form and the 75 times increase of his Base 25Million PL, didn't stand a chance.

Luckily, they had Peter. With his Symbiote's power active, his physical abilities were amped by a total of 100 times. However, this wasn't all he was capable of. With a PL of 1.875 Billion, Peter used a Kaio-Ken times 75 and completely broke King Cold.

With a PL of 140 Billion and the Symbiote enhancing his physique a hundred fold, every punch snapped a bone, every kick tore apart muscle, and with every blow that landed, the Frost Demon's Ki output dropped to miniscule levels. Eventually, the hero widdled King Cold down to the point where he could shatter the villain's Ki center with ease and without resistance.

With that gone, Cold became defenseless as Peter held a ball of energy that was all the Ki the Frost Demon once had.

"I took a note from Vegeta. I have to admit, this was a good idea," Peter said as he absorbed it, pushing his Ki up to 122,101,000,000. 

With King Cold weak and no longer able to use Ki, he was only roughly a few times stronger than an average human. Unable to put up a fight, he was arrested and thrown in prison.

"See, you don't have to kill them," Peter said as he patted Vegeta's shoulder, "You could cripple them instead."

"Impressive technique," Vegeta sweated.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to use it on you. It can't be healed since it's not a completely physical wound rather a spiritual one." Peter said as he waved his hand over the back of his head, "Oh, and the Spirit Fission and Fusion Combo was a great idea. I'll put it to good use."

Vegeta clicked his teeth and said, "Mark my words. One day I'll defeat you."

With the PTO completely destroyed, they all returned to Earth as heroes. They even received a wealthy bounty of Gold that they gladly took back to Earth.

They spent the next few months living in peace. Vegeta even returned to Earth to work harder than he ever had before. He was pushing several thousand Gs daily with weighted gear on.

Goku didn't want to fall behind, so he kept training too. Often training with Peter and getting several Zenkais on top of intense gravity training.

On one such day, they all sensed the arrival of someone powerful.

He was floating over Capsule Corp with a confused expression.

"Why is dad so strong, why is mom already pregnant…yeah…that's my Ki. What in the world is going on."

"HEY! IF YOU'RE DONE SPYING ON US, GET DOWN HERE!" Vegeta shouted as he exited the gravity room and glared at the blue haired boy.

"Er…um..I uh,"

"Care to explain to me why you have the same Ki as my unborn child?" Vegeta appeared in front of him.

"About that…you see, I'm from the future…a different future. Anyways, I was supposed to give Goku medicine from a heart virus he would contract, and warn you all of Androids that would be coming three years from now. They're going to destroy this planet and kill almost everyone on it."

"Right…and I should believe this why?"

"Because it's the truth…at least where I come from. Maybe something went wrong," Trunks' rubbed his chin.

"Ah, I know. I can do this!" Trunks transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Vegeta's eyes widened in shock before he grit his teeth and said, "Very well…we can talk."

Trunks flew down and went inside to see his mother relaxing in the living room.

"Vegeta? Who's this?"

"Apparently our son from the future,"

"I made a time machine? Whoop! I'm amazing!"

"Not exactly, since it didn't send me to my past but some alternate timeline."

"Still amazing," Bulma snickered as she stood up and got a good look at him.

"Uh…hi, mom," Trunks looked back and forth between his parents.

"Wow, we have a handsome boy, don't we, Vegeta?" Bulma smiled as she pinched his cheeks, "I guess he gets his rugged good looks from you."

Vegeta blushed a bit and clicked his teeth as he looked to the side.

"That's his way of saying yes," Bulma snickered.

"Uhh…you're taking this surprisingly well."

"Honey, with what I've seen, Time Traveling, planet hopping, and even interdimensional travel isn't that big a deal."

The impatient Vegeta suddenly growled before saying, "Well, get to it boy. Tell her why you're here."

"Right," Trunks sat down and started to explain what happened in his timeline.

"Huh, it seems like the major difference is Peter and Mary not existing in your world. Things happened a lot differently than what you've told me."

"Who's Peter?" Trunks showed a confused expression.

"The smartest guy I know, beside your grandfather," Bulma chuckled.

"He's also this world's strongest warrior," Vegeta added.

While Trunks was talking with his family, Kami had overheard everything. With what awaited them in the future, Kami decided on enacting his plan.

Ever since Piccolo's return, the Guardian God of Earth had learned of his Namekian heritage. With the ship he came in, it would be possible for him to return. But he knew that he shouldn't because he was the Kami of Earth. However, he wanted to find a new guardian of Earth that could make sure the dragon balls didn't vanish.

So he turned to his pupil and spoke up, "Son, could you come over here."

"Yes, father." Piccolo said as he made his way.

"Since you have chosen to become a warrior, I need you to do me a favor. I have a ship that can take you back to Namek. I want you to go there in order to find the next guardian god of Earth, as well as undergoing the potential unleashing ritual of our people. Gather the Namekian Dragon balls and make the wish Piccolo. I fear the world is heading for disaster without it."

"What brought this all on?"

"Earth may yet fall because of these Androids. Now place you hand on my shoulder."

Piccolo did as told when he suddenly felt Kami powering up and then he fused with him.

The power was overflowing as Piccolo felt an intense surge of energy rising from within him. The knowledge that Kami carried, the abilities of their original self, and how much stronger he had become through his relentless training.

"This kind of power is on par with that Cold guy," Piccolo said as he stared at his hands in amazement.

With his mission set out for him, Piccolo decided to invite the Z-Fighters to join him. Since it was supposed to be a peaceful visit, Chi-Chi and Mary Jane suggested they bring the kids.

With their first adventure planned, they all got the coordinates to Namek from the Nameless Namekian's old ship.

When they saw Vegeta and Bulma coming alongside someone who had the same Ki signature as he unborn child, they all had questions.

Trunks informed them of everything that was supposed to happen, but when it came to giving the medicine, Bulma explained that the wish she made for Goku and Peter's family to live long and healthy lives made them immune to sickness and disease, Trunks decided to give it to Bulma so that should the virus ever make an appearance in their timeline.

The group consisting of Master Roshi, Goku, Chi-Chi, Gohan, MJ, Peter, Mayday, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Bulma, and Vegeta, all flew off towards Namek.

Within three days of travel, they arrived at the giant green planet. They exited the space ship and saw the clean and peaceful nature of Namek.

"It's quiet," Peter said with a smile on his face.

"I can hear so much of nature. The birds chirping, the wind over the water, and the trees swaying in the wind, it's all so beautiful," MJ followed up as she walked out of the ship carrying a barely 5 year old Mayday in her arms.

Gohan poked his head out of the ship and started floating over towards the nearest body of water, "So cool! I'm on an alien planet!"

Chi-Chi and Goku kept watch over the boy and smiled when they saw Mayday playing with Gohan.

"So this is my home planet," Piccolo said as he took the sights in while taking a deep breath.

"Amazing, right?" Bulma chuckled.

"So, what now?" Peter asked.

"We search for the Elder, and considering the strongest person is that way, I'm guessing that's where he's at."

They all nodded their heads and flew over with the kids riding on their father's backs.

When they saw the large house, they all stopped outside before Goku yelled, "Hello! Anyone home?"

A Namekian that looked like Piccolo stepped outside and said, "Why have to come to the planet."

Piccolo stood front and center and said, "I've come to seek a new guardian God of Earth and use the Dragon Balls to fulfill the ancient rite."

"Ahhh…the child of Katas, you've returned." Guru's voice echoed from within the minds of everyone present.

"It is okay, Nail. Let them in,"

"But sir, not all of them are," Nail stared at Vegeta and Napa.

"It is fine, Nail. While there are some with hearts are darker than normal, I see light within them."

Nail relented and let them in to see the giant Namekian Elder.

"Come, my child. Let me read your intentions," Guru raised his hand.

Piccolo stepped over and read his memories before saying, "I see…these Androids could be quite the threat. I have seen you history, and I approve of your use of the Dragon Balls. As for a new guardian, I shall have Nail find an appropriate candidate from the Dragon Clan"

Guru breathed a sigh of relief before he suddenly spoke to Peter and said, "You are a strange one. I cannot read the surface level thoughts. It was blocked by equations and scientific formulas. I'm impressed an Earthling has such a mastery over his own mind."

"Uh…thanks?" Peter rubbed the back of his head, "I've had some run-ins with some pretty powerful psychics so I thought this one up to defend against that sort of thing."

"If a great threat awaits you, perhaps I can help you overcome it. The one known as Trunks, please step forward."

Trunks looked up at the giant Namekian and said, "Can you really help me?"

Guru placed his hand on his head and said, "While I am not as proficient as the Dragon, I unlock a portion of your hidden potential. To be more accurate, it's like cracking the door for a few seconds."

After reading Trunks' memories, he sighed and said, "Poor child. Have no fear. I can sense a deep and profound potential. I can only unleash a portion of what sleeps within you, but is should be more than enough to deal with those Androids."

Guru used his magic and made the Ki of Trunks swell to unimaginable levels. He went from roughly 7 Million to 14 in an instant, and it continued to rise until it hit 85 Million.

"Whoa, this was within me the entire time?" Trunks couldn't believe what he was feeling. If he went Super Saiyan now, he could easily dominate the Androids in his timeline.

Peter showed and impressed expression and said, "Can I get some of that?"

Guru smiled and said, "I shall perform this on all of you. In return, promise to protect this planet should we ever be in danger."

"I can do that, just need to get a coms network up," Peter said as he looked to a nodding Bulma.

Guru placed his hand on Peter and read his memories. When he saw what the hero had been put through, he sighed and shook his head, "To think they would shun their own champion and protector. Child, you have live a most interesting and pitiful life. I hope that this can help you achieve what you want. Also, you should know, our dragon balls don't have limitations on bringing the dead back to life."

With a flush of power, Peter's power doubled and steadily increased until it hit 5.2 Trillion. The biggest change was to his body, he went from having a physique that was roughly 75 times stronger than your peak human to being 150 times stronger without Ki. His senses were heightened to unimaginable levels, his healing factor increased a few dozen times over, and his spider-related powers were all magnified greatly.

On top of that, since his physical body was multiple times stronger than it used to be that meant he could push the Kaio-Ken technique even farther than before the power up. Part of Peter wondered just how high he could take it.

A greater surprise came from the fact his Symbiote had its potential unleashed. On Yardrat he learned that he could store Ki inside his suit and draw from it to restore his own, yet this unleashing of potential allowed it to produce its own Ki.

The Spider-Symbiote went from magnifying his abilities by 100 to 150 and could even boost his Ki now. He almost couldn't believe that in combination with the suits abilities and Kaio-Ken activated, his Ki and physical abilities were boosted by thousands of times without any strain.

Everyone else got similar boost that them in the billions range. Gohan and Mayday also got a massive boost due to their latent potential.

And so, while everyone had their Potential unlocked while Piccolo gathered the dragon balls. Even Vegeta and Napa went along with it because they didn't want to fall behind everyone else.

Vegeta was actually the second strongest in base form. Since he absorbed Frieza's Ki, he had managed to raise his PL to roughly 70 Million, and that in turn pushed Goku to catch up. Although the Saiyan raised on Earth was only at 50 Million, this awakening pushed him to the Billion Range, and just shy of 600 thousand off from Vegeta.

Guru offered Vegeta advice and told him that by trying to better himself, he was on the right path. He told Napa to find a hobby, something to better allow peace to flourish within his heart. He told Krillin that he should return to his roots if he wished to progress beyond his wildest imagination. He told Tien that the power sleeping within his third eye has more power than he knows of. Chiaotzu learned how powerful his telekinetic abilities could become. Chi-Chi had magic dwelling within her that was unleashed, and Mary Jane felt her body mutating as Guru's magic activated her X-Gene.

A power sleeping with Mary Jane was brought to the surface, and it turned out, some of Peter's DNA melded with the X-Gene resulting in a duplication of his mutation. Even without the suit, MJ had an exact copy of Peter's power.

[A/N: So I couldn't decide on what power it was because I don't recall her having any mutant relatives or universe that had her as a Mutant. However, the closest thing to it is their daughter from the Renew your Vows series. Mayday in that one has basically future sight and a way stronger Spider-Sense. Had a wild thought and MJ's genetics may be responsible for that one since it doesn't have to be solely an evolution of Peter's Spider-Sense. However, to play it safe, I went ahead and used some Spider Island theme info to say some of Peter's Blood is part of MJs now, so after giving birth to the kid, Guru's magic melded it with the latent X-Gene that's in all humans from their universe.]

Bulma was a three for one special. On top of having her suit boosted like Peter and MJ did, her Ki, and the Ki of her unborn child gained a similar boost.

Eventually Piccolo came back with the dragon balls and a Namekian named Dende.

While the kids played with the future guardian god of earth, the dragon was summoned by Nail and the first wish was made.

Piccolo wished to have his potential unleashed and Parunga replied by saying that was a simple wish. As his power soared, even Peter had to admit that it was close to his own.

When it came time for the second wish, Piccolo gave it to Peter as he asked for the revival of the one known as Ben Parker in his universe, and to transport the fully clean and repaired body at his Aunt's house in New York.

He didn't want Ben waking up in a grave.

With one final wish, Peter looked to Goku and asked if he wanted to bring his parents back.

Raditz thanked Peter and the wish was made. However, Parunga explained that he could only bring one person back at time.

Since their father was most likely in hell, Raditz went with reviving Bardock first.

With the revival of Bardock, he found himself surprised and overwhelmed by what was happening.

Since they still had to revive Gine, they thought about sticking around and learning from the Namekians.

Peter picked Guru's mind about various abilities and Ki-Control methods and he managed to learn how he unlocked a person's potential.

Guru was surprised at how efficient Peter was at using Ki for magic. To learn Namekian magic wasn't impossible, but it was a great deal harder than any other magic in the universe. Of course, he understood that his own magic was no match for the one Peter called the Sorcerer Supreme.

Bardock got along well with his son's family and chided Raditz for not having any kids despite his age.

Vegeta found it humorous that someone so weak managed to make Raditz quake in fear.

Of course, as he suspected, Bardock was still the fighting genius he was rumored to be. In just 130 days of training in high gravity with weighted clothing and sparing with the Z-Fighters, Bardock managed to hit 100 Million before getting his potential unlocked.

When it came time to use the Dragon Balls again, Gine was wished back first. With the two lovers reunited with their family, they thanked the Namekians and Z-Fighters for helping them.

There were two wishes remaining, and no one knew what to wish for. Vegeta didn't want to resurrect his parents or any of the other Saiyans, at least, not yet. He still had much to accomplish, and if he was going to be king again someday, he would have to be the strongest Saiyan.

Peter mulled it over and sat on his head to come up with something good to wish for, "We could restore the youth of the Elder as thanks for letting us use the dragon balls in the first place."

"Do that for me too!" Roshi shouted.

Nail smiled and wished for Guru and Roshi to regain his youth and returned to the peak of his power.

"You have one wish remaining," Nail said as the two elders suddenly became young.

Roshi rubbed his head and he laughed and said, "Haha! It's back! My glorious mane is back!"

"How about giving the humans of this universe the ability to transform like the Saiyans can?" Krillin suggested.

"Hmm…like what, a Super Human?" Roshi lifted a brow.

"It can't be that simple, there'd have to be a lot stipulations. Like having a kind heart, a certain level of power, and above average Ki control," Tien added.

"So for humans to gain a Super Transformation that's on par with the Saiyan transformative abilities," Bulma lifted a brow.

"I know it'd be nice to suddenly just get multiple times stronger. If these androids really do have infinite energy, it means they can draw the battle out until we run out of Ki. Not to mention that they might be countless times stronger since our time-lines are so different. I mean, if we're stronger, that means the robots made will likely be built to counteract that. A transformation like the Saiyans could be our ace in the hole," Krillin mumbled.

"Right then, so wish to create a gene that allows kind hearted humans to transform like the Saiyans do when they reach a certain level of Ki Mastery, let's say around the level of Kami's ability, and a Power Level of 100,000. It requires kindness, skill, and power to become a Super Human," Bulma called out as Nail made the wish.

While everyone got ready to leave, Peter told them he'd return to earth at a later time. He wanted to use the dragon to revive a couple more people in his world. However, Guru said that the dragon would be remade to bring back multiple people, so Peter could just write down the names of the people he wanted to resurrect.

Guru then turned to Piccolo and asked the he absorb him into his being.

The crowd gasped at what he requested. However, he did not wish for youth for a reason. The elder thought that he had lived long enough. Ready to move on to the next stage of life, he was ready to die. However, after recovering his youth, Guru decided that it would be better for the next generation to take over and put his trust in Piccolo.

Piccolo was about to refuse, but Guru suddenly made a large egg that contained his most powerful child that had all his power and knowledge. His age rapidly started to deteriorate as he made Piccolo place his hand on him and fused with the Namekian.

Once again, Piccolo's power soared to greater heights. It wasn't wrong to say he became the strongest of all the Z-fighters after absorbing the knowledge and powers of Guru.

The dragon balls disappeared, but another Elder was ready to replaced Guru. Once the dragon balls were remade, they could be used right away. This time, they were improved to the point where they could revive multiple people.

Ten days later, Peter held a list in hand. With it, every person he ever let down, every precious person he lost, and the mistake he made all those years ago when he was on a mission with Wolverine in a snowy foreign land.

Once the wish was made and they were brought back to life. Peter and the crew still had two more wishes. His parents included.

"Uh…knock off about 30 years from my Aunt and Uncle's ages and put them in the best shape of their lives, in fact make it so everyone in the Parker family will have a copy of my powers!" Peter shrugged his shoulders.

With one wish remaining, Peter thought long and hard about what they needed.

"A training room that doesn't have a limit on the gravity it can increase to…a better room of spirit and time, knowledge of all techniques that exists in this universe. What do you guys think?"

"Techniques would be more useful," Piccolo suggested.

"Okay, give me a laptop that has a perfectly categorized listing of every technique ever invented in this universe."

A laptop formed in Peter's hand as he opened in saw a search bar.

"Whoa, this thing has more than just Ki techniques, mechanical, surgical, se…lets put a age restriction on these. Okay, here we go, sorted it into Martial arts and Ki techniques. Let's check out the Metamorian category…" Peter typed it in and a full listing of files came up.

"Now this is what I'm talking about. This is how you use a wish!" Krillin said as he peaked at the files.

Everyone crowded around Peter as he read through some very detailed files on how to perform the Perfected Fusion Dance. It was actually rather simple, and the most updated version of it discovered that the slower you perform the dance, the longer and more stable it is.

"Now 'this' is a trump card! It multiplies the power of the users. So it's Fusion A x Fusion B, and there are even bonus multipliers for relatives, rivals, and opposites. Twins have the best bonus multiplier. I wondered if Clones count," Peter snickered as he thought of fusing with Kaine and the recently revived Ben Reilly.

They all bid farewell to the Namekians and returned home to get back to their lives. The dragon balls were remade, the group still trained daily, and Trunks returned to his own timeline with Mastered Super Saiyan 1 under his belt and close to achieving the SS2.

[A/N: There will be no future Cell coming back, because the Trunks that returns to the future is strong enough to whoop his ass, which means, Cell can't kill him and steal the Time Machine.]

Peter continued honing his craft and occasionally went to work at Bulma's lab. He ended up giving his Symbiote the same enhancements Bulma made to hers. Adding 3 Arc-Reactors magnified his suit's ability multiplier from 150 times to 800 times. While it did massively increase his physical capabilities, it didn't work on increasing his Ki past the 150 times multiplier.

It could become stronger still, but Bulma still hasn't gotten the black hole generator working. However, she was close to a breakthrough.

The Saiyans trained like madmen, and they only took a break when Bulma's baby was born. To celebrate, Chi-Chi made the exact same wish Bulma made for her all those years ago.

However, much to her surprise, she learned that she had two additional wishes left over thanks to Dende making the Dragon even stronger.

She thought for a bit and decided on improving the Time Chamber so that the Z-Fighters wouldn't have lose their life span to use it.

"I wish for those that enter the Room of Spirit and Time be granted eternal youth for the duration of their stay in here."

The dragon granted the wish as she got ready for the next one and said, "I wish for the food that we store in this place to infinitely restock itself, including the Senzu Beans."

"Your wish has been granted," The dragon said before disappearing.

Chi-Chi caught the dragon balls and returned them to their case within the time chamber.

When she left, she informed the Z-Fighters of the changes she made to the time chamber, and congratulated Bulma on the birth of her son.

After the baby shower, most of the group returned to their training. Eventually the second and third year passed by with many accomplishments made by the Z-Fighters.