
・°°・ Chapter 4 ・°°・

⚠️ Warning/s: Very vague mention of violence ⚠️


After many questions and a lot of back-and-forths; I thought that what my father said was all made up. There was no way that demons could exist!

However, I soon would learn that I would be wrong. After this would happen, I would decide that I wished to grow up and be a Demon Slayer to protect those around me and those that I love.


Y/N POV (Age 14) - After the storyline so far:

After recalling that, I know what I have to do. I have to learn Galaxy Breathing, but how? My family is dead.. well, most of them... However, I don't like, nor get along with, the remaining ones. Instead, I think I'll have to find someone close to my family who is also a Demon Slayer to find out more... But who..?

Deciding that I needed to find out more, I headed to the library in the Butterfly Mansion; looking for anything that possibly could give me more information about Galaxy Breathing: its origins, styles, any ancestors that have used it, and so on.

Successfully navigating to the library (I had to get a tour after last time), I searched the shelves. Out of place, along with a whole shelf to itself, is a dusty book, looking as if it was centuries old. It probably is...

Picking up the book and dusting it off, I checked the front cover. The Tales of Galaxy Breathing: Styles, Ancestors, and its Origins. Perfect.

Taking the book, I walked to one of the few desks in the library. I placed the book on the table and took a seat in the large armchair, I opened the first page of the large, leather, heavy hardback book.

'Property of Tsuki Sano'

Tsuki Sano...? Where have I heard that name before?


"There were some books that I read and was able to find out some of the names of my ancestors," Mui told me, "Michikatsu and Yoriichi but their last names were unknown. It's quite frustrating that I couldn't find out their last names, but there's no point as I'll just end up forgetting anyway."

"Oh, do you happen to know anything about Galaxy Breathing? Or its ancestors?"

"Well, as far as I'm aware, Galaxy Breathing was created by someone called Tsuki Sano. Other than that, I don't think I can tell you anything else about it even if I know it. I've forgotten everything apart from that.. Sorry I couldn't be more help.."

"Oh no," I reassured him, "You've been plenty of help, considering that I knew absolutely nothing coming into this, but now I have a name."

Flashback end

I never was able to find any information about Tsuki Sano until now... Maybe if I go to the next page I'll find out more...

First Form: Heliacal Rising (壱いちノ型かた天体てんたい上昇じょうしょうIchi no kata: Tentai Jōshō) - The user anticipates or predicts the opponent's next motion and strikes with their blade as, or right before, it begins. This technique can either be used to interrupt the opponent's motion or to attack them before they can complete it.

Second Form: Broom-Tail Comet (弐にノほうき星ぼしNi no kata: Hōkiboshi) - The user unleashes a long, straightforward slash that appears to leave blurred afterimages. In addition to doing devastating damage to anyone caught by the brunt of the technique, those who stumble into its afterimages are dealt damage as well though of a seemingly lesser (if still significant) degree.

Third Form: Revolution of the Celestial Spheres (参さんノ型かた天球てんきゅうの回転かいてんSan no kata: Tenkyū no Kaiten, lit. "Heavenly Sphere Rotation") - A series of circular slashes of varying length are released around the user. Each slash is ringed with "chaotic blades" (which take the form of stars and planets) to increase the amount of damage and make it harder to predict.

Fourth Form: Northern Lights Veil Cascade (肆しノ型かた北極光ほっきょくこう垂たれ絹ぎぬ滝たきShi no kata: Hokkīyokukou Tareginu Taki, lit. "Northern Lights Silk Falls") - The swordsman makes a slash to the side that both deflects blows and damages the attacker or their weapon. It can also be used more directly, as a lengthy side-wise slash or in a more circular motion.

Fifth Form: Guest Star (伍ごノ型かた客かく星せいGo no kata: Kyakusei) - The swordsman dashes towards the opponent, seemingly preparing a massive attack, before suddenly disappearing and reappearing to strike them from another angle. It may be used without either the first or second attack, allowing the user a form of practical teleportation.

Sixth Form: Drop of Stone Rain (陸ろくノ型かた滴てきの石いし雨あめRoku no kata: Shizuku no Ishiame) - The swordsman strikes the target in a thrust or downward slash; when the attack strikes, the damage spreads out in a wide formation around the surrounding area in the form of cracks or a crater.

Seventh Form: Staff of Heavenly Light (漆しちノ型かた 天国の光の杖

Shichi no kata: Tengoku no hikari no tsue) - The swordsman prepares and then releases seven simultaneous slashes, generally striking the target in the shape of the Big Dipper. The distance between each slash can be freely manipulated by the user, and it can work effectively at various ranges and on varied terrains. Proper use of this technique is seen as proof that one has progressed towards mastery of the style.

Esoterica: Light That Does Not Shine (奥おう義ぎ: 光ひかりではない照てŌgi: Hikaride Wanai Teru) - A distinct ability that the swordsman develops after practicing and perfecting the seventh form over a long time period. It allows them to remove their presence from the minds of others for limited periods of time, including their battle spirit.

Eighth Form: Black Hole Sunyata (捌はちノ型かた搖ゆ光ひかりHachi no kata: Kuroana Kū) - The swordsman grips and swings their blade in such a way that, when it either strikes the opponent or something connected to them, the force of the impact and accompanying vibrations cause the opponent to undergo either or outright sensory deprivation. A flurry of this strike can be launched all at once, which, if successful, will plunge the target into a seeming void. This technique works just as well against humans as skilled-enough users can duplicate its effects - if at a smaller scale - with their bodies, causing a flick to be enough to temporarily disorient the target.

Ninth Form: Constellation (捌はちノ型かた星せい座ざKyū no kata: Seiza) - A technique designed for crowd control and dealing with multiple opponents. The swordsman launches themselves from their current position and delivers a series of connected, direct slashes in order. Even more similarly, the user is capable of chaining together these strikes in the shape of various constellations. Several different versions of this form are therefore accessible and are used depending on the exact situation.

Tenth Form: Interstellar Cloud Drift (十じゅうノ型かた星間雲せいかんうん浮うきJū no kata: Seikan unuki, Viz: "Nebula Drift") - The swordsman carefully shifts and controls their movements relative to their surroundings, using them to appear to move when actually standing still, or staying still when they are moving. In this way, they can fool and outmaneuver their opponent.

Eleventh Form: Grand Conjunction (十一じゅういちノ型かた偉大いだい朔ついたちJūichi no kata: Idaitsu itachi) - A technique developed for use by two Breath of Galaxy users. Two swordsmen unleash two, arcing, and closely-overlapping slashes, ideally destroying several vital points at once and finishing them (or changing the tide of battle) as one. In modern times, it can allow a Galaxy Breathing user to chain their breaths and at least one slash with another Breath user's, though under Wataru's usage it can now make use of several attacks.

Under rare circumstances, if the Galaxy Breathing user is strong enough, they can perform this technique alone.

All of the breaths... I can't believe such important information is stored here in a book for all to see... I must take this with me, and learn as many of the Galaxy Breathing Styles as I can. After, I'll read about the origins so I can find out about my ancestors and where they originated from. Did it come from another breathing?


Editing: Complete.