
Wealth of Dreams

In an alternate version of Earth, Rio finds himself in a world where certain industries have been stunted. Fueled by his ambition and desire for power, he discovers the remarkable Wealth System, a tool that grants him unprecedented abilities and knowledge. With his eyes set on becoming the richest and most influential person on the planet, Rio embarks on a thrilling journey. Hello, everyone! I'm new to writing, and I'll do my best to ensure my grammar is as close to perfect as possible with the help of Grammarly. If there are any plot holes or other issues you notice, please feel free to criticize i will try my best into improving those areas. SEE YA!

Awiener · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 8

After Rio's stomach grumbled with hunger, he decided to head to a nearby restaurant to satisfy his appetite. He entered a charming bistro-style establishment with a welcoming ambiance and took a seat at a cozy table by the window. The restaurant exuded a modern yet rustic charm, with warm lighting, exposed brick walls, and tasteful decor.

A friendly server approached his table and handed him a menu filled with tantalizing options. Rio perused the menu, his eyes lighting up at the array of delectable dishes. He ordered a mouthwatering grilled salmon with roasted vegetables, accompanied by a refreshing mixed green salad. As he waited for his meal, Rio took in the pleasant atmosphere, enjoying the soft background music and the chatter of fellow diners.

Once his food arrived, Rio savored each bite, appreciating the expertly prepared flavors and the freshness of the ingredients. The meal was a delightful blend of textures and tastes, leaving him thoroughly satisfied. After finishing his lunch, Rio paid the bill and left the restaurant with a contented smile.

As he stepped outside, Rio took out his phone and dialed the number of a well-known architecture firm he had researched. He explained to the representative on the other end his vision for the cafe he planned to open. He emphasized his desire for a contemporary design with elements of coziness and warmth. Rio discussed his ideas for the layout, seating arrangements, color schemes, and other key aspects, ensuring that his vision was clearly conveyed.

The representative on the phone listened attentively, asking insightful questions and offering suggestions to enhance the design. They discussed the firm's availability to visit the shop lot and assess its feasibility for the proposed design. Rio eagerly scheduled a meeting for the next day, as it was the earliest convenient time for both parties.

Feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation, Rio ended the call, grateful to have found a reputable architecture firm that understood his vision.

Rio dialed the number of the talented F&B manager, eager to bring her on board for his new venture. After a few rings, the call connected, and a friendly voice answered.

"Hello, this is Sarah," the voice greeted. "How can I assist you today?"

Rio: Hi, Sarah! This is Rio. I've heard wonderful things about your expertise in the F&B industry, and I'm interested in discussing a potential opportunity with you.

Sarah: Hi, Rio! It's a pleasure to speak with you. I'm flattered to hear that my work has caught your attention. How can I be of service?

Rio: I recently acquired a shop lot for a new cafe project, and I believe your skills and experience would be a perfect fit. I'm looking for a talented F&B manager to join my team and help bring this vision to life.

Sarah: That sounds intriguing, Rio. I'm always excited to explore new opportunities and contribute my expertise. Can you tell me a bit more about your cafe concept and the atmosphere you envision?

Rio: Certainly, Sarah. I want to create a welcoming and modern cafe with a focus on quality ingredients, exceptional flavors, and personalized service. The menu will feature a fusion of international cuisines, inspired by local ingredients and culinary traditions. I aim to provide a unique dining experience that leaves a lasting impression on our customers.

Sarah: I love the sound of that, Rio. It's refreshing to see a strong emphasis on both culinary excellence and customer satisfaction. I have extensive experience in managing F&B operations, curating menus, and training staff to deliver exceptional service. I believe I can contribute a lot to your project.

Rio: That's fantastic to hear, Sarah. I'm confident that your skills and expertise will be invaluable in making this cafe a success. I'd like to invite you for a meeting to discuss the project in more detail and view the shop lot. Are you available sometime this week?

Sarah: Absolutely, Rio. I'm eager to learn more about your vision and see the space. How about we schedule a meeting for Thursday afternoon? I can come prepared with some initial ideas and suggestions.

Rio: Thursday afternoon works well for me, Sarah. Let's meet at the shop lot around 3 p.m. Does that work for you?

Sarah: Perfect! I'll make a note of it. I'm excited to collaborate with you and bring your cafe concept to life. Together, I believe we can create a memorable dining experience that will leave a lasting impression on our customers.

Rio: Thank you, Sarah. I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication. I look forward to our meeting and the opportunity to work together. See you on Thursday!

Sarah: Thank you, Rio. I'm thrilled about this opportunity. See you on Thursday, and let's create something amazing together!

With the call concluded, Rio felt a sense of optimism and anticipation. He knew that Sarah's expertise and passion would be instrumental in shaping their cafe into a remarkable establishment.

As the Tuesday evening sunset cast its warm hues across the sky, Rio returned home, feeling a sense of contentment and accomplishment. He entered his spacious villa, appreciating the tranquility it offered. After freshening up with a quick shower, he headed to the kitchen to prepare himself a delicious dinner.

Rio's culinary skills had improved over time, and he took pleasure in experimenting with flavors and ingredients. Tonight, he decided to prepare a healthy grilled chicken salad with a medley of colorful vegetables and a zesty homemade dressing. The aroma of the sizzling chicken filled the air, creating an appetizing ambiance in his modern kitchen.

As the meal came together, Rio couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. The progress he had made with the cafe project, the new car he had ordered, and the promising addition of Sarah to his team all filled him with a sense of excitement for what lay ahead. It was a satisfying feeling to see his plans taking shape.

After enjoying his nourishing dinner, Rio retired to his bedroom, feeling a pleasant tiredness settling in. He slipped into the comfort of his freshly made bed, allowing the day's accomplishments to lull him into a restful sleep.

In the embrace of dreams, Rio's mind danced with visions of the future, where his cafe thrived, his car awaited him, and new adventures awaited at every turn.


[Name: Rio Esgrus

Level: 1

Level Benefit: $2,500,000, Business Skill (Intermediate), Random F&B Recipe (LV1)

Experience: 0/10,000 (Host must earn money to accumulate experience)

Shop: Open

Balance: $2,200,978-> $2,200,943

Accumulated Profits: $0

Assets Value: $5,200,000]