
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

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70 Chs

Third Trial

The second trial proceeded smoothly, and it didn't take long for most participants to complete their trials. Similar to the first trial, a significant number of participants ended up failing and were escorted outside the academy. However, an impressive portion of those who arrived managed to proceed to the third and final recruitment trial.

"Congratulations on reaching the final trial!" exclaimed the principal, his voice filled with pride and anticipation. He continued with his speech, addressing the gathered children's, "Those familiar with our school's recruitment process will recognize that the previous two trials were the most demanding. In contrast, the third trial focuses on assessing your wisdom and critical thinking, rather than subjecting you to rigorous physical challenges. Fear not, for it is highly unlikely to fail this stage. "

He went on to explain the nature of the trial, "Your task for this phase is to respond to a written question, providing thoughtful and insightful input. Remember, our esteemed faculty members will meticulously review each response, evaluating them based on the depth of your analysis and the unique perspectives you offer."

Upon hearing the principal's speech, Ethan found it quite refreshing. Written exams were nothing new to him, as he had plenty of experience from his previous life, having encountered them during his numerous school years and even in his professional career. However, something about the atmosphere bothered him - the calm demeanor of the noble children in the room. It was as if this final trial held no importance for them, as if they were already confident in their ability to pass the entire recruitment process.

Ethan couldn't help but wonder why the noble children appeared so indifferent. Were they exceptionally well-prepared, or did they possess some insider knowledge that assured them of their success? He discreetly observed their nonchalant attitudes, their casual conversations, and the lack of concern in their expressions.

With the students settled in the small chamber, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. Each desk and chair was carefully arranged to create an organized and focused environment for the exam. As the students took their seats, the watchman, a distinguished figure who seemed to possess considerable magical prowess, stood at the front of the room, ready to oversee the examination proceedings.

With a wave of his hand, the watchman used his magic to levitate the stacks of paper he held, carefully distributing one to each table in the room. The papers landed softly, almost as if guided by an unseen force, ensuring that each student received their exam materials without any disruption.

The hushed silence in the chamber intensified as the students laid their eyes upon the exam papers before them, indicating the start of the exam. Ethan reminded himself that regardless of the noble children's confidence, he had his own skills and experiences to rely on. Ethan focused his attention on the written question before him.

To his surprise the written trial only had one question. A question that could leave so many interpretation that it was hard to provide a proper answer, "Define what Magic is.". The simplicity of the question masked the complexity that lay beneath its surface. It was a query that had sparked countless debates and discussions throughout this worlds history. How could he possibly provide a definitive answer when the concept of magic itself could be interpreted in so many ways?

He scanned the room, observing his fellow candidates hastily jotting down their responses as if the question demanded a natural instinct. The exam appeared to be more than just a test of knowledge; it aimed to explore the very essence of each student's comprehension and perception of the mystical world.

"How can they simply jot down their answers within a matter of seconds without reflecting on the deeper significance behind the question?" Ethan wondered.

Ethan's attention shifted inward instead of immediately answering the question. It marked his first foray into the depths of the subject of magic. The question at hand was not merely an inquiry but a profound philosophical matter that demanded careful and thoughtful reasoning. Drawing from what he had observed and read, Ethan critically evaluated the prevailing definition of magic being taught by most, which emphasized the manifestation of magic through imagination, envisionment, and miracles, rather than its tangibility.

However, Ethan found himself strongly disagreeing with this prevalent viewpoint. Instead, he inclined towards embracing the concept put forth by the esteemed philosopher Aristotle. Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher who has contributed to various fields of knowledge back on earth. He made significant advancement in subjects such as logic, ethics, politics and much more. His works had such a profound and lasting impact that it extended well beyond his lifetime.

His most notable ideology was the concept of Realism, a metaphysical belief asserting the independent existence of the external world, with objective properties and structures that can be studied and comprehended. He emphasized the significance of exploring the natural world to grasp its principles and causes. Through diligent observation and analysis, humans can unveil the inherent structures and properties of objects and events in the world.

Based on this concept, Ethan began answering the question in the written exam, introducing the idea of Realism and its potential connection with magic.

Time flew by, but Ethan skillfully managed to complete his answer within the allocated time duration of the exam. The papers were collected by the watchman, and all the participants were sent back to their respective Inns to rest for the day. During this period, the teachers would convene to carefully examine each answer and deliver their verdict the following day.

Inside the room, the teachers discussed each student's answer one at a time, providing their responses based on the given answers. Unfortunately, none of the teachers were impressed by the students' responses, evident from their disinterested facial expressions and demeanor.

"Boring~" remarked one of the teachers present in the room.

"Every single year, it's always the same textbook answers."

"What do you expect? Do you honestly believe a 12-year-old child can come up with an original definition of magic? These kids were forced to think in a certain way. Obviously, their answers would be textbook, diplomatic responses."

"I don't understand why we have to go through this trial every year. It's been decades since someone brought forth an interesting concept."

"Enough. This trial has been an obligation of our academy, established by the founding father. Do not question his decision and continue with your work," said the principal firmly.

As time passed, the teachers kept reading over the students' answers. Each time, they encountered the same uninspiring responses, almost lulling them to sleep. However, their boredom was soon interrupted when they came across a specific paper.

"Huh? Why is both sides of the paper fully used? N-No way! Is it an original idea!"

"What! Someone actually tried delving into the topic?"

"I swear if you're joking around..."

"No! I'm being serious. Someone actually used both sides of the paper to answer the question."

The principal's curiosity was piqued as he looked at the person who made this discovery. For some reason, the image of the small child who had demonstrated the most potential came to mind.

"Then what are you waiting for, read it out loud," said the principal eagerly.

They gathered around, and the teacher began reading aloud the response from the paper that captured their attention. As they delved deeper into the paper, their interest grew, and a sense of excitement filled the room. This student had indeed taken the task seriously and explored the topic with a fresh and imaginative approach.

The principal listened intently, a smile of satisfaction appeared on his face.

After the teacher finished reading, the room was filled with an air of awe and admiration. The student who had submitted this exceptional paper had managed to stand out among the rest.

"Marvelous!" exclaimed the principal, clearly impressed by the exceptional response. He couldn't hide his excitement and satisfaction at finally encountering a student who had risen above the usual, mundane answers. The remarkable insight displayed in the paper had rejuvenated his belief.

"Tomorrow will be an interesting day. Hahaha~!"

Thank you so much for your support! We've achieved 50 power stone! Rather then wait for the bonus chapter next week, I'll be releasing it today. Let's try to reach 100 power stone before the end of the week for 2 bonus chapters!

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