


She looked beautiful walking down the aisle, too beautiful but she was not the bride, not my bride, she was the bridesmaid.

Jacob was getting married today, and I have never seen him happier, he had his long beard trimmed, he looked more human now, as I sat behind the piano, playing a piece I had made just for him, my brother.

Jacob and Maria, I didn't know that Maria was the girl he proposed to right after his graduation but I did know he loves Maria. I was happy for him.

The sudden marriage happened because my grandmother wanted her last wish to be fulfilled which was seeing Jacob get hitched, while Maria's mother wanted her to settle down with someone of her choice. Little did they know that they were going to get their wishes fulfilled this soon, Maria claimed to have a boyfriend who was my brother and Maria's mother had already met with my grandmother who planned for them to have a blind date.

Well it worked out for them and I really hope they'll be happy together, my brother is a good person but he doesn't share and I am worried Maria might be suffocated by his possessiveness and leave him again...



I had taken a break from all the dancing, too many things happened in the past two weeks, Anna came back, i got engaged and now married, it was stressful to say the least.

Anna was near the cupcakes stuffing herself, that girl loved cakes, she was smiling to herself, it must be really good, I will buy her all the cupcakes in the world if only I could see her smiling like that everyday. Jacob my husband, was talking to a few men my parents were probably gossiping with Jacob's parents and his grandmother, they might be plotting how to get Anna married now that I am no longer single.

I decided to go to David my brother-in-law who was staring at Anna as though she was a candy that he would devour if he gets a chance.

"Haven't you hurt her enough David?" I asked.

"What do you mean...? I would never..." stopping him from continuing I said,

"You hurt her when you didn't believe Alex your best friend, her brother, you knew deep down how much he loved his sister but you refused to believe him and supported Serena , that woman who might be the one who murdered Alex. She might look like she is happy but deep down she is hurt ..."

I was stopped when he said, "What do you mean by Serena murdering Alex?"

He held me by my shoulders now, hurting me, "What ever do you mean by that?" I could see Jacob across the hall who was storming towards us but Anna was faster, I only saw someone pushing me into Jacob's arms while David was on the floor bleeding. Anna had punched him, she was a professional boxer, I didn't know she was this strong. She was tiny compared to David.

"Are you okay. What just happened?" Jacob asked, everyone's attention was on us now,

"Anna, calm down, let's go outside and talk this out, okay I don't want you to kill my brother-in-law on my wedding day"

I took her out of the wedding hall, we were followed by Jacob and David, looking at Jacob I could really see him controlling himself from murdering his own brother, I guess I need to stop him too and moving towards him was the right choice, he removed his hands which held his brother making David trip and hug Anna.

I reached out and held his hand and touched his face with my other hand, "Calm down you caveman, I am totally alright, so please stop fuming , your brother wanted to know something, he only reacted that way because like you he is also quite emotional, he wouldn't even dream of harming me. So, stop this mind of yours from thinking too much..."

Before I could finish, I was engulfed in a big hug,

" Eh- eh em , Maria I... I think we need to take him to a hospital, but I didn't hit him that hard to knock him out , I... Ohh no need he is awake, take him away from me he is suffocating me, I can't breathe."

David was hugging Anna saying, " I am sorry Anna please tell me that you forgive me..."