
We Found Us

"Ha, ha, ha" ; the laughters of the kings rang across the room as they watched as their queens became in with two babies in their arms. "What should we name them my Lord's" The first queen asked as she smiled brightly. "He shall be Called Lannis" "She shall be called Melina" The kings laughed again, this time the queens joined along with them. "This is a union between two great kingdoms that can not be avoided" The first king started. "yes , you are right my good friend. it cannot be avoided" The second king relied. *~* It was match made in heaven, they were betrothed since birth but something went wrong and the little princess went missing from the surface of the earth with no trace. Is she dead? will she be found? What trial do our lover's have to face just to be together? were they meant to be?. But don't forget our little prince Lannis. What happened to him?. Find out in "Meant To Be" I know the summary sucks but the content is better.

FantasyWriter7 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

15; Kingdom Sansora

Valerie and Brina stood in line with those who wanted to get into the Golden gate of Sansora. And soon, it finally got to their turn.

"Welcome to Sansora. What are you here for, Business or Pleasure? " One of the guards wearing a red uniform asked. The words leaving his mouth like he had been saying them for a very long time. Judging from the long line of people, he surely had...

"Pleasure" Valerie answered.

The guard nodded letting them in. The gates were opened for them, and they slowly went inside. What they saw made them stop on their tracks as they stared at the view in front of them. Even though it was getting late, the streets were busy with people rolling around, commoners and Nobel mixed together. They were standing on a straight line that led to the castle that was sparkling so brightly from afar.

Both maidens came out of their trace when they heard the sudden sound of running animal coming their way, they quickly stepped away from the road and watched as ten to twenty horses ran pass them with the kingdom Knights ridding them straight to the castle ahead, there were also carriages heading towards the palace.

"I wonder if the palace is throwing a ball" Brina stated.

" Yes maybe but it does not concern us. We are finally here now, we are going to start over even if life in the city is going to be hard" Valerie relied.

" Before we do that, can we find something to eat first" Brina placed her hand over her stomach as a sign to show how hungry she was.

Valerie digged her hand into her gown pocket and pulled out two coins. "It's not enough for a meal" she bite her lips.

"We need to find a job." Brina stated.

Then, Valerie saw a lady walking pass down with a little basket hanging on her hand. With an idea, Valerie ran over to her.

"Excuse me ma, my sister and I are hungry, can you please spare us some food" She asked.

The lady smiled. She had this curly brown hair and grey eyes, a pointed nose and a sharp jawline. "You poor thing" she carefully stroked Valerie's hair. "What's your name?"


The lady smiled widely, her eyes glamoring with kindness. " Lovely name for a pretty girl" she complimented, making Valerie blushed while she laughed. " Where do you live?" She asked.

"We are from a little village outside Sansora but our home was attacked. We have come to the city to start over" Valerie explained.

She held Valerie's hand. "Come with me, I will take you to my home"

Valerie's eyes shined with Happiness. " Really ma, thank you so much"

" Tell your sister to come along" The woman told her before she started leaving. Valerie went back to Brina, grabbed her hand and dragged her along with her as they followed behind the kind woman.

After a few minutes of walking pass houses and citizens, they finally came to a stop in front of a little house that was a bit close to the castle.

"Come in" the lady invited as she opened the door to the house, she went in and they followed her.. The inside was bright due to the fire touches hanging on the wall, it was warm because of the fire catching at the fire place. It was a little living room with four chairs with a little round table in their middle, placed in the middle of the room. On the table was a basket of different fruits, the place was neat and tidy.

"Please sit" she warmly invited. Valerie and Brina took a sit.

"You live alone?" Valerie asked curiously.

"Oh no, I live with my daughter" she answered with a smile.

"You must be hungry" she told them and went away to what looked like a kitchen.

"Seem like the gods has smiled down on us"  Said Valerie with a little smile.

" We need to find a job" Brina said.

"We just got here, it would be hard"

"Oh, you maidens came at the perfect time" the woman came and placed a bowel of rice in front of them, each.

"What do you mean ma?" Valerie asked.

"Oh, you can call me Jade, you never told me your name young maiden" Jade said to Brina.

" Am sorry, my name is Brina"

"What a lovely name" she complement. Wanting to continue but was cut short by the door opening and a young girl their age came in.

"Oh, Hello" the girl said completely caught off guard by the presence of strangers in her home.

Looking at her, Valerie took clearly tell that she was Jade's daughter, they shared similar figures. Like the hair and eyes. She was beautiful.

Jade smiled. "This is my daughter, Nydia. Nydia meet Valerie and Brina, they just arrived in th city. They will be staying with us for the time being."

Valerie stood up. "Please, pardon us for being a burden" she apologized sincerely.

"Oh no, I do not mind. You can stay as long as you want. You are very much welcome in our home" Nydia said with a wide smile, matching her mother's. They were really mother and daughter. Valerie wondered how the father would look like.

Valerie took back her seat and ate her meal.

"How did it go my dear?" Jade asked her daughter.

"It's true mother, the palace is really hiring new maids from the commoners. This is finally my chance to work in the royal household" She exclaimed excitedly.

" That's good news my dear" Jade's attention went back to her guests. "Maybe, you can take them along with you"

" Where?" Brina asked. She was obviously listening in on their conversation.

"After so many years, the king is finally allowing commoners to work in the palace." Nydia explained even more excitedly.

" Working in the palace is far more better than working for Nobels." Jade told them.

" Can we come along?" Valerie asked unsure.

" Perfect, we can all work together"

Later that night Valerie and Brina were given a room to spend the night, which they were greatful for.

"This is our chance to start over" Valerie started.

"Don't you think Jade and her daughter are too nice" Brina said.

" What do you mean?" Valerie asked confused.

"They could be doing this to collect money from us"


"What!. Am only saying that people who are nice always have evil thoughts in their heads. They are so nice for my liking, Valerie"

" I can not believe you just said that. They have been so kind to us. She picked us up from the streets Brina. How could you think of such, when the woman has showed us nothing but kindness. " Unbelievable. Sometimes, Valerie wondered what was going on in Brina's head most of the time.

"It was just a thought I had. Nothing more"