
We Are The Vikings

Hedninger... a large landmass located at the farthest east from Atlas was a land filled with danger. Its location and existence is unknown to the masses of Remanent, and it was for a good cause. The Grimm were never really a problem there, because it the people that inhabited that land were the most dangerous creatures there. Vikings... That's what they call themselves. Descendants of the seven great warriors of old. Worshipers of pagan Gods and in simple terms the most barbaric humans in Remanent. For thousands of years Ozpin had frequently tried make contact with the Vikings, asking for help against his war against Salem. But it was almost impossible to do so, because the vikings were divided into many clans, and not every clan were in good terms with each other. Years later he received a message that all the Viking clans were united and are are willing to send four of their young Vikings from four different clans to study at his Academy. How will these four young Vikings fare in a land completely unknown to them. And what kind of Adventure will they face... Read my story to find out. ( The Vikings in my story are loosely based from the Vikings in '' For Honour'' and from my wild imagination. And also the cover picture is not mine. I found it on Pinterest. )

SPECTER_BRO · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 16

" Those two are surely taking their sweet time to fix the generator. " A Faunus said as she look at her scroll, " Half an hour. " she declared.

" Bailey, They are the only two who know about this stuff, who are you to judge about their profession? " Another Faunus said.

Bailey scoffed at the Faunus, " I may not be an Electrical Engineer, but I don't think you need half an hour just to fix a generator. Heck my dad could fix it in just five minutes... and he's not even an electrician! "

" That stereotype is too stupid, just because someone becomes a dad, that doesn't mean he immediately becomes an electrician. " The Faunus retorted.

" Does your dad knows how to fix electrical appliances? " Bailey asked.

" Yeah he can, so? " The Faunus replied not knowing what she was implying.

" So was he an electrician? " she asked with a smirk.

" No, but that dosen't proves anything. " The Faunus retorted.

" Sure Paul. " Bailey gave a smirk.

The large hall they were currently in was the main storage area. The most important essential were stored here ranging from dust ammunition, firearms, explosives and the other bladed weapons to poke people with. Such an important room needed a lot of guards, thus at least ten people are needed to guard these important merchandise.

The loss of illumination did pose a problem to all the guards, even though they have night vision it would more easier to guard the place with the lights back on.

" Shit! they're not even responding. " One of their guards complained as re didn't receive any reply from his scroll. " They're not attacked ate they? "

" Don't bother contacting them, " Bailey called out the guard as he directed his gaze to her. " There is no service at the generator room. Try contacting Jack instead. "

" Yeah, I'll do that. " The guard then contacted Jack. " Jack. Come in. How's the generator? over. "

There was a few moments of silence, the guard was ready to ask again, when Jack's voice came from the scroll.

" The signal is very bad here. FUCK! " Jack's voice went static a bit before becoming clear again, " Regarding the generator, we may have encountered a little problem here, it will take approximately another half an hour to fix whatever is wrong with it. "

There was a collective groan among the fellow guards, " Should I tell the boss about this? " the guard asked.

" If you're brave enough to tell him, then be my guess. Your funeral man, hehe." Jack voice came with a chuckle, he was an annoying prick, that, was something everyone agreed.

" Yeah, that's what I thought. " They could hear his annoying laugh comming from the scroll. " Alright, see you guys later. "

" Man! I don't like that guy. " Bailey commented.

" Yeah, no shit. " Paul replied, " You know, this would be kinda disrespecting to ask from you but... " Bailey turned to him, " What? " she inquired.

" Did you just pass a fart? "

Bailey face flushed crimson, Y-y-you creep! WHAT THE FUCK!!! "

" Hey, I don't really give a flying fuck if you did it or not, but if it reeks like that I'm gonna complain. Look the others are also complaining as well. "

Bailey turned to see the others were really appalled by this putrid stench that was invading their nostrils. She pressed her nose to avoid the stench from making her puke, " But I didn't do it! "

" Yeah, sure you didn't. " Paul smirked, but that didn't last long as he closed his eyes, staggering a bit like a drunk, he groaned in annoyance.

" You ok? " Bailey asked. Paul wanted to say something but he fell on his back with a thud.


" Huh? " Bailey was puzzled, more people were falling to the ground all fell asleep one by one they fell into a peaceful slumber. It was so odd, as if they were put to sleep by a sleeping drug or some thing.

It was then she realised what was happening, the putrid smell! that was causing all of this. She hastily took out her handkerchief, and tied it to her face like a makeshift gas mask.

She took out her scroll, she has to inform this to the boss. Some intruder are inside the warehouse and their intention were not peaceful.

" What? " Came a very annoyed voice of their boss " What happened to those idiots who were supposed to fix the generator? "

" Sir we have intru- "

She instinctively dodge an incoming projectile that was aimed at her, she was away from harms way, but same could not be said for her scroll. It laid on the floor destroyed by the projectile.

" Who's there? " She demanded as he aimed her rifle at the direction from where the projectile come. " Show yourself! "

" Man, I should've consider you Faunus had a great sense of smell. " A short figure slowly emerges from the darkness brandishing its axe. " Next time it will be different. "

Bailey aimed her rifle, her finger ready to pull the trigger. " Put your hands up, where I can see them. " She ordered, " or I will shoot. "

" Damn, you got me. " the short figure mocked.

" Drop your weapon. Now! " Bailey demanded again.

" How about... No. "

A giant figure emerged behind Bailey, it raised its large axe towards her ready to strike her down.

Bailey felt a sharp pain from the back of her head, her vision darkened before slumping to the ground unconscious.

" Tor is gonna be so pissed. " Olaf said fearfully, " she alerted her boss! "

" Yeah I can see that. " Ranger acknowledged fearfully, " and I already know what will happen to us. "

Olaf gulped in fear, they both know Tor will not kill them, but what punishment he will deliver upon them was not something they want to be at the receiving end.

" Can I assumed that you two did what you're told to do? " Speak of the devil and he shall appear before you. They both stood in attention at the sight of their leader.

" Yes sir! " they both replied, " but there has been some problems. "

" Oh... do tell me. "

This was not going to end well.

" Their boss has been informed of our arrival. "

Tor sighed, " This will end in two directions. One, he will face us here if he has a spine.Making our job easier. Two, he will run away using the forest as aid for his escape like a coward... " He glared at them, causing them to flinched. " How he doesn't go to the latter direction, because I will make sure you two will suffer. "

" Please let it be the latter direction~ " Havard gave a psychotic smile, " at least I could enjoy hunting him down like an animal, hehehe. "

" Harvard? aren't you supposed to be saving us? " Olaf looked at Havard with a pitiful face.

" Nah, " He waved him off, " besides I prefer hunting over a one on one duel. And if you two had to suffer for that to happen, I don't really care. "

But luck seemed to be on their side as The Boss himself came for them.

Olaf and ranger heaved a sigh of relief, while Havard muttered curses.

" You will pay for what you have done you SCUM! " The Boss brandished his Nodachi as it gave a bright bluish glow. " You will not leave this place alive. "

{ Break }