
Weapon Maniac in Naruto

Just working on it, won't release chapters yet. Ideas are appreciated, though I won't follow every suggestion.

Ichorblut · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

It's not too much, just some thoughts of mine...

<p>Hello everybody, this is going to be my first attempt at writing a fanfiction and general story. Please don't expect too much and tell me about plot holes or any other kind of mistakes.<br/><br/>With that out of the way, I don't have a general idea where this will go, as I mainly want to gain writing experience. Still, I do wish to write a satisfying fanfic for Naruto and just get along with the flow.<br/><br/>Yet, I don't know when or how I want to start things as I have still problems with procrastination and sometimes even motivation. Either way, I am going to write canon details down and my things. I am going to do research which takes time as well. So don't expect much, soon. Also, I do plan on changing the genres, theme, name, etc. As I am still unsure.<br/><br/>There will be many changes and additions though, that's for sure. I think that there are too many flaws and forgotten plots, characters, and world-building. But that's something that you should at least have thought about, right? Right?<br/>I mean if you don't think so that's fine, each their one. <br/><br/>I have to watch out so that I won't be caught in my web of storytelling and forget about things. This goes back to fleshing out the story by writing researched information and thinking, just thinking of the story. I am probably going to follow or at least start with the canon as that seems to be the easiest approach. <br/><br/>For my Soul Eater project, I will need much much more time. As I have big plans and I am very ambitious for this story. I will still read a lot of other genres of literature to learn more about writing styles and storytelling. Which works in other ways as well. I will certainly gain more knowledge for inspiration too.<br/><br/>That's it for now. I will probably write sometimes here and just give new updates about this fanfic.</p>