
chapter 2


Xivara felt somebody slump her body on her since she felt breasts pressing hard on her butt .she could hear her speak but couldn't pinpoint what the person was talking about .

"hey... hey you... what what you ...doing in ..my bed I ..want to sleep get out "Viana spoke in her drunken state making Xivara wake up instantly.

"Viana... get off my butt girl and your soo drunk again yet we gat a journey ahead of us tomorrow ,are you even listening I said move "Xivara mumbled pushing Viana off her making her slump her body on the floor since she was half asleep good thing there was a soft carpet she didn't hurt at all then sat up .

"Xivara what are... you doing in ...my bed"Viana muttered while rubbing her eyes with a pout making Xivara roll her eyes then get off the bed and head towards the switch to put on the lights .Both blinked their eyes multiple times before gaining their sight again. Xivara then turned and looked at Viana and said "your in the wrong room girl try looking around "her room was all grey since it was among her favorite color. Viana who was seated on the floor did all she could to keep her eyes open while looking around then asked "why is it this dull"

"..."'yawn' Xivara opened her mouth so widely that Viana ended up cracking into fits of laughter ,her lil sister instead rolled her eyes in disgust .

"how ...old..are you girl "Viana asked still shaking with laughter.

"huh...I can see that you have sobered up now get out of my room I need to go back to sleep "Xivara said poniting towards the door.

"Xivara is a baby.. I know ...I know I know your so little girl hahah"Viana replied.


"you know what am gonna call mum and dad and you wouldn't want to witness what's gonna happen to your pretty face coz mum will hit sense back in that peanut brain of yours and so disappear "opening the door for her Xivara said but to only be replied by Viana falling backwards hitting her head on the soft carpet then going to sleep there and then letting out soft snores.

"the fuck girl your drooling on my carpet get off ...wake up let me take you to your room "Xivara spoke but still got no answer . [i wonder how many bottles she took she's so messed up when drunk ,she needs to learn how to hold her alcohol consumption coz vampires never get drunk easily but for her case it's different ]lifting Viana off the floor in bridal style Xivara headed towards the door (she's a vampire remember so no hustle ) opened it then went to Viana's room which was just afew doors away from hers opened the door and entered inside her nostrils were welcomed by Viana's natural smell vanilla with coco mixed with something wild (well they all gat that wild smell on them) *sigh* moved towards the bed and placed her down carefully removed her heels got some tissues that were just on the table next to the bed wiped all makeup that was in her face then covered her with her quilt then tucked her in .Xivara gave her one last look then got out of the room after depositing the used tissues closed the door slowly not wanting to make noise then headed towards her room went back to bed and drifted back to sleep .


'bang 'bang' bang' [ the fuck is happening ]Xivara thought while rolling out of bed as somebody was baning her door horribly early in the morning the sun was just rising outside [huh... i dont remember leaving it open ,what the .... that girl left my window open ,ohhh she pasted through the window ]

"sweetie wake up its already 7 am remember we gat to leave early inoder to reach early ok and breakfast is ready come eat before it becomes cold ok..."her mum shouted from behind the door then left .

Xivara lazily headed towards the bathroom brushed her teeth wiped her face clean then headed towards the shower bathed swiftly and left the bathroom went towards the closet picked up the only clothes that were remaining there black tight pants and a white t-shirt and a black jacket then wore simple sneakers and lastly tied her long brown hair into a ponytail wore no makeup since her beauty was enough to compel whoever looked at her [there ..am now ready to go ] she thought staring at herself in the mirror [ohh no one more thing ]after seeing her naturally red eyes she picked up her hazel contacts and place them inside her eyes since they would probably meet humans wherever they were to go ,after making sure that everything was packed she headed towards the stairs then the dinning.

"good morning "said taking a seat .

"did Viana come back last night "Ivy asked lazily taking a bit of her ragi cookie .

"she did "while taking a sip of her coffee with fizz .Everyone was seated at the dinning apart from Viana who probably was facing a hangover at the moment now .

"hey little pixie don't tell me your hearing abilities are nolonger working lately that you didn't hear Viana shouting at night "Caden muttered taking a bite on his toast while looking at Ivy with a smirk .

"shut it block head "with a wink Ivy replied smirking at Caden.

"what did you just call me "

"big brother hahaha ,whatever I just wanted to know whether she's around and safe "Ivy mumbled rolling her eyes .

"and how comes I can't see anything "Viana stated moving into the room while leaning against the wall for support .

"its because your hair is covering your face and eyes "her dad replied looking at her briefly .

"huh ..."pushing her hair lazily out of the face she headed towards the table and took a seat then said "good morning and my head hurts as fuck ".

"language girl" her mum cried out passing her some scrambled eggs and bacon her favorite.

"thanks mum"Viana said gulping down a glass of water Caden had passed to her.

"so you had fun huh"

"of course ,I always do am not like you guys who like indoors 24/7 even on a weekend. "Viana replied flatly taking the last bite of her breakfast .

"it's because I could end up sucking all humans i meet dry"Ivy replied

"I see ...ouch "Viana screamed holding her head . [the fuck I fucked up last night]

"Viana are you fine "their asked in a concerned tone .

"yeah ,yeah am fine"replied waving her hands"it's just a little headache "

"let me get you some tablets give me just a sec"their mum suggested heading towards the door then to her room to get the medicine .

"can I ask you a question Viana"

"sure"looking at Ivy

"are you a vampire"



"has anything sensible ever left your mouth Ivy"their spat passing the medicine to Viana and a glass of water .

"well she's so fragile it's hard to believe she's one of us "Ivy replied while shrugging .


"am sorry Xivara I know I fucked up last night "Viana said smiling guilty at her.

"it's fine"


hello your athour here please give me those power stones my cuties they are all we need to motivate this humbled writer love y'all

Amelia_6593creators' thoughts