

Seven souls from different backgrounds get tangled with each other and start a new journey together, They go through all kinds of motions, Happiness, sorrows, breakups, friendship, love, death! Will something tear them apart? Will those seven souls be able to survive in that world and keep themselves going? It all starts with Arthur Quinn! Who brought those seven kids together and put them on an unbreakable journey, Their life was almost normal passing away with all kinds of rucks they go through every day, Everything was fine Not until fate decided to play with them, As Anna enters in their lives and gives meaning to those seven lives.

Rarrissime0 · Teen
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 9

—"send them in", Alexander commanded the guards to let those dorks come in,

As the door swung open, Alexander's eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before him. The group of individuals who had just entered looked like they had stepped straight out of a time warp from the 1980s, with their neon spandex leggings and sequined jackets clashing horribly with the sleek, modern decor of the room. With a disdainful expression on his face, Alexander rolled his eyes dramatically at their tacky attire. The garish colors and mismatched accessories made it painfully obvious that these people were completely out of touch with current fashion trends,

Alex couldn't help but bad mouth about them, "death would be better", a mumble left his mouth and someone was secretly laughing in the corner,

As Alexander turned around, his eyes met Laylah's beaming face, her laughter bubbling out of her like an overfilled balloon. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight, feeling as though he was witnessing a performance from a circus act rather than a genuine moment of amusement. Laylah's exaggerated gesture of holding onto her laughter with such force made him internally scoff at the dramatics of it all.

Those people came and sat on the couch, as if they owned it!

—"would you mind sitting properly? This isn't your house or is it?",They did get a little scared of his sudden change in behavior and voice, his scary tone was enough to send shivers down their spines. The way his demeanor shifted so drastically, from calm and collected to dark and menacing, was truly chilling. It was as if a switch had been flipped within him, revealing a side that they never knew existed. His eyes held a sense of power and intimidation that made it clear he meant business.

Alexander started unpacking the boxes and he checked every single thing,

—"click photos and send him", said Laylah and Alexander obeyed it quite nicely, because that will be more convenient, Alexander clicked some pics of the order and sent it,

And he instantly received, "👍🏻",

—"that's it? That's all I get for my hardwork?", Alex said while looking at his phone screen and there he heard a small laugh breaking out again!

"He is so.....cool", Laylah said and went away while laughing, "Anyways, you guys can leave.....and next time....be on time", he said while pointing his fingers towards one of them, they were about to leave but Alexander's inner soul could not help, so he spit it out, "wait....", and they took a pause and turned around just to get indirectly insulted, "you guys sl—ay in those clothes—I mean- you guys look horrible!!", and with that he laughed and they felt that insult deep in heart but those dorks went away because it's of no use to fight with them, all of the about.....they know they are looking horrible,

—"they slay!!!!", with that Laylah and Alexander cackling uncontrollably at those guys fashion faux pas! Their impeccably tacky dressing sense truly knows no bounds. From clashing colors to mismatched patterns, these two surely have a knack for turning heads in all the wrong ways. But let's not forget that confidence is key, and oh boy, do they exude it with every misguided outfit choice. It's almost as if they are single-handedly redefining the term "fashion disaster" with each new ensemble they put together,

"What's going on in here??, did I miss something??" a chirpy voice that echoed in the hall room, the guy wearing a black hoodie and black cap enters with an air of excitement. His demeanor is infectious as he exudes confidence and charisma, drawing the attention of everyone around him. The way he carries himself, with a hint of mystery behind his dark attire, adds to his enigmatic charm,

"So....Mr. Brown, how did you know the package had already arrived in the city??", Alexander asked in amaze,

"It's jade....Jade Brown....as a hacker! I keep track of everything...so, the moment I got to know, I immediately called him",Jade said while feeling proud of his amazing hacking skills, "oh! Dear...my birthday is coming!!!!!!", Laylah said while sitting on the other side of Jade and Alexander on the other side,

—"what are you guys gonna gift me??", she asked with a tilt of excitement, "I would give you something valuable, something that you will need", Alexander said, more like releasing the charisma of the gift, "like, what?", She asked with curiosity, "Like...Brain", Jade said with a straight face and Alexander cracked up,

Laylah's playful antics knew no bounds as she picked up a pillow and with a mischievous grin on her face, smashed it on Jade's unsuspecting face. The room erupted in laughter as Jade's shocked expression quickly turned into fits of giggles. Despite the seemingly violent action, it was all in good fun, showcasing the lively and exciting atmosphere that Laylah always brought with her. Her infectious energy could turn any ordinary moment into a memorable one full of joy and spontaneity. The playful environment she created encouraged others to let loose and embrace their inner child, making every moment spent with Laylah an adventure filled with laughter and happiness, with that Alexander stood up and went to his room to get fresh up,

Laylah picked up another pillow and was hitting jade restless, "okay—i'm sorr—ouch! You—", Jade's movements were swift and calculated, as if he had been waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He grabbed Laylah's wrists firmly, pinning her down on the couch with a strong grip that left no room for escape. Laylah's initial shock quickly turned to fear as she realized the depth of Jade's hidden intentions. His sudden aggression hinted at a deeper darkness lurking beneath his charming facade, a side of him that he had kept carefully concealed until now. The tension in the room was palpable, thick with unspoken secrets and veiled threats. Laylah knew in that moment that she was at the mercy of a man whose true nature was far more sinister than she could have ever imagined, most of the time, he is all playful, but....there are times where he just wants to be with laylah,

As they stayed there, silently gazing into each other's eyes, a sense of tension and secrecy hung in the air. Jade felt his heart race as he watched Laylah's lips part slightly, the faintest hint of a smile playing at the corners. He could almost hear the sound of his own heartbeat ringing in his ears as he resisted the urge to reach out and touch Laylah's lips, There was a magnetic pull between them, drawing them closer together in this intimate moment of unspoken desire and longing. In that fleeting instant, Jade sensed a depth of connection with Laylah that went beyond words, hinting at a forbidden passion that dared not be voiced aloud. Theirs was a love shrouded in secrecy and mystery, bound by unspoken promises and hidden desires,

—"what the.....fuck", A sarcastic voice

hope you like it!! have a great day!!

Rarrissime0creators' thoughts