
We are Fucked

(MATURE CONTENT!!!) If you have zero tolerance for psychological torture and tragic apocalypse, please stay away from this book. Set in 2099, the world goes blind as a blackout sweeps the Earth with causes yet to be known. In the light of this, all humans above 21 years and below 17 years vanish in that very instant. How do they get through the darkness? Can they get through anything at all? Journey with me to 2099

Stoic7God · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Horror Appears in Human Skin

"Is this all our relationship meant..?" Sophia muttered just loud enough for Xavier to hear as tears were already planning a mega crusade within her eyes.

"EHH!" Xavier scoffed with a derogatory tone following. "What were you thinking? That you were now my life or that my sex life revolved around you alone?" Xavier continued.

The crusade was set in Sophia's eyes and tears began to propagate the gospel of her hurt feelings down her cheeks. She was inaudibly letting out the cry sounds though, slightly sniffling. Xavier was the best thing that had happened to her in 3 years and it meant nothing to him?

Her tears triggered the beast in Xavier as he was hell bound on piercing the uttermost parts of her heart with more words of pain.

"You weren't special, not to me…"

Sophia couldn't take any more of this memory flashback, so she forced herself right out of it.

She was tearing up more and more, so she put her hands in the faucet and back to her face.

All along, the classic, James Arthur's "Train Wreck" was playing through her hologram device which was floating a little above her head. She was a train wreck, too, but one that was very far away from saving. She had run out of her SOS's and had given up on trying.

The bottle of pills that fell to the ground earlier was staring right back at her and the urge to pick it up was gripping her entirety. She bent over to pick up the bottle and in this mid-action, the lights above her shook, her hologram stuttered, the song cracked. This had never happened. It was strange to her.

Was this a sign of hope? Was there some rescue on the way? Did she want to be saved?

This wasn't a mere flicker or a singular stutter. In less than three seconds after, it happened again.

"ZZoooo" The whole electronic and light systems in the bathroom came crashing down, except that this wasn't physical or as loud.

"For the love of pills?!" Sophia said as she blindly picked up the bottle of pills and found her hands on the wall to find balance.

She was disillusioned. The heat within the bathroom was rising as the solar-powered air conditioners that were plastered on every side of the walls stopped to function. This was not just any power outage. Everything was off. In the middle of this confusion, she heard a scream from the room two doors from her and before she could move, the floating hologram came crashing on her head.

The shock, fear and anxiety her brain was processing became overwhelming that this rather weak impact from the crash of the hologram on her head made her to fall to the ground, passing out cold.

"Tdagagda" Sophia's body thudded as it reached the ground. The pills bottle in her hands jumped in the air and scattered wide and far the bathroom as it reached the ground.

"Hey! Hey! Are you okay?" A male soft voice whispered to her face as she slowly opened her eyes, slightly wincing. She had been out for hours, but not certain how long.

"Ummm.." She couldn't think of the words to say to this stranger who had an antiquated candle in his left hand, and her head on his laps as he sat on the ground.

She didn't like what this looked like, so she put in great effort into getting up quickly while the young black boy helped her up to lean on the wall.

"What is this?" Sophia asked slowly as she looked towards the candle in his hands. She had not seen one of these since she went on an excursion to the museum when she was a junior.

The guy was handsome, but she couldn't focus on that. Her questions were buzzing repeatedly in her head and she needed answers.

He was hesitant to give answers and gave her a look of pity and at the same time, care.

"uhmmm. I don't have all the answers right now, but what I do know is that there's something happening and it's like nothing we've ever seen or heard before" he said calmly while looking at her face.

"Gulp" Sophia made this heavy sound yet again and felt uncomfortable about how loud it was but the guy right here didn't seem to care.

"Every device and technological thing ever made has ceased to work. And I think the most scary parts are that our parents, and everyone who's older than 21, I think, are all gone. Like, they've vanished. "

Sophia shivered as she heard these words for two reasons, she couldn't believe all she just heard and it was a deja vu experience for her as she had a similar dream about this which she barely remembered until now.

"Where's the sun?" Sophia asked hoping that she had dreamt wrong or she was just in another horrible dream.

"How did you know about that?" Anthony asked her with a puzzled look.

He didn't get a reply, so he continued, "The sun also vanished. It's not up there anymore. Nothing is"

Imagine the 21st Century without any working technology!

That's so insane that we'd rather not think about it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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