
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Understanding The Meditation Practice

After the scene that had unfolded before the eyes of the entire village, everyone retreated, leaving the soldiers to deal with the aftermath. Ethan's parents wishing they could shield their child from the gruesome sight, fully aware that he would eventually come to understand the despicable consequences committed by those who dared to oppose the empire. They hoped that this knowledge would come to him in his later, more mature years, when his mind would be better equipped to process such information.

Ethan's mother knelt down, aligning herself with her child's eye level, and spoke with genuine concern, "How are you feeling, sweetheart? Would you like to go back home and rest?" Her words carried a worried tone, reflecting her sincere desire to ensure Ethan's well-being after the event.

Contrary to their expectations, Ethan wore a composed expression that revealed a profound understanding of the world's affairs, a maturity far fetch from a child his age. He met his mother's gaze and reassured her, "It's alright, Mom. I don't feel the need to go back home and rest. The day just started, and I want to make the most of the remaining days of my break. I'll stay outside and enjoy my day." Ethan's responded.

Ethan's mother found herself somewhat surprised by his response and demeanor. Surprisingly, a hint of sadness welled up within her as she sensed a subtle detachment, almost as if her role as a nurturing mother was being diminished by his unusual maturity. In this moment, a realization struck her: her child had always possessed a distinctness that set him apart from other children. He rarely cried or displayed childish behavior, always mindful of not inconveniencing those around him.

While she appreciated his behavior, she couldn't help but yearn for the moments of carefree innocence and spontaneous joy that often accompanied a child's nature. However, her longing thoughts were abruptly interrupted when Ethan's father gently placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You heard him." he said softly. "Let's head back to the inn and tend to the guests. Let him go and enjoy his day."

"B-but..."She hesitated, wanting to protest, but relented, realizing it was the best course of action.

"Alright," she whispered, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Let's go."

Together, they turned away from the scene, carrying with them a mix of concern and hope for their son, as they made their way back to the inn, leaving Ethan to embrace the day on his own terms.

Ethan, briefly noticing his mother's sadness, couldn't help but wonder internally, "Why did she seem so sad?" Nevertheless, he quickly dismissed his curiosity, eager to focus on the task at hand. "Oh well!" he exclaimed cheerfully. "Let's head to the spot under the tree and begin practicing the second chapter."


As Ethan settled beneath the shade of the familiar tree he had been at yesterday, he embarked on his practice, leaving behind the concerns of the outside world, if only for a while.

With a deep breath, Ethan settled into a comfortable position, ready to embark on his first task of meditation. He closed his eyes, allowing the outside world to fade away as he directed his attention inward. The sound of his own breath became the anchor, grounding him in the present moment.

However, as Ethan delved deeper into his practice, he soon discovered that quieting his mind was no easy task. Despite his best efforts, distractions seeped into his consciousness, persistent and unrelenting. An errant thought would arise, leading him down a rabbit hole of worries and to-do lists. Noises from outside would break his concentration, disrupting the tranquility he sought.

Undeterred, Ethan tried various techniques to find stillness within his mind. He experimented with focusing on a single word or mantra, hoping it would act as a mental anchor. Yet, the mantra seemed to not make any difference.

Next, he attempted visualization, picturing a serene and tranquil place in his mind. He envisioned a peaceful meadow, with gentle breezes rustling through the tall grass. But even in his imagined sanctuary, the noise of his thoughts persisted.

Feeling a tinge of frustration, Ethan shifted his approach once more. He continued to sit in stillness, acknowledging the distractions that arose without judgment. With each session, he learned to gently guide his attention back to the breath, cultivating a sense of presence and acceptance.

Ethan realized that meditation was not an instant mastery. It required patience, perseverance, and a willingness to accept the imperfections of the journey. Though he faced challenges in quieting his mind, he understood that these obstacles were part of the process, teaching him valuable lessons about the nature of his own thoughts.

Ethan refused to view his attempts as failures. Instead, he embraced the experience as an opportunity for growth. He reminded himself that meditation was not about achieving a perfect state of serenity, but rather a practice of gentle redirection.

Undeterred by his initial setbacks, Ethan persevered in his pursuit of meditation. Time seemed to blur as he devoted his break to repeating the practical exercise, day after day. He approached each attempt with renewed mindset of continuous improvement.

Days turned into nights, and nights into days, as Ethan immersed himself in the practice of meditation. He recognized that progress was not always linear, and that the true measure of success lay in his unwavering commitment to the process. What he had was time and he would make sure to make use of it.

With each repetition, Ethan honed his ability to quiet his mind and let go of distractions. He developed a keen awareness of the flow of his breathing. As the days unfolded, he began to notice subtle shifts in his practice—an increased ability to observe his thoughts without getting entangled in them, a growing sense of calm and inner stillness.

Then, at the final day of his week's break, as if by a stroke of luck, it happened. Ethan found himself immersed in a state of constant meditation—a state where he could empty his mind in command. The days of dedication and perseverance had borne fruit.

It was at this moment Ethan grasped the essence of meditation, recognizing its significance in providing him with a clean canvas of sort. This blank canvas offered him the freedom to sketch his vision without the clutter of unnecessary distractions. With this clarity, Ethan embarked on the next step: infusing his canvas with his envisioned manifestations by vividly visualizing each detail he sought to bring to life.

"One out of three completed! Time for the visualization practice!"