
We have Dragons

The journal of a young man, traveling the world to document what he sees (Dragons and other mighty beasts included).

Nothol · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Ophelia escorted me back up the spiral staircase. While we had been underground, night had taken over the world. However, hundreds of shining squares fought the darkness off, filling the city even now with light. Small candles and lanterns illuminated the people that swarmed the street, throwing long shadows on the ground. The air was filled with the sound of distant chatter and music, coming from the lively pubs and bars that lined the streets. The smell of roasted meats and fresh baked sweet bread filled the air, mixing with the flowery odor of perfume not just from the women, but from many men as well.

"Wow", I said as I stared out at the street. Back home, sunset was the end of the day, but here it seemed to bring out a whole different side of the city. A few feet away stood Skarra and the two hunters. Seeing me, she hurried over and took my arm from Ophelia's shoulder, taking over the role of my living crutch.

"Everything all right?", Skarra asked, her voice much more tame than usual. I tried to put her mind at ease with a nod. Ophelia gave a kind smile and turned towards the west side of the city.

"I will inform Kammaraba that you are in need of his services. Please take the time and enjoy a proper meal in one of our taverns. Personally, I recommend the 'Strommistress'. Even though it's a bit on the expensive side, it's worth the experience."

With a final wave of her hand, she disappeared into the bustling crowd. Skarra and I stared after her for a moment before joining the hunters. The city seemed to be an endless stream of people, all moving in different directions, lost in their own thoughts and conversations. It was easy to get lost in the chaos of it all. Venosa didn't even wait for us to stand, before shooting her question.

"What happened?"

She was speaking in this giddy tone again, that she had hidden during our encounter with Farheia. The two women stared at me in anticipation, only Lopus didn't seem to be interested at all. Instead he stared over the heads of the crowd, apparently looking for something.

"She wanted to hear how we got here and then they explained to me what a dragons tongue is. Oh, and apparently there is a mage that can remove these for a time."

I raised my bandaged arm. Venosa's smile warped into a wry grin.

"If it's Kammaraba you are talking about, then I hope you like agony. His magic is sick, but kinda painful, especially after your wounds come back."

"Aannyway", i said. "Do you know a tavern by the name of ...."

"Stormmistress", Skarra helped me out. Her tone was back to normal.

"Right, that."

"You have to coin for that?", Venosa asked. I shot Skarra a look and she nodded.


"Then follow me."

Venosa turned and began to the south, towards the carved gate we had seen earlier. We followed with Skarra supporting my every step. It was impressive how well she carried a part of my weight, considering I was more then a head taller then her, but I supposed that is Skarra for you.

"Lopus you coming?", I asked seeing the hunter staring at a group of beastmen not too far from us. One of them looked like a mix of a cat and a human, with multiple golden metal-rings pierced trough his fluffy ears. His mouth carried a smug grin, his eyes glowing green in the candlelight.

Lopus shook his head at my question, his hand caresssing his mustache.

"I think I found someone interesting. I'll catch up to you guys."