
We are the Monster

The blood of my father and the ones before me stain my very veins. I have truly become his shadow, my family want me to be like him but I'm not. I will never be the demon that he is or the deceiver that my adoptive father is. My Father, mother, brother and sister all want me to be the one light in the darkness that shall set them free. They wanted me to be stalwart, unbreakable, unyielding, a true champion so that is what I shall become. I will drag my family out of this darkness and into the light.

Thorny_Gecko · Fantasy
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8 Chs


A full moon stood still in the sky, shining down its bright white rays that softly illuminated the tall grassy area.

Many wagons lie in a circle formation around a singular carriage.

Many small fires were lit up in the encampment, with each one having a group of people surrounding it.

In the encampment, a lithe man was traversing the different groups, leaving a trail of laughter wherever he went.

After talking to a small group of wolf-eared men, he walked towards the brightest fire in the encampment.

Beside the only carriage in the encampment, three men sat on logs, surrounding a large map.

"We'll reach the next town in a day, but it will take a week to reach Darkened Wood. "One of you will be responsible for the merchandise when we reach the town," said Magnaer.

The two men who sat to his left and right nodded in unison.

"My guards will continue to survey the surroundings for the rest of the night; when day breaks, we will continue back onto the path."

"How are the new guards treating you, Magnaer? I hope the referrals were to your liking". The man to the right of Magnaer spoke.

"They are more experienced than the last guards I hired." Magnaer sighed

"I don't have to tell these guards to do anything," Magnaer says, putting his hand against his face.

"I should've started hiring veterans sooner; if I had, we would've noticed those damned wolves, but good thing we had an ex-captain."

"Don't compliment me too much; I'll reopen my wounds." The man to his left said as he slowly stroked a neatly-tied gray cloth that wrapped around the right side of his face.

"Ha! You've always been the same since childhood; you could never hide that smile when people complimented you," said the man to the right.

I can still remember what all those old hags would brag about our stone city had the most beautiful boy in all the land.

"Hey! I told you to st-OH GOD."

The ex-captain pressed his hand against the cloth as blood slowly dripped down his face and onto his groin.

You open your word again? A voice came from behind Magnaer.

All three of the men looked behind Magnaer in unison, where they saw a lithe man staring at the ex-captain.