
Ways to handle this little demon (bl)

For him, this world is the very definition of cruelty and hell, an existence that should be utterly devastated and wiped out once and for all. If he couldn't have peace, then no one was allowed to have it, just as his whole life was an absolute nightmare, each and every life of these humans had to be eternal nightmare. Demon King, Zhang Long wei, spent his whole life holding onto this so-called the world's most reasonable logic of his. To the whole cultivational world, he was such a great calamity that was impossible and unimaginable to annihilate, the very fear of every single being. But then, the news of the great Demon King getting slain by a group of young cultivators made the three realms ended up in uproar. Everyone was gloating and celebrating for his decease when Zhang Long wei found himself waking up in a body of a fifteen-year-old boy named Li Zian, a disciple of the immortal Wang. And there, what intrigued him the most was that the person who was responsible for his downfall, the one who took his life and also the leader of that youths' group, had turned out to be that one and only genius son of the immortal Wang, the shizun of his current body. What would be the first thing that came out of his mind? Revenge? Nope. His life had been all about these kinds of malicious stuff, so he decided to enjoy this one with the life of a regular youth. Let give himself a try to be average and normal. Let give the world some time for peace. Nevertheless, after a couple of confrontations with that son of his present shizun, his iron- like heart was melted and fell for this unruly youth somehow. The demon king started to chase after him with the mask of his aged fifteen body. Even so, heaven was too vicious and parsimonious to let him adore these blessing moments for a longer while as the fate between him and the youth was reversed. He had become people's hero whom the youth once wished him to be, yet the youth was now converted into a demon who had gone crazy for a brutal fate his family and sect had encountered. Let's see how the once powerful demon King would handle and tame this little demon and how these two would work together to find out and exterminate the real culprit behind the scenes. ------------------- Hello there, my dear readers! This is my very first time writing a novel . So I had to admit I felt thrilled and nervous a bit. English is not my first language. Thus I can't guaranteed there won't be any writing problems though I would try my best to fix and make progress. Please support me with your precious votes and comments. Thank you. ------- The cover art does not belong to me. All credits go to the original owner.

snowflake248 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
166 Chs

Freezing the harmonious atmosphere

A youth in white was walking to the direction of the gate of the bamboo forest with each step of his as fast as that of a snail. Chewing a straw of grass in his mouth, the youth kept mumbling something indignantly.

Damn pervert....damn pervert....damn pervert...

In as much as he would like to continue dragging the time this way, Wang Li Jie knew he couldn't. With a sigh, the youth picked up his pace, throwing away the innocent grass which had just been bitten and chewed mercilessly by a certain someone no other than this frustrated nerd.

At first, Wang Li Jie thought he would get a chance to skip this session of swordsmanship trained by his tiny little perverted master. After all, many of other disciples had been given certain missions and some of them had already gone down the mountain. The wicked youth got his hopes up, thinking, like others, he would also get a mission and be able to skip a particular damn session.

But the immortal father who had already seen through this mischievous thought process of his son didn't give him any special task and made him go to this forest, forcing him to kiss the ass of that esteemed brat.

Soon, Wang Li Jie was reaching his very destination but he was not going to kiss that damn ass. Instead, he was ready to award that learned master of his with a kick in the ass....well, that is, if he had the courage to face his father mighty whip. Thinking of this, the disheartened youth lowered his head and sighed yet again.

As long as there was his father to check in on him, Wang Li Jie just didn't see a chance to put that junior in his place. For this youth, Zhang Long Wei was the very definition of a pain in the ass right now.

An impressive scenery of jade like stems of graceful bamboo came into his view. Never in his life did he have expected this sort of elegant and tranquil forest would become the very area where his nightmares took place. Still not sure of what to do when faced with a certain pervert, the youth walked over towards the gate with those hesitant steps.

The youth was busy being occupied with his own thoughts that he didn't realized the presence of three figures at the front of the gate. Faint noises of someone talking with that coquettish tone came from afar, yanking the youth out of whatever frustrating thoughts of his.

"Ahh....Zian-gege is such a gentleman.....hahaha. Seriously, gege should have a sense of realization over how lucky he is to get you as a master."

Li Mei? .....How come she was here?

With that thought, the gloomy youth raised his head as he looked into the distance. And that was when the sight of his dear mom and meimei having a casual chit-chat with that brand new master of his, standing right at the entrance of the gate, came into his vision.

"No way...miss Li. It is too much praise for me. I'm not that much of a great gentleman. It's just that I got some skills in swordsmanship.

I can accept all compliments about my sword skills. But please, don't flatter me with such big words like gentleman."

The trio didn't even seem to realize his arrival. What's so good about having a word with that pervert? And also, why were both of them here, having time for a casual chat with that brat when the peak was confronting a crucial time because of the curse?

"Hahaha.....young boy, you have such great confidence in your swordsmanship. But at the same time, you know how to be a humble disciple. You really are worthy of his praises...."

Clenching his fist, the youth paused as an eerily creepy aura surrounded him all of a sudden. Wang Li Jie felt like he had just been betrayed by the ones he trusted the most. These three being in such a harmonious atmosphere...he just couldn't come to terms with this bitter reality.

Nothing went smoothly since he first met paths with this brat. And it just got worse with time. His aura got darker and darker so much that Wang Li Mei who was giving her back to her gege turned around all of a sudden, sensing a certain cold and threatening aura from behind.

And that was when she was happened to meet eyes with a particular exploding human volcano. A chill went down her spine. And the scared girl turned her head back in a flash, faking an act as though she saw nothing wrong over there at all.

Forcing to put on that "everything is completely okay and fine like hell" smile, the young lady tugged at her mom's sleeves unnoticeably. Trying to follow the laughters of the other two, the girl mumbled something, shifting closer to her mom.

"Hahaha....that's so funny...hahaha....

mom, gege's here ...mom...mom.....hahaha..... it really is so funny. "

She herself couldn't even differentiate what's funny or what's not funny anymore. The only thing she could think of right at the moment was that creepily lovely face of her gege.

Mistress Wang sensing her daughter's abnormal behaviours, spun around only to realize her son's arrival. The youth had already changed his expression to a blank one. And mistress Wang, still not noticing anything wrong, waved her hand to him with that smile as warm as always.

"Oh...Li Jie, you're already here. Come.....come.....boy.....do you know how long has your master been waiting for you? Aiyaa....Li Jie, you should have come here a little bit earlier..."

Hearing the mistress' words, Zhang Long Wei also turned to glance in the youth's direction. Two youths looking at each other with such cold and frosty gazes, freezing the harmonious atmosphere before completely.

The two spectators beside thought it was going to take a while to break this freezing atmosphere. But they were proved to be wrong. They didn't know what made this unruly youth to change his attitude out of the blue. Wang Li Jie who was eyeing his master with that deathly glare just a second ago, now put on that creepily sweet smile in an instant, walking closer to the side of his little brand new master steps by steps.

Tilting his head and putting on that pathetic facade, the youth leaned closer to Zhang Long wei as he uttered those words, getting into the mode of an extremely obedient disciple.

"Master, sorry to keep you waiting. There won't be a next time for sure. I promise.....I really, really promise ...please...forgive this little ignorant disciple.....will you?"

Mistress Wang "Li Jie..."

Wang Li Mei " Ge....you....."

Zhang Long wei "It's.... it's fi...fine. "

Clearing his throat, Zhang Long wei attempted to take his eyes away from this naughty youth who would become his very first disciple in next to no time. Frowning, the perplexed demon questioned himself in his heart.

Fuck, what did he just get himself into? ....