
Ways to handle this little demon (bl)

For him, this world is the very definition of cruelty and hell, an existence that should be utterly devastated and wiped out once and for all. If he couldn't have peace, then no one was allowed to have it, just as his whole life was an absolute nightmare, each and every life of these humans had to be eternal nightmare. Demon King, Zhang Long wei, spent his whole life holding onto this so-called the world's most reasonable logic of his. To the whole cultivational world, he was such a great calamity that was impossible and unimaginable to annihilate, the very fear of every single being. But then, the news of the great Demon King getting slain by a group of young cultivators made the three realms ended up in uproar. Everyone was gloating and celebrating for his decease when Zhang Long wei found himself waking up in a body of a fifteen-year-old boy named Li Zian, a disciple of the immortal Wang. And there, what intrigued him the most was that the person who was responsible for his downfall, the one who took his life and also the leader of that youths' group, had turned out to be that one and only genius son of the immortal Wang, the shizun of his current body. What would be the first thing that came out of his mind? Revenge? Nope. His life had been all about these kinds of malicious stuff, so he decided to enjoy this one with the life of a regular youth. Let give himself a try to be average and normal. Let give the world some time for peace. Nevertheless, after a couple of confrontations with that son of his present shizun, his iron- like heart was melted and fell for this unruly youth somehow. The demon king started to chase after him with the mask of his aged fifteen body. Even so, heaven was too vicious and parsimonious to let him adore these blessing moments for a longer while as the fate between him and the youth was reversed. He had become people's hero whom the youth once wished him to be, yet the youth was now converted into a demon who had gone crazy for a brutal fate his family and sect had encountered. Let's see how the once powerful demon King would handle and tame this little demon and how these two would work together to find out and exterminate the real culprit behind the scenes. ------------------- Hello there, my dear readers! This is my very first time writing a novel . So I had to admit I felt thrilled and nervous a bit. English is not my first language. Thus I can't guaranteed there won't be any writing problems though I would try my best to fix and make progress. Please support me with your precious votes and comments. Thank you. ------- The cover art does not belong to me. All credits go to the original owner.

snowflake248 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
166 Chs

Fighting like arch-enemies

It was already noon and other disciples had almost done with their morning classes. Most of the sect disciples who were sent down the mountain, had come back to the peak as well.

They looked overly worn out. It's safe to say these poor souls had gone through a strict interrogation managed by no other than a bunch of inquisitive villagers. At first, everything was okay. But then, those curious villagers started making questions. Well, it was still fine up until the point they had had enough of those terribly common answers of these disciples- "nothing serious."

Was it their fault that they were not good at avoiding suspicions? Were they also supposed to be good at faking an act too? Those villagers were just too scary. Not even powerful evil monsters might be as scary as those villagers' extreme curiosity. Poor young kids got surrounded by those mortal villagers in the middle of the road and got interrogated as if they had just done some immoral things.

If it were not for one of the disciples suggesting to use transportation talismans to get out of the mess-up situation, there was a high chance that these villagers had already beaten the truth out of them.

That's right. Those inhabitants were overly creepy. But when it was compared to their master Wang's temper, it was really nothing. That immortal master Wang of theirs was not the type to let them get off scot free even if they gave a practical explanation. That immortal scared them even more.

In fact, they would rather stay at the peak and attend morning classes, getting whatever noisy blah blah blah scoldings from their masters. Others were jealous because they were chosen for the mission and could skip classes for this morning. Mind you, if only they could change places with those idiots how great would it be?

It seemed like today was not a good day for all of Jianyu Sect disciples. Some of the disciples were wallowing in their own grievances while two particular youths were taking their time, having a fierce fight in the middle of a certain bamboo forest.

The youth's attacks were impressive. And the demon king had to admit he was having a hard time here, barely managing to counterattack this youth. Who's the one who made the rules of using their weapons alone? No using powers....But now look at them, dueling like some arch-enemies using all sorts of tricks and cultivational powers of theirs.

The youth seemed to be hesitating whether to take out his card of summoning heavenly thunder. The tips of his hands already overflowing with currents of electricity with his so-called lighting fury giving off an impression as though it really was in its extreme fury right now.

That was funny. If one were to witness this scene, they might wrong it for the sympathy of this youth over his junior. But Zhang Long Wei knew very well that it had nothing to do with sympathy. That youth was holding himself back just because he was afraid to ruin the forest. Well.....indeed, ruining the forest was not the real worry. The actual problem was the consequences of ruining this place.

There was this strict rule not to damage any of the bamboos in the forest. Even if it was not ruining the whole forest, even if it was just a stem or two, the rule was the rule. And the creepy sect leader Wang would not hesitate to punish them whatever smart excuses they came up with.

Smirking, Zhang Long Wei sent a couple of ice daggers flying in the youth's direction which he avoided skillfully. A couple of daggers.....it really was a face-slapping moment that the demon could only showed off this crappy attack in front of this youth. The owner of a heaven spiritual root like Li Zian was supposed to have more impressive skills than this.

But sadly, for a certain reason which Zhang Long Wei calculated to be a curse, this body never made it to the stage of peak foundation establishment. He bet this youth might have been already laughing at his own petty moves in the heart.

But what could he do other than that? He had no choice but to go with it. After all, this curse could only be lifted if Zhang Long Wei chose to cultivate the demonic art. He didn't think much about it. If he wished, he could just do it tonight or tomorrow. If it were not for his curiosity as to how it would be like to be a master of this youth, he would have made use of a particular forbidden incantation already.

How come they reached all the way of starting a fierce duel while the youth in front of him was apologizing him with his pathetic tone just an hour ago? It was all obvious. The one to blame would be mistress Wang who revealed that unreasonable rule "handle my son in your own ways" of her immortal husband.

If it were not for that mistress intentionally spilling the beans, he bet the youth might have been still in his best behaviours right now. Well, no use in blaming her though. After all, what had happened had already happened.

As soon as those two family members of the youth went back, his attitude towards him had drastically changed. Without saying nothing, the youth entered the forest heading for his usual cultivating spot. The demon who was supposed to be a master in this relationship had to follow him obediently.

The silent atmosphere was damn awkward. And the demon was being over the fence whether to initiate a word to break this atmosphere when the youth suddenly spun around and gave him that evil smile out of no where.

For a while, the demon had gone blank. This youth was looking at him as though he was looking at a pathetic prey who had unfortunately landed into his trap.

Finding this situation quite amusing, Zhang Long wei went with the flow, pretending as if he didn't spot that evil smile at all. He saw the youth coming closer to him with his dark aura as though threatening him to shrink in fright. But who was he kidding? This was the lord of demons. Even if the youth put that keen blade of lightening fury on his neck and made a threat, this demon was not the type to break out in a speck of cold sweat.

The youth's mischievous smile faded away somewhat, seemingly being unsatisfied with his unfazed reaction. But then, the smile got its way to his tempting lips once again as he took another two steps in his way. Leaning closer to him with his hands clasping behind the back, the youth chuckled before whispering words of threats into his ears.

Little master, I hope you are ready to learn some manners from this brand new disciple of yours.....