
Wealth of Dreams

In an alternate version of Earth, Rio finds himself in a world where certain industries have been stunted. Fueled by his ambition and desire for power, he discovers the remarkable Wealth System, a tool that grants him unprecedented abilities and knowledge. With his eyes set on becoming the richest and most influential person on the planet, Rio embarks on a thrilling journey. Hello, everyone! I'm new to writing, and I'll do my best to ensure my grammar is as close to perfect as possible with the help of Grammarly. If there are any plot holes or other issues you notice, please feel free to criticize i will try my best into improving those areas. SEE YA!

Awiener · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 9

On Wednesday morning, Rio's alarm gently roused him from his slumber, signaling the start of a new day. He stretched his limbs and rose from his bed, feeling refreshed and energized. With determination in his eyes, he prepared himself for his daily exercise routine, slipping into comfortable workout attire.

Heading to his home gym, Rio engaged in a series of exercises designed to strengthen and sculpt his body. He pushed himself, feeling the burn and relishing the satisfaction that came with each rep. The rhythmic sound of his breathing filled the room as he focused on his goals, envisioning the fit and lean physique he aimed to achieve.

After completing his workout, Rio's body glistened with a sheen of sweat. He proceeded to the bathroom for a revitalizing shower, relishing the cascade of warm water that washed away the exertion of his exercise session. Feeling invigorated, he emerged from the shower and wrapped himself in a plush towel.

Rio's appetite beckoned, reminding him of the importance of refueling his body. In the kitchen, he prepared a nourishing breakfast, consisting of a protein-rich omelette, a side of fresh fruit, and a steaming cup of coffee. With each bite, he savored the flavors and appreciated the fuel it provided for the day ahead.

Having satisfied his hunger, Rio dressed in a smart, yet comfortable outfit, ready to tackle the tasks that awaited him. He double-checked his schedule, ensuring he was prepared for the meeting with the architecture firm at his shop lot. With a final glance in the mirror to ensure he presented himself well, he grabbed his keys and made his way out the door.

As he stepped outside, the morning air greeted him, carrying a sense of anticipation and possibility. Rio hailed a cab, informing the driver of his destination: the shop lot where his cafe would soon come to life. The journey allowed him a moment of quiet reflection, envisioning the potential of the space and the unique ambiance he hoped to create.

Arriving at the shop lot, Rio met with the representatives of the architecture firm, exchanging greetings and shaking hands. He walked them through his vision, describing the design and style he desired for his cafe. Together, they explored the space, discussing layout options, lighting, and decor elements.

The architects listened attentively, taking notes and sharing their insights. Their expertise and understanding of design principles reassured Rio that his dream would be realized with precision and excellence. They discussed timelines, budgets, and the next steps in the process, ensuring that everything aligned with Rio's expectations.

With the meeting concluded, Rio felt a sense of satisfaction. The foundation for his cafe was being laid, and the expertise of the architecture firm would guide him toward his ultimate vision. He thanked the team for their time and expertise, expressing his excitement for the journey ahead.

Leaving the shop lot, Rio felt a surge of motivation and renewed purpose. He hailed a cab once again, heading back home to continue his day filled with determination and passion.

Excited to try out the bubble tea recipe he obtained from his wealth system, Rio gathered the necessary ingredients and prepared his kitchen for the task at hand. The recipe had been highly recommended, touted as the very best in the system, and Rio was eager to put it to the test.

He carefully measured out the tea leaves, ensuring the perfect balance for a rich and flavorful brew. The aroma of the freshly steeped tea filled the air, infusing the room with a pleasant fragrance. Rio knew that the quality of the tea was crucial to achieving an exceptional bubble tea experience.

Next, he prepared the tapioca pearls, following the precise instructions provided by the wealth system. He simmered them to achieve the ideal texture—soft, chewy, and just the right amount of sweetness. The pearls transformed into little bursts of delight that would perfectly complement the tea.

With the tea and tapioca pearls ready, Rio proceeded to add the final touches. He carefully poured the tea over a generous serving of ice, creating a refreshing and chilled base. A quick stir ensured that the flavors were evenly distributed.

Finally, Rio added the cooked tapioca pearls to the glass, watching as they sunk to the bottom. The sight of those delightful little bubbles brought a smile to his face. He took a moment to appreciate the beauty of his creation—a glass of bubble tea that promised to be nothing short of extraordinary.

As Rio took his first sip, he was immediately transported to a world of flavor and indulgence. The tea was perfectly balanced, neither too sweet nor too bitter, allowing the natural taste of the tea leaves to shine through. The tapioca pearls added a delightful textural element, providing a playful contrast with each sip.

The wealth system had truly delivered on its promise. This bubble tea recipe surpassed all expectations, exceeding even the most renowned bubble tea shops in taste and quality. Rio savored each sip, relishing in the fact that he had discovered a gem within his wealth system—a recipe that would become a signature delight for his future cafe.

With a satisfied smile, Rio finished his glass of bubble tea. He knew that this recipe would be a hit among his future customers, and he couldn't wait to share it with them. The wealth system had provided him not only with financial prosperity but also with the opportunity to create culinary delights that would leave a lasting impression.

Filled with gratitude for the wealth system and the incredible experiences it had brought into his life, Rio cleaned up his kitchen, making a mental note to add the bubble tea recipe to his growing collection of culinary successes.


[Name: Rio Esgrus

Level: 1

Level Benefit: $2,500,000, Business Skill (Intermediate), Bubble Tea Recipe (LV1)

Experience: 0/10,000 (Host must earn money to accumulate experience)

Shop: Open

Balance: $2,200,943-> $2,200,903

Accumulated Profits: $0

Assets Value: $5,200,000]