


"Marry me" she said, well to say that I was shocked was an understatement. Maria asked me to marry her, it surprised me.

"Are you sure Maria, the last time I asked you to marry me remember what you did, you threatened me that you would kill yourself if I marry you."

I said.

I knew that I had hurt her then, we were really good friends in the beginning, the attraction between us was so strong that we started dating soon, secretly, we were in college, we were young and I was possessive, no, I was too possessive it made her afraid.

Especially after she saw me nearly killing her friend who hugged her, we broke up.

Me being me didn't stop there I waited till after we graduated and proposed, only for her to tell me that she'd kill herself if she was to marry a monster like me.

I have been working on myself since then, in the end I wanted her and only her. Now, she was in front of me asking me to marry her.

"I have told my brother everything, our relationship, and that I love you so do you want to marry me Jacob"

"You need a ring to propose, cupcake, and you told your brother that you love me. Do you love me?"

"Always have, always will. The truth is that I am scared of you, but that is something I can not change, marrying you will be better than marrying some random stranger that my mom has selected."

"And one more thing Mr. Abraham, I never stopped loving you, I don't think I will ever stop, so don't try to lock me in some room and keep me all to yourself, if I see you trying to murder someone because of me I will leave you "



Do all weird things happen together?

Well marriages are weird, and ones that happen all of a sudden are even more weird.

Samantha who left to attend her sister's wedding ended up marrying the groom while her sister ran away.

And it's been two weeks since I have joined here and my sister Maria is getting married to Jacob. Why? I still don't know the reason.

Meeting my Aunt and Uncle was filled with tears and a lot of pinches for leaving without a word. I am thankful that Maria didn't tell them about Alex. Finding out the truth was my responsibility.

Well meeting cousin George was the weirdest of every thing that could happen, when that big huge human being cries in front of you telling you how sorry he was, because he couldn't be a better brother for me, was and will truly be weird.

All weird things apart I am now walking down the aisle as the Maid of Honor for my sister's wedding...