
We are Fucked

(MATURE CONTENT!!!) If you have zero tolerance for psychological torture and tragic apocalypse, please stay away from this book. Set in 2099, the world goes blind as a blackout sweeps the Earth with causes yet to be known. In the light of this, all humans above 21 years and below 17 years vanish in that very instant. How do they get through the darkness? Can they get through anything at all? Journey with me to 2099

Stoic7God · Fantasy
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28 Chs

My Heart Hurts

"You weren't special, not to me, not to your parents, and certainly not to anyone in this room" Xavier said boldly with a devilish stare in his eyes.

Remembering this memory made Sophia shiver again as fear found its way to her mind and the bottle of pills she held on to tightly in the bathroom slipped from her hands to the floor.

"Don't mourn my death. You should throw a feast instead. You are better off without me, mum, dad and Celine. I'm a glitch in God's creation, I've always been faulty" Sophia cried shakily but also quietly as she read a piece of paper that was by the side of the faucet which she left running.

Her tears were flooding her eyes and few drops got to the paper where she had placed it.

Was this really all she felt she was?

She had been lost in these suicidal thoughts as long as she could remember. She had been put in therapy by her parents for over two years after her bullying incident where she was emotionally troubled, and that was a scary time for her and her parents. Dr. Thomas would hate that she's had to come to this point where hope could not find hope in her breath or existence.

"HA HA HA!" Sophia laughed with tears in her eyes as she remembered something Dr. Thomas would have said to her in this moment. He was good at his job, no doubt, but she couldn't see beyond the pain in this moment and just wanted to end it.

"Get out. Yes. Get out of here, freak" Xavier continued to say to her trembling face that was covered in sweats.

What could she say after all she had seen and heard?

Sophia was at this party with her football captain boyfriend, Xavier. He went to get them drinks, or so he said to her. Sophia understood that because of Xavier's popularity and hot body, he was highly sought-after at places like this. If she was being honest with herself, these parties weren't her scene or thing. This was the 3rd one she'd been to in one week.

Xavier had been gone for over 20 minutes and this made Sophia uneasy as she had no one to talk to all the while. You could say that she was the antisocial girl trying so hard to live someone else's life at the moment. Sophia was a pretty brown haired Senior at her high school who was not noticeable in any room for anything besides her good looks and her renowned awkwardness around people.

Sophia's anxiety was getting the best of her in this moment and she walked slowly around the house. Before she knew it, she was scaling the staircase in search of "her man". At every turn, she saw people making out, tongues stuck in each others' and drugs being exchanged. She was supposed to be familiar with these parties 'usual' but in truth, she wasn't.

Her face was either fixed towards the ground whenever she walked past them or she'd mutter some words to herself to avoid being conceived as more awkward than she always felt she was.

"No judging. It's all good." Sophia would often mumble these words to herself while she passed by every couple in the hallway and at the too many doors she had to walk pass.

"Sophia, right?" A deep voiced masculine said to her from behind as she walked around without a clue about where she was headed or anything.

"Yeah" Sophia replied as she turned to this 'big guy' who also happened to be Xavier's teammate. She didn't know his name, but she had seen his face too many times to regard him as a stranger.

"Xavier's in the room to your left after the closet" The maybe half-way drunk guy said to her while barely balancing his two feet to the ground.

"Okay. Thank you" Sophia said as she turned her back from him and towards the room that was described to him. She walked with relief and certainty this time and was less tense as her hands firmly gripped the door knob.

"Shhta" The door knob squeaked as her hands left it as the door was slightly open.

She didn't know she was supposed to knock. She didn't feel she had any reasons to. With her two legs following each other as she walked in with was forming a smile since she was to meet her long-lost boyfriend.

"Fuck!" A voice stained with ecstasy and pleasure shouted as Sophia's eye met something strange and someone even stranger.

Xavier hurriedly got up from the edge of the bed where he was sitting with his dick still out of his pants. He shut the door with no words uttered among all three parties in the room.

"Gulp" Sophia subconsciously made this heavy sound that resonated in the whole room.

"I should probably go now. I'll text you later tonight" A girl dressed almost naked said as she tried to wipe off the spit that had formed lather by the edges of her lips and mouth.

"No. Stay." Xavier replied authoritatively as he held the hand of his fleeing mistress.

Sophia was having one of those episodes where she couldn't help herself. She was in shock; silent in her thoughts and clueless in her absence of words. This face she wore is what would have been regarded as "Freak face".

"AHH…" Sophia's lips could not form a word, but they slightly opened.

There was no remorse in his words, speech or body language at all and this irked Sophia's spirit the more.

Breakups are messy, but this kind is traumatic.

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