
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Swift Thorned-Deer

With their plan set in motion, Ethan, Sven, and Seraphine ventured deeper into the Forest of Abundance. The dense underbrush made every step a careful maneuver, and the towering trees created a sense of awe and mystery. Their footsteps were muffled by a carpet of fallen leaves, and the forest seemed to hold its breath as they treaded cautiously.

"We need to be cautious," Sven whispered. "The forest is not only abundant with creatures but also with surprises. Our first target, the Swift Thorned-Deer, is known to be particularly elusive and can easily sense our presence."

Ethan nodded, his eyes darting around as he surveyed their surroundings. "Agreed. Let's keep our senses sharp and stay quiet. We don't want to alert any potential threats."

As they walked, the distant sounds of rustling leaves and the occasional distant call of a bird heightened their awareness. They came across several groups of students, each focused on their own tasks. A trio of students was carefully collecting luminescent mushrooms, and another group was preparing to ensnare a winged creature that glided overhead.

"It's interesting to see how everyone is approaching their own targets." Seraphine observed in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, it's like a symphony of tasks." Ethan replied, a hint of fascination in his voice.

Their progress was slow but deliberate. They moved stealthily, frequently pausing to listen for any signs of movement.

After a while, the forest seemed to grow denser, the trees creating a natural canopy that filtered the sunlight. They huddled close to a massive tree, hidden in its shadow, as they sensed movement nearby.

Sven's hand gestured to them to stay still as he pointed towards a distant clearing. Through the trees, they caught a glimpse of a small creature—a Thorned Deer, its majestic antlers adorned with thorns that glinted in the dappled sunlight.

"The Thorned Deer! Sven whispered, excitement evident in his voice. "It's a creature, known for its good hearing. We must approach it with caution."

As they observed the Thorned Deer from their concealed vantage point, they could see the creature moving gracefully, its steps deliberate and its senses keenly attuned to its surroundings.

"We should wait for the right opportunity." Ethan suggested, his eyes fixed on the Deer.

Seraphine nodded in agreement, her expression determined. "Let's make sure we're fully prepared before we make our move."

Time seemed to stand still as they watched the Thorned Deer, their patience unwavering. The forest whispered its secrets around them, and the calls of distant creatures painted a vivid portrait of life within its depths.

Finally, as the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow across the forest, the Thorned Deer moved closer to their position. Its elegant form and presence were a testament to the beauty of the forest.

"Alright, this is our chance." Sven whispered. "Stay quiet and follow my lead."

With bated breath, they began to edge closer to the Thorned Deer, their steps light and deliberate. Sven's hands moved in intricate patterns, casting a spell that created a gentle mirror of water trying to reflect the surrounding to mask their presence.

As they closed the gap between them and the Thorned Deer, a sense of reverence washed over them. Their teamwork was seamless, their movements synchronized as if they were a part of the forest itself.

Ethan's heart quickened as they drew closer to their target, his determination unwavering. The Thorned Deer, immersed in its peaceful grazing, appeared blissfully ignorant of their presence. In a seamless and well-practiced move, Sven and Seraphine executed their spells, their roles as if choreographed in advance. Sven conjured a massive wall before the unsuspecting deer, enclosing it within an earthy barrier resembling a globe. At the same time, Seraphine harnessed the power of water, channeling it to transform the ground beneath the deer's feet into a quicksand-like mud, causing its hooves to gradually sink into the softened soil.

"We did it." Seraphine breathed, a mixture of relief and accomplishment in her voice.

Ethan's smile was wide, his eyes shining with pride. "Teamwork pays off."

However, their initial victory proved short-lived. The Thorned Deer, sensing the threat, suddenly shifted from its docile demeanor to one of offense. With a powerful burst of energy, it directed its antlers towards the earthy globe that confined it. The impact reverberated through the forest as cracks appeared on the barrier's surface.

"We need to reinforce the barrier!" Ethan shouted, his voice urgent.

Seraphine concentrated, pouring more energy into the water element to bolster the mud's hold on the deer's hooves. At the same time, Sven channeled his magic to fortify the barrier, increasing its density and strength.

But the Thorned Deer was not relenting. It thrashed against the barrier with increasing force, its antlers glowing with a fierce energy. As the globe disintegrated, the Thorned Deer's demeanor shifted instantly. Gone was its serene grazing; now, it stood in a stance of readiness, its thorns glinting menacingly in the dappled sunlight. With a sudden burst of speed, it charged toward them, its antlers lowered in a defensive posture.

Ethan, Sven, and Seraphine sprang into action, each responding to the threat. Sven cast a series of rapid spells, launching series of fireballs. Seraphine summoned her water element once more, creating a barrier of swirling water to deflect the deer's charge.

Ethan's mind raced as he assessed the situation. He focused his magic, using his wind element to create a swirling gust that enveloped Sven's fireball, as to inflict as much damage and disorienting its senses. It was a calculated move to buy them a momentary advantage.

But the Thorned Deer was far from defenseless. With a powerful surge, it broke through the flamed gust and tore through Seraphine's water barrier. Its eyes locked onto Ethan, its gaze filled with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.

In a display of agility and power, the Thorned Deer lunged at Ethan, its thorns poised to strike. He reacted swiftly, but not quick enough to evade the charge completely as the creature's horn grazed his left arm.

A searing pain shot through him, and his arm went limp, paralyzed by the venomous effects of the Thorned Deer's horn.

"Ethan!" Seraphine cried out in alarm, her voice tinged with worry.

"We need to immobilize it now, before it recovers his footing!" Sven called out urgently.

Ethan gritted his teeth, the pain in his arm throbbing as he forced himself to focus. He channeled his fire element sending in a wave of flames sweping towards the Thorned Deer, engulfing its surroundings and obscuring its field of vision. The deer let out a startled snort, its advance momentarily halted as it flinched from the searing flames.

Seizing the opportunity, Seraphine and Sven sprang into action. Seraphine manipulated water with finesse, directing it into a shallow hole that Sven had swiftly carved into the earth. With precise control, she formed intricate, spike-like formations from the freezing water, each one gleaming with an icy edge.

The Thorned Deer, its vision obscured by the flames, pressed on with determination. It charged forward, its powerful form cutting through the wall of fire. Unbeknownst to it, the ground beneath had been transformed into a trap.

As the deer crashed through the veil of flames, its hooves met the concealed hole in the earth. In a split second, its body plummeted downward, a surprised and pained snort escaping its nostrils. The deer's majestic form was impaled by the icy spikes that awaited it, its struggles met with a network of frosty, deadly points.

"Now, we did it." Sven said.

Ethan's nod held a sense of relief. "First things first, let's make sure to secure its horn. That's our main objective."

Seraphine's concern took the forefront. "Hold on a moment, what about your arm, Ethan? How are you holding up?"

Ethan grimaced, his voice tinged with discomfort. "Honestly, not great. My arm is completely numb. According to the encyclopedia, it might take up to five hours for the feeling to return. The poison on the horn wasn't potent enough to be lethal, but I'll be considerably weakened for a while. It might affect my performance in the evaluation."

Sven's brows furrowed with concern. "We should prioritize your well-being. The evaluation can wait."

Ethan shook his head, "I'll be alright. I don't want to slow us down. Let's focus on finding the Glimmer Ore, by the time we do, I'm confident I'll be ready to face the Clear Skinned Skipper."

Sven nodded in agreement. "He's right. We can't let this setback deter us. Let's continue and finish what we started. We have a set time limit to follow"

Seraphine gaze shifted between his teammates, her concern evident in her eyes. Ultimately, she relented with a sigh, her resolve matching theirs. "Fine, but if your condition worsens, we're putting your well-being first, understood?"

Ethan nodded appreciatively. "Sure."

With their agreement in place, they pressed on.