
We are the Monster

The blood of my father and the ones before me stain my very veins. I have truly become his shadow, my family want me to be like him but I'm not. I will never be the demon that he is or the deceiver that my adoptive father is. My Father, mother, brother and sister all want me to be the one light in the darkness that shall set them free. They wanted me to be stalwart, unbreakable, unyielding, a true champion so that is what I shall become. I will drag my family out of this darkness and into the light.

Thorny_Gecko · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs



A tail struck the side of Arno's head.

"What was that for?" asked Arno, warily looking towards his wife.

"And how did that little story answer my question at all?"

"Calm down, my beautiful wife; I wasn't finished yet!"

Arno casually rubbed the side of his head slowly.

"That little battle gave me an idea: how could a single family produce so many people like Atlas's first opponent, even though he had horrible martial fighting skills? He only had to rely on his bloodline to give him the strength and agility needed to win.

"Just imagine the damage someone skilled could do with that bloodline, unnoticeable weapons that could attack anyone at any time; all you have to do is get into arms reach and their dead!"

"Just imagine how many bets and thefts we could do with that."

Arno quickly shook his head, getting himself out of

"That kid's strength came from years of choosing who would be best to further the bloodline, but what if we found someone with such a strong bloodline that it would take years to finally create a strong offspring?"

"And as you can tell, now we have found someone strong enough, and if we are right, then the child that will soon come out of you will eventually fly like the demon did."

Arno looked off into the past and remembered how he even met that beast.


This was the first time Arno had ever ventured outside of the stone city. The grassy plains that existed outside of the city looked unending. The plain was filled with tall grasses that reached a normal man's chest.

A few roads were the only thing that contrasted the tall grasses; these dirt roads were constantly used by wagons and carriages going into the city.

Arno and Adan had luckily met a breakthrough in their search for power. After a little bit of listening to a few conversations, they heard of another big city called Darkened Wood. The city held a massive coliseum tournament every year. They both knew they had to get there somehow, but there was a big problem.

The stone city never let anyone outside of its walls without having an escort or some kind of identification they had never heard of before.

A few merchants in Stone City usually traveled back and forth between the two cities. So after doing a few favors for one of the merchants, Magnaer, they eventually convinced the merchant to bring Arno on his next run to Darkened Wood.

Arno had to meet Magnaer in the Garrison district with the rest of his caravan.

Arno quickly met up with Magnaer's caravan in the district.

Magnaer stood beside a white carriage.

He was angrily talking with a soldier in front of the big stone gates of the city.

"Hurry up! I'm on a schedule here, and I can't get behind."

"We're almost finished searching the caravan, sir; all of you will be out shortly." The soldier tiredly replied.

Arno gladly walked towards Magnaer. When do you think we'll be leaving?

"Oh, we'll be leaving soon. They can't wait to get away from me."

The merchant pointed towards a long line of wagons.

"My merchandise, workers, and most of my guards will be in those."

"While you, me, and two of my guards will be in the carriage,"

"So hurry up and get in."

"Arno quickly followed the merchant's orders and got into the white carriage. The inside of the carriage had well-cushioned white seats, and on the front and back seats, two guards wearing leather sat looking towards each other.

Arno quickly took a seat beside one of the guards and waited.


Eventually, the soldiers had concluded searching the caravan, and so the caravan left to reach Darkened Wood.