
Weapon Maniac in Naruto

Just working on it, won't release chapters yet. Ideas are appreciated, though I won't follow every suggestion.

Ichorblut · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Not really a chapter

I am currently working on collecting Canon trivia and more. Which means that I am interested in starting writing at least this year.

I am at a stage of life in which reading online becomes stale and boring, as it is also rare to find a good fanfiction which is unique.

This causes me to spend more time on this work of mine. I just finished copying a somewhat coherent timeline of Naruto and will focus on every aspect of a good story. Currently I am working on the power system, so any ideas, that would make small or big changes are welcome! As I have to focus on more things afterwards, like world-building, themes, arcs and more, I will most probably start at the later stage of 2024. Unless I get too bored and just start abruptly..

After having enough material I will probably change the title, find a fitting cover for it, write a synopsis, learn more about writing and lastly start releasing chapters.

Just an update about my current process prior to the auxiliary chapters.

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