
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

A Grim Spectacle

In the serene morning, Ethan slumbered peacefully, embraced by tranquility. However, as if stirred by sudden force, the village bell, gracefully stationed atop the worn-out tower, rang out with a vibrant resonance.

Dong! The sound pierced through the stillness, its echoes reverberating across every nook and cranny of the village. The villagers halted their daily routines, captivated by the melodic chime.

Dong! The resounding tone, now intertwined with the echoes of its previous toll, beckoned the young and old to assemble.

Dong! The sound intensified, layering its lingering echoes upon one another. Conversations ceased, and laughter gave way to hushed whispers. The bell's vibrations enveloped Ethan's heart, rousing him from his slumber with a startled surprise.

"What's happening?" he wondered aloud.

Just then, his parents burst into his room, their faces filled with urgency.

"Ethan! Wake up! The villagers have been summoned to the main plaza. I never wanted you to witness this, but sometimes things are inevitable," his father explained, his voice laced with concern.

Confused, Ethan queried, "What do you mean, father?"

Without uttering a word in response, Ethan's father tightly grasped his hand and pulled him out of bed with a forceful urgency. His mother trailed closely behind, wearing a perturbed expression on her face. The three of them hurriedly exited the inn and embarked on a swift journey towards the bustling central market plaza. Sensing his parents' reticence and unease, Ethan refrained from further questioning. He understood that the answers he sought would soon be revealed, unveiling the cause behind their solemn expressions and the air of silence that enveloped them.

As they made their way through the village, Ethan noticed a steady stream of other villagers converging toward the same destination. People of all ages, including children, adults, and the elderly, were compelled to answer the summon without exception. The atmosphere buzzed with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, evident in the hushed conversations that drifted around him.

"How long has it been since we had a public execution?" whispered one villager to another.

"I can't recall, but it must be something serious for it to happen in public." responded the second villager, his voice tinged with curiosity.

As Ethan caught snippets of the nearby conversations, he couldn't help but be surprised by the words he overheard. The mention of a public execution served as a chilling reminder that he resided in a world where lawlessness and barbarity still prevailed. In moments like these, it was easy to forget the darker aspects of the society in which he resided.

The execution ground was a grim and eerie sight, bathed in an atmosphere heavy with solemnity. The scene evoked a sense of grandeur mixed with an unsettling sense of unease.

The onlookers had gathered, their expressions ranging from morbid curiosity to quiet despair. The crowd stretched as far as the eye could see, a mass of faces that reflected a mixture of emotions.

At the forefront of the execution ground stood a raised platform, a stage upon which the condemned would face their fate. Thick, iron chains dangled ominously, binding those unfortunate souls about to face their final moments. Surrounding the platform were guards, their expressions stern, a clear reminder of the seriousness of the situation.

As the executioner stood poised with his massive weapon, the crowd's murmurs subsided into an eerie silence. The anticipation grew palpable, as the final moments leading up to the execution hung heavy in the air. It was a scene of somber spectacle.

Ethan's gaze fell upon the group of individuals who where forcefully brough into the execution platform. There were five of them, three man who looked like they had seen their fair share of life, probably in their mid-30s. There was also a young woman, maybe in her mid-20s, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and resignation. And then there was this young boy who barely seemed like he had even become an adult yet, his eyes wide with vulnerability.

As soon as the condemned were securely positioned on the platform, a man with a dignified presence emerged. He commanded attention with his striking figure, exuding an aura of authority and wisdom. Towering above the crowd, he stood tall and possessed a commanding presence. Adorned in elegant robes, his regal attire added to his air of grandeur, demanding the respect and attention of all who beheld him.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I am here today as an emissary of the empire, entrusted with the solemn duty to execute the will of our revered ruler." he proclaimed, his voice resolute. "Each of the individuals standing before you has been condemned to death by imperial decree."

He continued, his tone measured yet filled with conviction, "All three man standing before you, has been found guilty of desertion from their military post, a betrayal of their duties and a breach of the trust bestowed upon them by the empire. They abandonment of their comrades and responsibilities has undermined the integrity of our armed forces."

As Ethan observed, he grasped the underlying purpose behind this grim spectacle. It was a display meant to instill fear among the citizens who were compelled to take up arms in the empire's ongoing battle against monsters and oppositions. The constant struggle against these threats had necessitated the empire's need to deter deserters and rebels through such fear-inducing measures. The execution served as a stark reminder of the consequences awaiting those who chose to abandon their military duties or rise against the empire, ultimately aiming to maintain order and discourage willful thinking.

A sense of indignation surged through Ethan. "Those bastards are taking it too far," he muttered under his breath. The spectacle of the public execution seemed excessive in his eyes. He couldn't help but feel a growing discontent with the empire's methods, perceiving them as overly harsh and lacking in compassion.

The emissary continued his speech, Gently shifting his gaze to the young woman. "This wench has been found guilty of the grave crimes of blasphemy and heresy. By openly defying the divine order and challenging the beliefs upheld by our empire, she has disrupted the spiritual harmony that is crucial to our society."

"Blasphemy! Ha! You damn imperial demons are nothing but conniving snakes, using the name of God to push your twisted agendas and manipulate your blind followers like mindless sheep. Don't think you'll get away with your wicked schemes! The day of reckoning will come, and the fires of hell will claim your deceitful souls! You'll get what you deserve, you filthy liars and power-hungry demons!" the woman spat out with fierce contempt, her words filled with disdain.

The emissary paused, the weight of the woman's defiant words hanging heavily in the air. In that moment, a silent exchange passed between the emissary and the executioner standing beside the condemned woman. No words were needed, as the understanding was conveyed in a single glance. Without hesitation, the executioner's axe swiftly descended, severing the woman's life with a chilling precision. The crowd stood in shocked silence.

A sickening display of crimson liquid burst forth from the severed neck, drenching the air in a downpour of otherworldly red liquid. It cascaded through the atmosphere, twisting and contorting in a morbid mid-air dance, evoking an unsettling sensation that permeated the entire execution ground.



With a nauseating momentum, her head hurtled down the stage, bouncing and rolling with a grotesque sound. Each jarring movement of the tumbling head traced a grotesque path, leaving behind a trail of glistening blood. Despite the horrifying scene that unfolded before them, the onlookers found themselves transfixed, unable to tear their horrified gazes away.

"Ahem, my apologies for the abrupt interruption. Now, let us proceed," the emissary declared. Finally, his eyes settled upon the young man, the one who seemed barely an adult. "The young man, had committed no crime himself. However, his father's ill-fated actions had insulted the pride of a nobleman, resulting in a severe punishment that extended to their entire family. As a cruel form of retribution, the empire's decree mandated that all members of his family, including his son, were to face the punishment of beheading."

Ethan's mind was reeling with disbelief and shock as he listened and witnessed the unjust fate befalling the young boy. It was utterly inconceivable that someone so young, appearing no older than twelve or thirteen, could be condemned to such a tragic end for a mistake that was not his own.

As the weight of his impending fate settled upon him, the young boy, could no longer contain his emotions.

"Dad! Dad!" he sobbed, his voice choked with grief. "Please, someone, save me! I didn't do anything wrong! I beg you!"

His voice echoed through the crowd, a desperate plea for mercy, as he reached out to anyone who would listen. His anguished cries carried the weight of a injustice of a life cut short.

The reality of the situation gripped the hearts of onlookers, leaving them in pained silence, unable to provide the solace and salvation that the boy desperately sought.

"Poor boy." Ethan whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.The weight of the situation pressed heavily upon Ethan's soul as he grappled with the injustice of it all. Tears streaming down his face were a testament of his empathy and emotions that surged within him. In that moment, he yearned for a different outcome, one where the young man could be spared from this cruel destiny.

As to conclude his presence, the emissary let out a final statement. "It is with great regret that the empire has determined these executions necessary to ensure the safety, order, and integrity of our realm. May their fate serve as a stark reminder of the consequences of actions that threaten our empire's foundation and the faith that binds us together."

In a breathtaking display reminiscent of exploding fireworks, four other lives met their end. A cacophony of color erupted from their severed necks, painting the air with a mesmerizing symphony of vibrant crimson hue.

Their heads tumbled down the stage. The relentless dance of their rolling heads mirrored the fading sparks of a grand firework show. Life extinguished like fleeting bursts of fireworks in the night sky.

Indeed, the world in which Ethan found himself was far from kind.