
chapter 1

"I wonder we are moving into some other place this town was nice .we don't need to leave this place as it's quiet and peacefully for our nature "Xivara said while pouting inoder to get her mum's attention .Her mum had just given her the freaking news that they were moving into some other town .she had come so accustomed to Murcshion falls town that she didn't want to move .she had taken a liking to it .

"but sweetie we had talked about it that after spending 20 years in an area we needed to change environment afterwards don't you wanna know what's out there this place is soo isolated and so we are moving in a more crowed area "her mum stated taking both her hands giving her a small squeeze while staring at now teary hazel eyes .

"mum I kinda get your point but am still not fully convinced you know me well amnot good at controlling my blood thirst "Xivara mumbled with a crooky voice biting her lips while trying to control the urge of crying [holy crap I wonder why am soo emotional about this place I don't usually do what am doing right now but I was soo attached to this place ].

"holy crap are you in your periods or something why the emotions "Ivy asked looking at Xivara dramatically. [so weird ]

"I don't recall the last time a vampire ever had a menstrual cycle isn't that what they call it am I right mum"Caden spoke thoughtfully looking at his mum who glared daggers at him that made him avert his gaze from her with a smirk .

"don't stress your peanut bra..."before she could finish 'smack' "ouch mum... that was painfully"Ivy said rubbing the back of her head pouting.

"how many times do i have to tell you to clean your words before letting them out of that mouth of yours "their mum complained staring at the culprit with angry eyes .Ivy just gave her an i did nothing wrong wrong .

"she needs some mouth shampoo "Xivara suggested looking at Ivy whose face turned red out of anger .

"well I know you are going to benefit from this more than most of us since you are the adventurous one .Well didn't say this in the first place but I have always hated here actually am so thrilled that we are leaving finally .i was tired of taking the same blood daily it was almost turning tasteless to me "Ivy muttered scrolling through her phone not seeing the deadly glares everyone was shooting in her direction . [why do I smell death ].

"Ivy any one more word and I will pluck your head full and feed it to the wolves "

"huh,but mum..."before she could even complete her statement "Ivy what did I just say "their mum shouted on top of her lungs making everyone flinch a little while looking at her .

"and what's happening here "Gerald their father entered the room looking at his wife who was fuming with anger staring at Ivy .

"nothing big dad the ladies of the house are having a small chat "Caden replied shrugging making his father chuckle

"ok as you say son, anyways where is Viana how comes she's not here "Gerald asked looking at Helena his wife .

"and where else could she be ,she went to attend some house party at her friend's place"Helena replied with a shrug .

"we have a journey ahead of us tomorrow yet she's busy partying am not letting her into my car when she will be all pukes tomorrow "Gerald said getting his cup of tea from his wife while heading for his study .

"well it's not like she sharing with you a car after all and she's of age "Ivy shot making everyone look at her while she gave them a looking asking 'what'.

"so we are really leaving " while leaving the living room heading for the stairs she shot their mother a last look to prepare herself for the journey .

"don't forget to pack my things too girl "Ivy shouted from the living room .

"fuck you is your ass stuck from that seat "Xivara replied open her bedroom door before she heard her mum say "language girl ".

"whatever "she mumbled while heading towards her bed slumping her full body on it .

After a few minutes of resting she rose from her bed and moved to where her closet was begun removing all clothes that were there .she packed all her clothes in her suitcases and the other things in boxes like her books and novels she wouldn't bare leaving them behind . [as the way am done here I think I should take a shower and sleep am soo tired ]she then headed towards the bathroom went to the stink took out a tooth brush and paste brushed her teeth clean stripped put her clothes a side then went under the shower opened the tap and water begun splash in her tender pale body got her hair shampoo [how comes I haven't packed all these]put some in brown hair and begun massaging her sculp slowly until she made sure it was clean got a sponge and begun rubbing her body slowly until she was all covered with soap went under the shower and rinsed all soap off while leaning against the wall slightly closing her eyes [should i or I shouldn't ]she thought while looking at the door and bathtub repeatedly "oh no the tub wins guess I should deep myself in the water for a few minutes ]strolled lazily towards the bathtub opened the water after making sure it was enough she closed the tap then put the first foot in the water followed by the second after sighing loudly sat down covering the whole of her body with foam apart from her head she which leaned at the edge of the tub, sitting there in her own world thinking of some many things that she didnt realise when sleep evaded her eyes .

many many many many moments later,opening her eyes slightly [ did I just doze off ]*sigh*[guess am tired let me go and have some rest ]she then rose from the water wrapped a towel around her chest and another around her head to dry her hair while strolling out of the bathroom headed towards the closet got the remaining clothes a had left for the night a t-shirt and shorts wore them dried her hair properly then hopped into bed .

"what a tiresome day today has been"Xivara said while yawning pulled the blanket covering herself then slept off.


it's your author here what can I say am galdly happy that am letting you go into my imaginary world I need to share you know hahaha i love you

Amelia_6593creators' thoughts