

وَمِنْ اٰيٰتِهٖ خَلْقُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِ وَمَا بَثَّ فِيْهِمَا مِنْ دَاۤبَّةٍ ۗوَهُوَ عَلٰى جَمْعِهِمْ اِذَا يَشَاۤءُ قَدِيْرٌ ࣖ Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and all the living creatures He has scattered throughout them: He has the power to gather them all together whenever He will. - (Asy-Syuura 42:29) ──── •✧• ──── Prey to predators. Truth becomes false. Good to evil and— Hunter to hunted. "The Lion Lose His Fang."— Such aphorisms feel closely familiar to Sharim. The once ferocious lion— wild, and free, lose all his meanings during one sullen night. He is no longer their hero nor thier knight. He is no longer the same teenager who was once reckless and lively. Now. He was just a cripple and injured troublesome lion in the eyes of Hunters— who was once their icon. He; himself was unable to stand on his own without someone's shoulder. He wasn't any different from the pebbles on the road side despite, the war still raging under his nose. "Sharim. If something happens to me- please protect Hibion." He failed to keep his teacher's promise. And- "But, this game of tag is over now." — failed to protect his one's friends. "Do not give up." Amid this misery- Allah u Akbar- '... Someone is still chanting the call to prayer?' — The grace and mercy of Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim haven't ended yet. Dua. Something rang in Sharim's head. Because of that- He raised his hands, towards the sky. "— Save 'me' in that world from reaching the same conclusion as 'me' in this world, As-Salaam." When the war hasn't begun yet nor the silent night robbing anyone's life- Sharim Ishraq's eyes flutter open.

AxolotlHaz_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Within the cave, an atmosphere of oppressive and suffocating presence can be felt, as water drips from towering stalagmites, descending to the gravel on the uneven floor.

Tick. Tick.

There a suspicious pungent smell. As insects buzzed around, bats fluttered and squirrels squealed in delight.

Tick. Tick.

➤ Criek-kekeke-kekeke

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Echoing crackles emanated from the slopes of the cave, trembling as the fading sunlight failed to penetrate the dark depths.


With a piercing gaze, it scans for its next potential target.


The Aswang, an S+ grade monster, emerges from its concealed lair as soon as the sun sets. Its stature and appearance bear a striking resemblance to the creatures of Filipino folklore—a creature known for haunting caves and cemeteries.

Tap. Tap.


With delightful chuckles, it caught glimpses of it's night's meal. It couldn't help but drool.

'Oh, how delightful to see a precious little human child!'

With bated breath, it stared in astonishment as the human crouched behind the discernible wall of the cave, too engrossed in searching for something.

'... Alone. What a pity, such a pity.'

However, there's no need to worry. It wouldn't leave the human alone for long, as the human's child would help to fulfill it's hunger for this night.


Just as its claw was about to touch the child's hair—

"That was an unwise decision."

— its hands crumbled into powder.


In the final moment, the monstrous creature that dwelled in the cave could just exhibit a sense of bewilderment. It even failed to emit a sound of anguish or distress; instead, it dissolved into a multitude of particles, dispersing into the surroundings like fine grains of sand blending into a dark puddle.


The howling wind echoed through the vast crevices, reminiscent of banshees haunting the cemeteries.


As the wind blew, the vibrant blue coat danced in the breeze.


The human's child— he crouched down and reached out, lifting the cube-shaped box that rested on the cave floor.


The amber pupil glows with an intense gaze, scanning the intricate fringes that adorn the cube replica of the cottage belonging to one of 'his' students—Sharim Ihsraq.


Izaeris Faaz let out a deep, exasperated sigh.

"… I have a bad feeling."

As His gaze fell upon the fitting golden ring adorning his finger, all feelings of frustration and exhaustion dissipated almost in an instant.

He smiled.

"I will give it my all..."







Cold and devoid of emotion— was Sharim's first impression upon meeting Izaeris Faliq.

『 "… Izaeris Faaz was not the original head of Izaeris before." 』

『 "…?" 』

Sharim was left speechless at the unexpected proclamation of a man with a stern expression wearing round glasses. At that time, Sharim was still considered an amateur hunter according to Temenos. Thus, he was with Izaeris Faliq to gain more knowledge on his missions in the future.


Unaware of the inner turmoil in Sharim's heart, Faliq turned around— his expression remaining calm and composed, mirroring his own.

『 "He achieved that position through the brutal genocide of the Izaeris clan. He murdered them all." 』







『 An unforeseen bomb was thrown! 』

Sharim was frozen in place, his mind unable to function, as he tried to trail Izaeris Faliq's serene figure into the distance— he was at a loss for words.

「 …. Wow. 」

Calen exclaimed in surprise while Sharim stood frozen, unable to move a muscle.

『 'Why did Tuan Faliq drop this bombshell on me out of nowhere?!' 』

『 '… Which tiger's den have I leaped into?!' 』

Cold and devoid…

Apparently… Izaeris Faliq…

『 "I think, you must know about this information if you want to live in this kind of world a little longer." 』

… He's just straight-up awkward and dense!

『 "Weelll, thanks for shortening it for me???" 』

『 "…?" 』

Faliq couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of comfort as he was doing a great job.

『 'Don't look proud and-' 』

『 'Don't give me that reassuring smile!' 』

『 'You didn't help me at all!' 』

Sharim wants to cry.

『 "Don't worry. Izaeris Faaz is not cruel enough to cause harm to innocent children." 』

Sharim couldn't help but feel the overwhelming need to facepalm.

『 'Teacher... Why did you choose Tuan Faliq to become the teacher's assistant?' 』

『 "What I'm about to say... You can trust Izaeris Faaz even with his background was like that." 』

『 '… I was on the verge of doing it, but, ISN'T IT TOO LATE AT THIS POINT???' 』

Sharim wants to ponder over his fate.

『 'Haaa… How much longer can I live now?' 』

After that incident, Sharim's perception of Izaeris Faliq, who serves as their teacher's head butler and assistant, underwent a significant transformation.







"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum."

Cold and devoid.

"I am Izaeris Faliq, the chancellor of Temenos and assistant to Tuan Izaeris Faaz—"

After their absurd conversation in the previous timeline, Sharim can no longer see Izaeris Faliq in the same light—even though this is their first encounter in this timeline.

"— I will now reveal the names of the Temenos representatives who will be participating in this year's International Hunter Jamboree League."

The cold touch of the air conditioner cut through the dim atmosphere of the auditorium, sending a shiver down Sharim's spine.

'This is it…'

Sharim tightened his grip on his fist.

The future that is about to unfold now will serve as a crucial indicator in determining whether Sharim's vision is either a delusion or—


Sharim was startled and almost leaped from his seat.

"You absolutely must try this sundae."

Yuren is extending a spoonful of delectable strawberry ice cream towards Sharim's mouth.

"Idiot," Hibion, the person sitting next to Sharim, interrupted. "Only a bear like you can eat cold things in a cold place like this—"

He then offered Sharim a mouthwatering churro coated with delectable chocolate.

"—Instead, Sharim, you should eat foods that are served hot like this."

"HA!" Yuren sneered, "when did you become an expert on Sharim's diet to offer him advice on what not to eat?"

"A hybrid like you won't understand," said Hibion sarcastically, "this is called logic."


"You start first."

Churros and sundae. Sharim had two snacks shoved in front of his face.

'… How did it come to this?'

Sharim stood there, stupefied, torn between Hibion and Yuren.






Before attending the opening orientation of the International Hunter Jamboree League last week, he had made a promise to Yuren. He promised to sit together with her in the same seat compartment in the auditorium but—

『 "Oi." 』

Hibion appeared out of nowhere in their seat compartment.

Yuren wanted to refuse, but Sharim just extended an invitation to Hibion to join them. Much to his astonishment, the cold albino accepted.

However, his fleeting judgment—

"As I thought... We shouldn't have let you sit with us!"

"Actually, it was SHARIM who extended the invitation for me to sit here—not you, hybrid."

"What did you say?!"

— led up to this conflict.


Sharim, Yuren, and Hibion startled at once when a powerful roar echoed through the air, jolting them like a bolt of lightning. Churro Hibion fell, planting a tender kiss on the carpet of the auditorium.


Faliq's voice boomed through the microphone, yelling at them.




As the audience's gaze turned towards their quarters—the Temenos officers, staff, and seniors—Hibion and Yuren couldn't help but hang their heads in shame.


Faliq let out such a deep, exasperated sigh that it resonated throughout the entire audience.

"I will proceed after the interruption from our unexpected guests—"

Hibion and Yuren sunk deeper into their seats.

"— The International Hunter Jamboree League is divided into two segments: theory and practical—"

Izaeris Faliq repositioned his hand on the microphone.

"— First, I will announce the names of the representatives for the theory session—"

Sharim brushed off and disregarded all explanations and briefings afterward - this time, he hadn't come to attend this orientation without purpose and going back with nothing in his hands after all.

"I will now reveal the chosen name for the representative of the practical session in the esteemed International Hunting Jamboree League—"

He was determined to confirm something.

"Please have those individuals proceed to the stage—"

Sharim is determined to ascertain if the vivid glimpses of future events he envisions— are true or just-

"— Afterward, I will provide a comprehensive briefing for the League."

Restless, Sharim clenched his fist.

In the previous timeline— which consisted of his fragmented memories— the representative team for the Practical International Hunter Jamboree League consisting of Hibion—

"— Hibion Izan."


"Yuren Zerickhe."


"Sharim Ishraq."

「….. 」

Sharim paled. He felt a chill in his palms.


Just for a fleeting moment.


... Sharim wishes that his visions and dreams, which Calen dismisses as mere nightmares, are delusions just as the Apotalesma said.

His deepest desire is that the world he sees— will never come.


He wants to reject that such an unfortunate future will befall them.

"What are you waiting for— hm? What with your face?"

"Bro, are you okay? Are you feeling sick?"

Hibion and Yuren's anxious voices were drowned out in the thunderous rhythm of Sharim's heart.

『 "You must save Izaeris Faaz." 』

He needs to hold his ground.








"I will now provide all the pertinent details of your mission for this event."

Faliq began scrolling through the tablet in his hand but halted and began rubbing his arm instead.

He doesn't feel well.

'Why… Is it just me or did it suddenly become cold in here?'

Faliq felt a shiver down his spine. The temperature in the atmosphere dropped.

But it wasn't just that.

He also felt an intuition, as if someone or something was about to pounce on him if he disregarded that gut feeling.

'… What in the-'

Faliq was taken aback, at a loss for words, as he was met with a cold glare from Izaeris Faaz's students—Hibion and Yuren.

'… They seem about to start killing people!'

What on earth just happened?

Faliq's confusion grew as their eyes locked onto a peculiar sight—a teenager with vibrant purple hair—


He instantly understood the reason for Hibion and Yuren's foul temperament.

Faliq calls out.

"Sharim Ishraq."

"Huh? Yes?"

Sharim jolted from his reverie.

"Are you alright? You look quite pale."

"Huh? Pale?"

Sharim was taken aback. Faliq's concern brought relief to Yuren and Hibion, but their expressions hardened once again.

"Yes! I am OK!"

However, Faliq wasn't convinced.

"Are you sure about that? Maybe you should go back to the dormitory first—"

"No, I'll stay here."

Faliq glanced at Hibion and Yuren, their silence making the situation more unsettling and—



— their faces becoming more and more intimidating.


Faliq understood Hibion and Yuren's quiet behavior. It was imminent and visible on their faces— it was visible on their faces, the intention to pounce on Sharim, capture him, and drag him back to the dormitory. However-

'—They are restraining themselves.'

He turned to Sharim— the kid's face filled with confusion while his skin was as pale as chalk now.

'… This kid.'

Faliq wants to let out a sigh.

'He so stubborn.'

He was not fit for this line of work. Izaeris Faaz is the perfect candidate for this kind of task.


Faliq just able to heave a deep sigh and keep a cool head.

"… If you had said so."

Yuren and Hibion now fixate on him with an ominous death glare.

'Whelp. I tried?'

Ignoring them, he proceeded to distribute the thin tablets he held to Hibion, Sharim, and Yuren.

"This is a revised case for you three and other international hunters. The investigation revolves around the peculiar demise of an entire family residing in XXX, Saudi Arabia."

Hibion's eyebrow shot up in surprise.

"Will this expedition take place in Saudi Arabia?"

'He… quite sharp.'

Faliq felt a mix of unease in the presence of the albino, but he couldn't help but praise him for his quick-wittedness.

"Yes," added Faliq, "just a few days after moving into their new house— tragedy struck the entire family on the third night, and they were all killed."

Yuren meticulously examined the document and noticed, "There are no indications of any external injuries on the body."

The girl's gems peridot shined as she scanned the paragraph, "while there are rumors about ghosts—ghosts can't cause harm or death to humans."

"Basically, what we're dealing with— is a monster's attack."

Sharim inadvertently let his thoughts slip out.

"How could there be a monster inside the house?"



"…huh? What?"

Not just Yuren and Hibion, Faliq also looks at him in baffleness— confusing him more.

What…? What did he say wrong?

But, Faliq then just starts to explain again.

"… The Monsters are not an issue at all. In fact, amateur hunters are capable enough to defeat these monsters without Stigma. However, the same cannot be said for normal humans."

There could be another Hawiah emerging in the neighborhood—but Sahara Hawiah remains as the sole presence in the area and is under a strict control.

That is the reason the higher-ups are speculating on how a monster could have 'appeared' inside the residence despite the enhanced measures that have been implemented.

"Let's make a quick recap on the definition of Hawiah…."

Faliq shifted his gaze towards Hibion, snapping his fingers.


"Hawiah basically serves as portals and dimensions that lead to the habitats and ecosystems of monsters," Hibion provided a straightforward explanation.

Hawiah is a realm that can be described as a paradise for its monstrous residents while being a true nightmare for humans.

Home for the monsters.

"Could there possibly be an ongoing eruption in Hawiah?"

Yuren seized the fleeting moment.

'That's not it.'

Sharim subconsciously tightened his grip on the tablet.

'… An eruption takes place when there is an overwhelming population of monsters in Hawiah but-'

It was not that simple.

However, he was unable to disclose the his opnion due to a lack of sufficient information. If he were to attempt to do so, it would just worsen the situation.

'... like in the previous timeline.'

He was scared.

Faliq waved his tablet to regain their focus back on him.

"I will continue."

He said.

"The inquest element had a positive impact on the presence of the Hawiah phenomenon or rift in that house but Hawiah's 'Gate' is nowhere to be found and there is no evidence of monsters' trace upon investigation."

"So, monsters are not the issue but isn't this case posing a greater risk of danger?"

Hibion munching on his churro and continue.

"Why doesn't Teacher Izaeris take charge and handle the situation instead?"

Faliq responds with ease.

"— let's get back to the purpose and reason behind the creation of the Jamboree League— that is the mission assigned to the three of you."


Yuren and Hibion noded in understanding.

"You will be conducting an investigation to determine the presence of an eruption and if there is— annihilate the monsters as a Hunter would do."

"Aye, aye, captain!"

"Ah! One more thing-"

Faliq gave a surprising smirk.

"As Temenos' wealth knows no bounds—"

"He wants to brag," Hibion whispered to Yuren.


Faliq, however, chooses to disregard them and carries on with unwavering pride.

"An exclusive initiative has been introduced for Temenos. You have the opportunity to add one more member to the team who has not participated in the IHJL for the past five years."

"That's all. You are free to go."

In other words, 'get out!'

Yuren, bubbling with excitement, turned towards Sharim.

"Hey, bro! Let's go grab some Temenos-"

However, Sharim was oblivious to her comment as he was engrossed in his thoughts while reviewing their mission report again.


He couldn't divert his gaze from a particular sentence in the report.

『— the growing numbers of monsters. 』

He couldn't help but imagine the worst possible outcome.

'… The Hawiah's Hollow.'

The gruesome incident that almost wiped out their entire team in the previous timeline.

'… I can't remember.'

He couldn't shake the sensation that the information provided might be related to Hollow's Hawiah, but he couldn't pinpoint if his memories were accurate— linked to this expedition.

'... Ya Allah.'

His heart couldn't help but weep.

'Give me strength.'

He must do it. He must.









Sharim gazed upwards and witnessed the sunlight filtering through the maple trees, transforming into a mesmerizing shade of orange-brown.

"Here's Teh Tarik for you, bro!"

That's when Yuren appeared from above, extending a canned Teh Tarik to him.

She then made an exaggerated gesture towards Hibion, "Temenos' exclusive Bandung for me alone and none for you!"

"Who needs it," remarked Hibion as he brought out a dark red thermos that he had been holding onto for quite some time from the Temenos' Cafeteria. A peculiar aroma wafted through the air as he uncovered the thermos' lid. Hibion emerged with a thermos of ramen.

"Wait... I recognize this smell," Yuren's nose tingled as she sniffed the air. "Isn't this Kapow's ramen?! How the heck were you able to consume that repulsive spicy thing?"

"I was wondering the same too."

Hibion frowned in disgust.

"How on earth can you stomach that Bandung? It's like a combination of gummies, cake, and other disgusting sweets were mixed together."

"Hey! It was meant for my brain! Moreover! Why on earth would you use a fork instead of chopsticks to eat ramen?"

"How I eat is none of your concern, hybrid."

"This cheeky little-!"

'... I must put an end to this,' Sharim thought, as he set down his drinks. He don't want to deal with the after effect between them.

"Do you have any idea of who we should choose as an additional member for our expedition?"

"What about Solana?!"

Excitedly waving her hand, Yuren was the first to offer a suggestion. It's strange, but Sharim sensed a strong competition brewing between those two.

"She's not reliable and she isn't interested," refuted Hibion as he slurped his ramen. His red lips grew redden. "Plus, she prefers attending the opening of his business abroad more... you know how obsessed she is with money."

"I suggest we choose Hanan!"

"Are all hybrids an idiot? The Jamboree League is only open to Hunters aged 16 and above."

"What? Huh? Really? Then how old is Hanan?"

"Pak Pandir Hybrid."

"What did you say?!"

Yuren's face turned to a shade of crimson. It is evident that she did not grasp the meaning behind Hibion's insult.

"How about senior Baqir?! If he joins us, everything will be easy, RIGHT?"

"No, he can't."

However, this time it wasn't Hibion who replied.

Sharim glances at Hibion. Clack. Hibion set his clean thermos down. Now, he has Yuren's and Hibion's attention on him. With gentle movements, he rose and nestled in the circle between Yuren and Hibion.

"Three years ago, Baqir joined the IHJL together with Zarul."


"But," Hibion frowned, placing his fork back into the thermos.

"Do we truly necessitate an additional member? Isn't the participant requirement simply a minimum of one person from each institution?"

"Indeed, you are correct, however..."

Indeed, it is accurate that the limit of participants remains at four individuals, with one person as the minimum required from each institution. The reason for this is that the expense of sending a delegate to participate in the International Hunter Jamboree League almost reached one trillion dollars—not to mention the cost of multiple representatives.


Temenos possessed an immense fortune. In simple terms, the wealthiest.

Temenos surpasses all institutions worldwide, holding the record for having the largest budget among institutions.

To provide fairness for institutions with financial hardships, the International Hunter Jamboree League has decided to restrict the number of participants to four.

Despite that.

"We must get another one."

Sharim is in urgent need of recruiting an additional member to join their expedition.

'... There are a bunch of controversies about me.'

Yuren might assume that he is unaware of this information due to the efforts (he heard) from Yuren and (surprisingly) Hibion to prevent the rumor from reaching him. However, perfection is a difficult thing to achieve, and there were still some details that managed to reach him.

『 "I think the stress got to him-" 』

『 "Can't believe he is Master Izaeris Faaz's student." 』

He happened to overhear numerous malicious rumors accusing him of going insane following the 'bloody incident' that occurred during his hospitalization, a time when he was still in a state of utter confusion.

'Now, I am unable to directly inform anyone about the future or...'

People will become more suspicious or, even worse, will not believe him at all - including Hibion, Yuren, and Izaeris Fa-

Sharim in subconscious rubbed his shin.

'... Perhaps I have become too traumatized?'

『 "The delegates from four different institutions and I have agreed and reached a conclusive decision— whether Sharim Ihsraq is there or not— the outcome of the expedition will remain unchanged—" 』

Although his teacher has claimed that the outcome will remain unchanged, Sharim can't agree more, as he possesses a deep understanding of his teacher's true intention behind those words.

The truth is— if there happens to be a skilled veteran hunter present on the expedition at the time, even if their presence is brief, Izaeris will be able to come to their aid and save them all on time.


In the previous timeline.

Thanks to Sharim, Izaeris Faaz's reputation took a nosedive turns among his fellow executives and in the media. His relationship with other Hunter's Executives became strained. However, despite all of this, he continued to treat Sharim with warmth and affection, like a true brother.


The Izaeris have shown immense kindness and compassion towards Sharim, treating him as if he were one of their own after he suffered irreplaceable losses in a catastrophic monster attack.

Sharim's fist tightened.

'I don't care… just someone… one person…'

He was desperate.

"… ugh."

He heard a deep groan— It was Hibion.

"…I don't want to suggest her because she is the worst but-"

Hibion hesitated. He's groaning too much as if he lacks a choice in the matter.

"We need to meet her face-to-face."









"That sums up today's report."

"Yep. Thank you, Faliq."


Faliq was silent for a moment. He then placed the tablet on Izaeris Faaz's office desk, all the while gazing out of the window. The moon shines with exceptional brilliance tonight—but the brilliance of amber surpasses even the brightest of lights.

The amber was so captivating, it felt like a trap.


He gazes at those two brilliant Ambers.

"Faaz, do you believe that Sharim Ishraq's condition is so severe that it could significantly affect his behavior and presence?"

Faliq, take a moment to reflect upon it.

"While in the auditorium, he shows… peculiar behavior."

Sharim Ishraq was recognized for his nonchalant demeanor and nature looking for trouble amongst his teenage friends.

A mischievous and energetic student. It is challenging to stop him once he has made up his mind. Izaeris Faliq suffered from a severe migraine for quite some time—because of him.

Sharim's stubbornness is often ridiculous, but underneath that exterior— lies a generous heart.


Since the 'vomiting blood' incident, something in Sharim Ihsraq's has changed.

He seemed… more mature and calm?

"...perhaps," Izaeris Faaz nonchalantly stated, eliciting a sigh from Faliq.

"He is still a child and still learning, after all."

Izaeris Faaz then tossed a block cube on the tea table— a cube resembling an enchanting English cottage. Clack, clack. The replica spins multiple times before coming to rest on the table.

Faliq gazed at the replica and recognized its striking resemblance to—

"I stumbled upon this replica, during a recent inspection in Hawiah Beruntung."

— Sharim Ihsraq's dormitory.

"How can this object be there?" Faliq exclaimed, examining the replica in his hand once more, "everything is remarkably identical... This cannot be just a mere coincidence... Look here," he gestured towards the peculiar circular curve, "it's so specific... It even included the unique symbol of the Temenos dormitory."

Indeed, it is not just some structure with a similar appearance.

Izaeris Faaz, once again, begins to speak.

"… Their target is Sharim Ishraq."


"I will go outstation again."

He then snatches the opulent blue coat hanging over the edge of a chair.

"AGAIN? But you just came back! Wait— Faaz—! Did you manage to get any rest before coming back?"


"… Faaz."

Unlike most people, Izaeris Faaz does not have any signs of tiredness or fatigue, such as bags underneath. Izaeris Faaz's handsome face continues to glow with a smooth and radiant allure but-

"Work is work... You have to take care of your health too."

Faliq has a keen awareness of when Izaeris Faaz was fatigued.

'His eyes…'

Faliq was so absorbed in Sharim Ihsraq's condition that he hadn't realized it until now.


The enchanting amber hue and a mesmerizing spiral of black encircling them were profound to him.

"... Nothing really can't get past you, huh?"


"Hahaha. Ok, ok. I was joking."

'No. He was not,' Faliq thought to himself. 'His laughter was also weak too.'

Feeling certain that his butler will never back down, Izaeris Faaz manages a faint smile—a smile that reflects his genuine emotions.

"What can I do?"

He walks over to the flower section, which is teeming with vibrant golden monarch butterflies. A member of the flock soars towards him as if expressing a warm welcome.

"One of Temenos' students is in danger after all."

Flap. Flap.

He found himself encircled in a swarm of golden butterflies.

"It is the teacher's responsibility to protect his students, right?"

He turned around, mustering his best smile.


For a moment, for Faliq, Izaeris Faaz resembles a child embarking on an exciting adventure with a swarm of golden butterflies.



"If you ever find yourself in need, remember that Allah is always there for you."


He was stunned for a moment. However, at that moment, he felt a sudden relief as the tension that had settled in his shoulders dissipated. It took him a while to realize that the burden had been lifted, even if a little bit.

It was a peculiar sensation.

Izaeris Faaz's lips twitched in tenderness.

"I'll think about it."

✍️ Pak Pandir is an incredibly popular comic character in the rich Malay oral tradition. His thrilling adventures can be found across the entire Malay Peninsula, captivating audiences far and wide. He was famously known as a fool, so when someone is referred to as 'Pak Pandir', it was a discreet insult to call someone 'foolish'.

✍Teh tarik, a beloved hot milk tea drink, is a cherished gem found in numerous Southeast Asian countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand.

✍ Bandung is also a drink in Malaysia. But this Bandung variation in Temenos was very, very sweet till it taste disgusting for Hibion.

AxolotlHaz_creators' thoughts