
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Evaluation Day

Ethan followed Alfred as they left the council chamber, still carrying the weight of the recent confrontation.

While they walked, Ethan's thoughts raced in conflicting directions. The meeting with the council had left him feeling exposed and fragile, like a pawn in a much larger scheme he hadn't anticipated. He couldn't shake off the discomfort that lingered, the feeling that his future had been pushed onto an uncertain path out of his control.

Alfred glanced at him, his expression a mixture of understanding and determination. "Who could have imagined that the young man I accidentally met on a stormy night at a remote village inn would come this far? I suppose you've taken my words to heart."

Ethan gazed at Alfred and, his face reflecting gratitude, lowered his head in a gesture of thanks for the opportunity he had been given. "I'm truly grateful for the opportunity you've given me. Without your kind gesture, I would have been taken by the Imperial Army against my will, and I might have already met my end at the hands of those creatures."

"I knew there was something unique about you from the moment we met. I'm pleased to see that my choices have paved the way you're now treading... Listen, I realize you're facing challenges due to your background, but don't lose hope. Evolve, and keep growing until no one would dare oppose you."

Ethan paid close attention to Alfred's words and found himself in complete agreement. He understood that his path involved becoming a formidable force that no one would dare challenge. Even if it took years of effort to attain that level of power, he was determined to reach it. Both for his own sake and for the well-being of his parents. "Thank you, um... was it Mr.Alfred?"

"Hahaha, I almost forgot to introduce myself. Yes, I am Alfred Vanguard. I oversee the research department, particularly for students entering their third year who choose the scholar's path. Additionally, I'm responsible for maintaining order and fairness within the Academy as the rule Enforcer."

"By the way, I couldn't help but wonder what the Hierophant of Knowledge Evaluation is?"

"This is an evaluation given to those who believe they have discovered knowledge in the field of magic that has never been found before. It means that those who can provide evidence of a magical concept that significantly advances the world of magic will be granted the title of Hierophant. Up until now, this title has not been awarded for over a hundred years. Those who achieve this prestigious title gain a level of authority almost equal to that of Magi, and their knowledge will be widely recognized throughout history as the new generations learn from their work."

"The same level of authority as a Magi! Does the Hierophant also have responsibilities like the Magi?"

"Hierophants are not subject to the Kingdom's control like Magi are. The knowledge they impart brings far greater benefits to the kingdom than most of a Magi's lifetime service, which is why they aren't burdened with any specific responsibilities."

'Hmm, this sounds quite similar to a Nobel Prize back on Earth. A recognition given to those who have contributed the most to humanity. However, in this world, it's more focused on the significant contributions to the field of magical studies. Interesting.'

"It's time for me to depart, Ethan. If the council insists on you revealing your methods, don't hesitate to find me. My office is in the third-year building; you can ask around for directions. I'll handle the situation."

"Thank you, Mr. Alfred."

Ethan and Alfred went their separate ways. The incident from the duel between Ethan and Leon had quickly spread throughout the Academy, leaving hardly anyone unaware of the outcome. Many who had previously mocked or bullied Ethan seemed to have changed their behavior, leading to a more relaxed atmosphere in his classes and during lunch.

In the days that followed, Leon was released from the infirmary after fully recovering from his sustained injuries. Despite expectations, Leon didn't immediately engage in another fight with Ethan. Instead, he gave annoyed glances but refrained from any further confrontation.

"It seems he's not one to take his own words lightly." Ethan noted.

True to his word, Leon didn't bother Ethan further since he had lost their bet. On the other hand, Seraphine's invitation still stood, unaffected by the outcome of the previous duel. As the evaluation day approached, finding a third member for their team became a challenge. Many potential candidates declined for two main reasons: some were hesitant to work with a commoner like Ethan, while others didn't want to incur Leon's displeasure by aligning themselves with the person who defeated him.

"I suppose we'll have to rely on the teachers to select our final team member," Seraphine suggested.

"Sorry, because of me your having a hard time." Ethan responded

Seraphine shook her head. "Don't underestimate your value. Having you on my team is more valuable than having a hundred of them. Do you know of anyone who might be willing to join us?"

Ethan hesitated before replying, "Actually, I do have someone in mind."

"Really? You should definitely invite them then."

Ethan nodded hesitantly. "I'll consider it."

As the days passed, Ethan and Seraphine struggled to find a suitable third member for their team. With few options left, Ethan reluctantly approached the last person he had in mind.

"Are you busy?"

"Huh? That's quite unexpected. We haven't exchanged a single word since our last interaction."

"..., With no other options left, I find myself needing to ask you. Would you consider joining my team with Seraphine for the upcoming evaluation?... Sven."

Despite not having the best relationship with his roommate, Ethan could tell that Sven was a person of his word. Throughout their time at school, Sven had kept to himself as they had agreed, not bothering Ethan even once. While they weren't friends, Sven's reliability was apparent, and having him on the team seemed like a better option than partnering with other nobles who had animosity towards Ethan. Faced with the choice between someone with a history who no longer hated him and someone entirely unknown who harbored hostility, Ethan decided that recruiting Sven was the preferable choice.

"I'm glad you consider me a comrade. However, it's unfortunate you approached me a bit late. I've already agreed to join another team, and I'm not one to leave others hanging at the last moment. Perhaps next time, try reaching out to me a little earlier."

"Sorry for bothering you."


"I'm open to joining your team, but I have one condition."

"What is it?"

"By accepting your invitation, I might find my reputation among the noble students affected. So, in return for this favor, I want you to agree to fulfill any favor I ask of you. I don't have a specific request in mind right now, but if I ever do come up with one in the future, you must agree to it, whether it's a week or even ten years from now."

"...As long as it doesn't harm me or put me in a difficult position, I'm willing to agree to this."

"Great! Let's do our best during the evaluation!"


With his team now complete, the day of the evaluation had arrived. All the students participating in the evaluation were gathered at the entrance of the Forest of Abundance. Sprawled before them, a realm of vibrant life and captivating beauty. Towering trees, their canopies forming a lush green roof, stretched as far as the eye could see. Shafts of sunlight pierced through the foliage, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

"The day we've been waiting for has arrived! Allow me to reiterate your task." Professor Harrington began.

"As a team of three, your objective is to collaborate and collect the required ingredients for your individual creations. Prior to the start of the evaluation, each of you received a small encyclopedia detailing the organisms and their properties within this forest. I assume you've already coordinated with your teammates regarding the ingredients you plan to locate or gather. Remember, you have a total of 24 hours to complete this task. Throughout this period, several professors and observers will be positioned within the vast forest to offer aid in case of emergencies. Keep in mind, however, that we cannot ensure complete coverage of the entire forest, so exercise caution and avoid engaging with anything beyond your capabilities." Professor Harrington explained.

"Let the evaluation commence!"

The students eagerly moved toward the forest, each with their designated teams. Ethan and his group gathered to ensure their original plan remained intact.

"Alright, as we agreed. Our targets are the Clear-Skinned Skipper for me, the Swift Thorned-Deer for Sven, and the Glimmerite Ore for Seraphine."

"Exactly. Considering the Clear Skinned Skipper's habitat near ponds, our best approach is to begin by searching for the Swift Reindeer. With luck, we might come across the Glimmerite Ore during our journey through the forest. Does that plan work for everyone?" Ethan inquired.

"Sounds like a solid plan," Sven affirmed.

"I'm on board," Seraphine agreed.

"Great! Then let's get started!" Ethan exclaimed.

The detailed images, descriptions, and unique attributes of the creatures and materials required for their quest can be found on Royal Road current chapter page. I encourage you to explore it for more information.

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