
We Found Us

"Ha, ha, ha" ; the laughters of the kings rang across the room as they watched as their queens became in with two babies in their arms. "What should we name them my Lord's" The first queen asked as she smiled brightly. "He shall be Called Lannis" "She shall be called Melina" The kings laughed again, this time the queens joined along with them. "This is a union between two great kingdoms that can not be avoided" The first king started. "yes , you are right my good friend. it cannot be avoided" The second king relied. *~* It was match made in heaven, they were betrothed since birth but something went wrong and the little princess went missing from the surface of the earth with no trace. Is she dead? will she be found? What trial do our lover's have to face just to be together? were they meant to be?. But don't forget our little prince Lannis. What happened to him?. Find out in "Meant To Be" I know the summary sucks but the content is better.

FantasyWriter7 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

14; Unexpected surprise

The walk back to the village was a very long and quiet one. Brina sighed as she stared at Valerie who was walking in front of her. When she had told her that they were leaving, she didn't bother asking useless questions but, she never thought he would leave this quick. She had thought that he wanted to spend more time with Valerie but she guessed wrong. Maybe it was because he couldn't stand her, it wasn't like she could stand him too, only the heavens know how much she hated that man, she was glad that he had finally decided to leave.

Soon enough, the maidens arrived at the village opening but what they saw made them stop dead on their tracks. There in front of them was their village completely burnt down, smoke rising from burning houses. They could see no habitat in sight.

Valerie did not waste time as she threw away her basket and ran into the messy village, Brina followed behind her after recovering from her state of shock. They ran pass burnt houses with body that had most of their body part missing, none of them seem alive as they laid liveless on the ground. The maidens finally made it the house they were completely familiar with, to find it in ashes with different bodies lying everywhere, they recognized most all of them. Valerie bought her hand to her mouth to stop herself form crying out loud.

"What in God's name happened here?." Brina asked out as she looked around her surroundings.

" Check for survivers" Valerie stated, both nodded at each other before going different directions.

Valerie passed bodies as she blend down to check one by one to see if they was still alive but was disappointed to find none. But, where was Gran....?.

Her sentence was not completed before her eyes caught something or rather someone.

"Grandma!" Valerie called as she ran over to the old woman lying on the ground in her own blood, half of her left leg was completely burnt and raw. Valerie finally got to her as she placed Grandma Olas head her lab, she placed two fingers on the woman's neck to feel her pluse but, at the same time, the woman's eyes snapped open but, immediately groaned out in pain.

"Grandma" cried Valerie as she held the woman close to her chest.

"At least, I was given a chance to see you one last time" The woman said in the dieing breath as she stared teary at Valerie.


"I have so much to tell you but I guess fate had different plans for us, you will have to find out everything by yourself but, whatever you do, do not trust Prince Lannis of Sansora, he is not who we thinks he is" the woman stopped, wincing in pain.

" What are you saying Grandma, I do not understand"

"Your journey has only began. You have to be careful of who you trust. Your best friend can be your enemy" she choked out blood. " Promise me, you will never use your powers in front of anyone"

"I have never used them, I won't start now" Valerie had promised.

" Good, take care of yourself, my little princess" with that being said, the woman finally gave up her ghost. Valerie sobbed loudly, gaining the attention of Brina who immediatLly ran back to witness the death of the woman who raised her when she was nothing. Tears slipped down her fall as she stared at the woman blankly while Valerie cried loudly.

After realizing that there were no survivers, the two maidens built a fire and made a fire funeral for them, before picking a few things they would need for their journey, and walked away from the village....never looking back.


"What are we going to do now?" Brina asked Valerie as they both stared at the catching fire in front of them in the middle of the night.

"This is the closest village to Sansora. I think we should go to the main kingdom and start over" Valerie replied, her voicing holding no emotions which made Brina sighed and said.

"Look Valerie, I know that you are angry with me for my behavior these passed few weeks, I just want to say that I am deeply sorry"

Valerie shook her head. " It does not matter, it's over and I don't want to talk about it anymore. We can just pretend that the passed few weeks never happened"

Brina smiled. At least, everything was going her way again. "Of course" she relied as she watched Valerie slowly lay down on the ground.


Sir Seth descended from his horse as he finally got to the castle, most of the people around stared at him in complete shock. Well, he won't blame them, he was supposed to be dead.

Prince Stefan suddenly came out from the main doors and enploed him to tight hug.

"I thought you were not ready to come back" the second Prince smirked at him knowingly.

" Change of plans Stefan, my duty as a knight of Sansora comes first" Seth answered.

" Come on, the king awaits" Seth nodded before both of them headed inside the castle. Seth sighed as he enters the throne room.

A day after he had left the maidens, he was lucky to had came across a few travellers who were kind enough to led him a horse. Now, he was back to where he belonged, back to his old life as Sir Seth....Emil never existed.


Valerie smiled at Brina as they finally came to a clear opening, the view of Sansora in front of them. After walking for day whole day, their hard work come had finally paid off.

"It's beautiful, even from afar" Brina complimented. Her dream was finally coming true after twenty two years of her life. She would be longer tied down in one small village with the purpose of being a healer. In this city, she could finally live her dream.

"We might get there before night fall. Come on"


Sir Seth knelt down in from of the king and queen of Sansora as he explained to them what had happened to him, leaving out the esental parts.

"How delightful, we thought we would never see you again. Welcome back my great Knight" The King stood up from his throne, he placed his hand on Seth's shoulder, telling him to rise on his feet which he did and the king gave him a quick hug.

"This calls for a celebration" the king announced.

Seth shook his head. " I don't think that will be necessary, your highness"

"Nonsense. I declare a ball for our brave Knight" The king palmed him on his back encouragingly and walked away from the throne room, followed by the Queen who also gave him a warm smile before following her husband out of the room.

"I think my parents like you" Prince Stefan said thoughtfully.

" They would have done it for anyone"

" Isn't it our brave Knight" Seth's body tensed as he heard that familiar voice. Both Seth and Prince Stefan turned to find a man they recognized as Prince Lannis of Sansora.

His black hair tied up with a little crown placed on his head, with deep grey eyes. He was dressed in a princely robe, he had his hand behind him.

Seth frowned when he saw the prince standing behind him with a an arrogant smirk playing on his face.

"Prince Lannis" Seth greeted with a little bow.

"At least, you still have some respect in you. Well, I wanted to welcome you personally though I could have sent any of my many guards"

" It's highly appreciated, your highness" Seth stated

" Very well. I will see you around and maybe, we can have a drink or two"

" I will be looking forward to that your highness"

Prince Lannis nooded his head before leaving the throne room as well, followed by two guards behind him, leaving Seth and Stefan alone in the room.

"I need to prepare for the survival ball" Prince Stefan stated as he smirked at Seth.

"You mean you need to get ready for the ladies that would attend the ball" Seth rolled his eyes while Stefan chuckled.

"You should try it sometime" Prince Stefan suggested.

" No, thanks!"

" Oh yes!" The prince clapped his hands together, as if he had just solved a mystery. "You can't. You are betrothed and besides, have you seen Tatiana, she has been worried sick. Least I forget, how did it go with your healing lady" he gave the knight a knowing smile.

" I do not know what you are talking about, your highness" Seth stated as he started leaving the room.

" Come on, don't tell me you are shy" The prince yelled out but Seth ignored him, walking away without looking back....What was the point anyway.